The Return

Kauko returned home afterwards, keeping a close eye on the news, as well as a network map open of the universal network.

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Simulation Realities: Beginning of Blue Giant

It said i was assigned as a network maintenance officer. "hey, i'm a network maintenance officer, what did everyone else get?" i yelled out while feeling certain gaps in my knowledge fill.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1

Of storage facilities around 2030ad \ and called the network of vaults, living quarters and industry, terra exodae.

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Serpentis Mechanica Regnum

We are a network, a god in the network that cannot be extinguished so easily." those words sent an icy chill down ake's spine, if what vuul was saying was true, that meant that their entire attempt would be in vain.

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The Transcendent

He also notes that it's connected to the network. the whole situation reminds him of the first time he arrived, and was tormented by the bored network security folks who remotely pulled pranks on him.

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Beware Unlicensed Mods

Is there anything similar to it on the network?" "checking... yes, there is another new mod on the network that is for cyber night and appears to be similar in nature to this one."

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Soon, he makes it to one of our networks, veins made to transport troops like blood transporting through a body. "shadow," my eye speaks, "because you are part of us, you can use our network to get from place to place.

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Velo and Friends-Velo 1: Vacation Assignment

If you're spotted they will crash their network for a week or until you're caught and they have secured the area. if you're spotted they may also call in armed authorities." in case you haven't noticed, i'm an agent.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 11

A computer and the network, coercion jobs. even back when he was a corporate lackey, when he was home, he'd do some on his own time to practice. he wished he could do that here.

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Myths and Stereotypes of the Furry Subculture

Soon other national magazines, newspapers, and television networks began focusing on furry's fantastical fetishes.

Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 12

He'd found the facsimile of david on the network and used it to work backward to his office, only it wasn't his office.

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