Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 2

 â â â â the man was silent for a moment and i heard the revolver's hammer being slowly lowered. "show me," he told the orphan.

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Starfox Alternative: Big Iron

Wolf's fingered grasped the wooden grip of his revolver, squeezing tightly as he drew.

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The Aviatrix

All around him, the rest of the chief inspector's team had knelt in a defensive position, revolvers trained on the building, for all the good it would do. "excellent, excellent."


Jade`s adventures Volume: 1 The beginning of the story

Having loaded a new drum into the revolvers, she got ready. time seemed to slow down.

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You Could Be Happy

, then tossed both the pack and the lighter into a far corner of the room, then settled back against the headboard, contemplating the revolver.

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The Cabin: A Tale of Terror; Part 2: The Accident

"you faggot bitches step away from him this instant," the moon bear emerged from the shadows of the attic gun first, the silver revolver shining unnaturally through the gloom of the room.

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G,G&G Part IV

Johnny cursed as he gripped the stock of his revolver in his holster and struggled to pull it free with his trapped right arm.

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Trained Sight (Otherwise Untitled)

~ at the rattling tone, her focus zoned into the currently sideways targets downrange and the weight of the revolver in her hands as it rested against the table infront of her.

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An Unusual Vacation

The only think left was his revolver he dropped when he was jumped by something. the three who where left felt fear strike their hearts. michael, jessica, and tim began calling for his name. jessica picked up dylan's revolver.

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Chapter 27: Determination! Altered Evolution!

While the second form is similar to the first one except it has no twin missile launcher, larger metal wings and a large revolver holster instead of trident-like arm on its left. al was amazed by these new forms.

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Revenge(chapter 1)

The wolf leant down, keeping the gun trained on me, and picked up my revolver. "now i'm gonna kill you with your own weapon." i gulped as he put the revolver to my head, closing my eyes and preparing for the inevitable which was to come. click!

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