Bunny Love

But as she fell into a routine the new started to wear off and the repetition finally got to her. she could finish an entire day's work in the time it took new hires to barely get started. this left her lot of time to think to herself.

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My Quotes. 2.

#2 of quotes -many are repetitive from my last ones for new readers- -other than that, you could comment on the ones you like and dislike, i looooove comments!

That Figure

I did use an awful lot of repetition though. tell me what you think. i'm always looking to improve. i don't know when they will announce the winner, but if i win i will post a journal about it.


unspoken words

Sort of...a sub-par work of mine that doesnt measure up to my normal works. but i needed to dump some of my feelings and break the chain of endless repetition ^\_^. enjoy, comments are appreciated.

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Margot Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Ch. 2

It gets repetitive. tiring. but that's life. as one of the few people who likes change, it's rough on finn. time passes. and more time passes. and some more.

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A New Gym Pt.1

I brought the bar down to start my seventh repetition, and i struggled to push the bar back up. my arms were starting to shake and it must've been obvious to mark as he stepped in to prepare to help me.

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Tales from the Foxhole: Chapter 6

Adam let his breath go and brought it back down to his chest to do a second repetition. "there you go! see? you can totally do this!

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Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)

I find them overrated, exceedingly boring and extremely repetitive with no real replayability. but, as with my entry about horror games, there are _some_exceptions.

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Watching Your Language

.** in this, i recommend getting a thesaurus ... or going to [www.thesaurus.com](http://www.thesaurus.com/)where you will be able to repeat similar actions in different ways and avoid the repetition of the movements which are necessary to achieve lift-off.

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Raptor Rave

The other raptor chanted as hayes began to hear that repetitive, raving music not so far off, wincing as her back burned momentarily. "off with the top!"

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Zonktober 2022 - 3. Memory play

"i am gym meat," the dragon mumbled with each repetition, his soft voice a drowsy monotone. "gym meat obeys. i am gym meat. gym meat obeys. i am gym meat. gym meat obeys. i am gym meat..." void, meanwhile, just glanced at his own claws disinterestedly.

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The Devil's Love Chp. 2: Dreams of Myster

My head turned when i heard a branch snap and the repetitive thumping of a heart. i looked to my right and saw a wolf--a wolf!--running parallel with me.

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