Feeding Jack

Wallowing around in a pool of semen, unnatural daemonic semen that is. i feel the strength being drained from my body and soul, everything is becoming cold as well as black now.

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CE04 - monsters

None if unnatural **dislikes:** positive energy if natural.

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Wasp's Sting 1

The jeweled monster landed upon the caterpillar, stinging it, making it writhe and jerk in unnatural motions. by the time the insect left, the caterpillar was scrunching away from its food, its movements jerky and unnatural.

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M/- Pool Party

With a wheeze, the toys muzzle fell open and its eyes widened as it unnaturally twisted its head around to stare into roan's eyes. "you..." "you've got two holes, don't you?"

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Alien and Xasandra

There's something festering deep in the womb of treandalode's party, giving birth to something wholly unnatural and cruel, and she, as the matron of all fertility, must investigate.

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Well, Sometimes... #1

Sure, it was unnatural but it was... mine. it was... masculine, virile, everything i had ever wanted.

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Chapter 2: Creators death ©

He picks up his unnatural speed, but the others hit him with a bullet in the back. making him stagger, alucard turns around feeling the bullet drop to the ground.

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Housepets: The Meowtrix, Chapter One

Slowly, with an almost unnatural grace, they made their way to the entrance. "you were ordered to wait, sargent ralph," said the cat in front. "you took too long getting here," sargent ralph argued.

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Guns of Legend: Chapter Seven

It was vashiil, the unnatural stone that was crafted by magic users in secret and forged into very specific magical items.  he, himself, wore a piece around his neck. 

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(Writing Practice) Not A Fun Way To Wake Up.

The stone seemed to have been delicately carved, as the runes, symbols and overall geometry of the whole thing seemed unnatural as it could be. and guess who was standing in the center of this circular tower of unnatural stones?

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Sola in the City

The wolfess' chuckle was discordant and unnatural, even for the size of the vocal chords that produced them. **"a whole world, helpless,"** her voice boomed over the city.

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Meet Me in the Jungle (Patreon Extreme)

While various creatures went about their daily business among the vast greenery, there did come an unnatural sound. with a metal ring and a flash of steel, a large machete came down and cleared away some brush in one clean stroke.

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