The Night is Long

She would eventually be dismissed as meredith and her cadre retired to sample the opium, she would relax her sore back in bed, and she would call nadira and sephii to her room to help suckle the creamy milk out of her plush teats, relaxing the pain

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Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can

She'd read case studies done with psychics to see how certain drugs affected their abilities; opium was a potent one, as were certain hallucinogenic fungus varieties.

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They are the opium of the people, and cause so much hatred. what about you?" franco inquired, maybe thinking that it was about time for the wolf to give his thoughts. "whut?" was the dumb reply of the lupo.

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Riding Red (latex TF, various)

Of course, if she _was_ chinese, anyone who knows even a little about the opium wars would be looking at her name and going "hang on a second"...

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The Forgotten 8: Homecoming

His mind had already started working through the beginning haze of the opium. he had no doubt that once word had gotten out about the braans' rebellion that others would be keen to join. it was inevitable that it would come to this.

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Chapter 11 - Workplace Relationships

Silk, pearls, dragons...opium, i know simon's homeland is very interested in places in the far east." "the east india trade company," shu nodded. "that is true. they are, and have been, trying to make inroads to asia for years.

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Chapter 5: Northward

From those window are moaning sound of prostitutes, the arguing sound of different dealers and customers and the opium smoke floating like haze cloud.

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The Fox General: The Longest Month

I really wished i hadn't quit opium, i could have really used a hit right about then. a sharp chirp rang out in the sky. guy was announcing he had made contact with the enemy and the distant rumbling of battle commenced.

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To Dress a Pig Chapter 5: Unreason

"it's a really simple task, you know," she mused, "a little bit of opium to slow blood flow, but not too much, because we still need to feel the operation, and some adrenaline to keep that cheating heart of yours pounding and whadya know?

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Greener Pastures Chapter 4

While they do clean clothing and such, the main source of money for chinese laundries is the opium den they usually run behind their shop. if carson has an opium addiction then i can narrow down my search to the dens.


The Fox General: Sound the Retreat

_fuck, where's some damned opium?_ my heart was pounding like a galloping horse and my right arm started to tingle. i leaned against the side of the throne and started panting.

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The Fox General: Blood on the Suez

"hashish and opium," i answered as the lion took out a paper-wrapped package and ran his nose along it. i gently took it back from him, "as a gift to the chief." "he'll enjoy that, i'm sure," the lion finished patting me down.

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