Waiting for Rescue (Otherwise Untitled)

~ slinking back towards breakfast, the bunny consoles herself, "another day without the need for pants."

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Sucking Up to the Gang

The speed of his bucking slowed down; the moment the panther felt that tight, clenching hold around his shaft he focused on slinking his cock back and forth within it.

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Then she was slowly slinking her way down his body, keeping herself pressed as close as she could as tiny paws slinked through his ebon fur on the way down.

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Majorra Castle Short #6

Hands moved to slink up the woman's thick thighs, kneading at the smooth skin there, her rougher cheek rubbing its fur against her, snickering softly as she turned her face and kissed damply upon her thighs, "i find snouts were \*made\* for this.."

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At A Glance

Scanning the crowd he spotted the darting slink of a black-tipped tail wind around the corner of the door opposite him. navigating the room proved easier; he ducked between chairs and around guests.

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Zack's Starring Role

The voice wasn't ralph's but more deeper, and we heard the slinking of heavy claws near us. only meant one thing. alfie. and there was that slinking smell of male hormones.

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You've always been good to me," the cat responds, slinking out from under the desk to stand and wrap his arms about the panda.

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Sate the Fire

Yes, that swollen, puffy pink cleft was alight with female heat and desire, rolling across the human's cranium as his tongue dove into what orifice it could, slinking into the wet walls of dragon, tasting, cheeks flushed with hot, heady want.

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Quinn's Farm: Chapter 9 - Ken's Story, Part 1

Ken felt the betrayal of his cock as it began to swell up and slink out of his sheath, the wolf closed his eyes tightly as he felt the same ungentle hand wrapped around the emerging shaft and began to stroke the cock quickly.

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Silver's Stories SP In an Elevator

The cat slinked to the side to rest, the wolf happily taking his place. he went behind dean and plunged his cock into the knot and set about to thrusting away, reaching those canine male's are good for.

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FrostFire Quickie

Luckily, he caught the thief dashing out of the corner of his eye before he could slink away completely undetected.

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