Pokemorph Virus: Meeting
Zapdos and moltres from kanto, ho-oh from johto, latias from hoenn, and giratina and azelf from sinnoh. and finally, as kat and mike had expected, there was the low whale like bellow from kyogre as it admitted to the disease as well.
No Light to Be Seen Book 2: Chapter 4
Remember that moltres cult we stopped seemingly forever ago?" "the fucker was a part of shit? damn i **hated** those guys! gave all of us fire type trainers everywhere a bad name.
Pokemon: QATM Chapter 17
You are a litwick and i am moltres; that is the difference between us. understand?" marvin nodded, weakly. "good," returned kevin, releasing marvin and letting him stand back upright, as well as straighten out his vest and shirt.
Chapter 5: Our Power
Her eyes met mine, flashing like a moltres' flame, her tail up and wagging. feeling my own spirit rising, i grinned at her. "we'll win this one and bring our rank one step closer to the top!
Chapter Five: Our Power
Her eyes met mine, flashing like a moltres' flame, her tail up and wagging. feeling my own spirit rising, i grinned at her. "we'll win this one and bring our rank one step closer to the top!
Crimson Fire: Chapter Two
His face lit up as its front page showed they had captured new pictures of the legendary moltres. he swiftly added it to his basket.
Luna and Thief Ch: 14
Zapdos, articuno, moltres, lugia and ho-oh. entei, suicune and raikou. groudon, kyrogre and rayquaza... standing before her, in the last split seconds were their bodies, defeated - the impossible. in their place was **_them_**.
Heat Lightning
A talonflame or maybe moltres? no... they'd be higher. don't think there's any of those around here anyway.
Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories, Norva Part 1
Everyone knew that the three legendary birds of articuno, moltres, and zapdos were nesting there, and everyone who was born on the islands knew it was best not to tangle to with them.
A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 37
"could the moltres help us?" i asked. "would there be others willing to help, like you?" west looked at her brothers and sister, who all shook their heads. "we do not know what has happened to the moltres in a long time."
Probably moltres. the weather sure reflected the emotions in the hallway alright. a thunderstorm of rage, building up inside roxy. sad tears, mixed with the rain on may's cheeks. a hurricane of emotions inside mark. may decided to break the silence.
Blunt Force Happiness
"noc, what in the name of moltres happened to you? details, now!" "later." i said with a laugh, putting my hands up in mock surrender. "i wanted to see if you were free for a nice dinner somewhere.