The Siblings of Chaos Ch. 1

They were all wearing gold necklaces with a large gem set in the center, except for a lavender unicorn who was wearing a large golden tiara which also had a large gem.

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Crisis vs. Shalia

As shalia looks up at crisis as she gets closer, crisis can see a silver tiara that's mostly hidden by shalia's hair. a purple gem glistens in the lights which is a crowning jewel of the tiara.

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Solar Winds

If you tell me a way to shut him up without punting him to the other side of diadem, then i won't punt." he rubbed on a kinked muscle he found and continued on down. he was about halfway down her back.

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Review of a Lifetime

As her head entered the stomach, the tight sphincter squeezed the blinking diadem out of her head, making everything dark again as it sunk into the fluid filling up to half of the space.

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That tiara was a reminder of how dangerous she could be, he wasn't sure when it happened, but at some point, she'd managed to start up a riot during an auction for an ancient artifact and snuck off with a tiara... one that could enhance any mage's magic despite

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He returned the yellow scarf and the tiara to his mother's box, hung the yellow dress in the attic, and cleaned the barbecue pits so that the ash covered the scent and color in his fur.

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Fem Them: The Final Round (TF Male>Trans Woman, Non-Furry)

Akira announced, "and the third place winner, taking home the bronze tiara and twenty five million dollars in cash . . . " i realized i was holding my breath, but i couldn't let it go.

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May Kings Be Queens

A tiara, sister's tiara, a shiny and wonderful thing that spoke to her. take me. wear me. be the big queen. she wondered why she wanted to be a big queen so soon, but she knew she wanted it, and so she tried desperately to clamber up after it.

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Age of Fire Isekai: Effect and Cause

It's a long-term strategy, a safeguard against any power that would dare attack the diadem.

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Enter Hikarume, the Elven Princess

The dress was an off whitish pink, and her ivory hair was adorned with a diadem crown, with a large garnet gem set in a flower-like design. "i cant help but worry about her. she could be anywhere, they could have gotten her too!"


End Game - Chapter 5 - Puppet Show

She was forced to put on a princess's gown with a tiara on her head. she couldn't help but think how much it resembled the outfit she wore when she was with the geckomon in their castle.

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Hearts Set Afluttershy

Diamond tiara groaned as she regained her footing. "this isn't over! i'll just keep coming back until you give my cutie mark back! got it?!"

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