Paying Miss Simon a visit

The friction of the footpads on the coarse, steep roof tiles was what held the black cat from slipping at that awkward climbing angle. Its paws were swift and Its fur merged well enough with the night sky to make it invisible to men, too big to notice...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 12

I sighed, the bad emotions slowly draining away as my... mate... embraced me. But I couldn't help myself. I had to ask. Sniffling for a second, I looked up at him and asked "Natan, do you really love me?" He looked back down at me, sort of shocked...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 11

"Edison please don't take this wrong, and I certainly mean no disrespect, but I don't think Vrouflings will be making laser disks any time soon. That transistor invention of yours is a start, but to read or make a laser disk you need a computer, which...

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Exile - Chapter 1: Not What He Expected

Five weeks. It had been five weeks since they had last seen a single goddamn plant. For nearly two months, they had been struggling here, stuck in the desert. They were running low on food, water, and ammo. Gabriel knew the others wouldn't last long....

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Penny gets Processed

Penny the piglet was excited and worried in equal measure. Earlier that day, she had received the government letter ordering her to report to her nearest doctor's office at 11:00 sharp. It was Processing Day, the first such day since she had turned 14...

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Exile - Chapter 16: An Unusual Week

_ Augtober_ _32_ Gabriel sat in his car, waiting for his partner to finish up inside the precinct. He'd been partnered with another rookie, though they had one and a half years of actual experience. They were decent enough, but Gabriel could tell...

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Exile - Chapter 14: The Matriarch

_Augtober 23_ Fox sighed deeply, and turned to face the room. He removed his hat, before sitting by the window. "It's been a decade since I first reached out to you." He said to Greg, "If I recall correctly, you were very suspicious as to who I...

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An Interview

Detove: Greetings to my esteemed viewers and guests, and welcome to tonight's episode of On Topic, your official government newsvid source, with insider news and interviews only available on this specifically sanctioned channel. Tonight's topic will...

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Independence Day in Devout America

There's almost no need to explain how much Independence Day, or the Fourth of July as it's colloquially called, is celebrated within the borders of Devout America. It is a time to celebrate Old America's independence from the British Empire in Early...

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The Ivory Angel

The tip of the sword dug into the dirt as the knight knelt. Mangled steel and wood that had once served as his shield lay in splinters and barbs next to his shattered arm. His breathing was labored beneath the solid steel helm. "Finish it quickly."...

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Covering Fire

Just as quickly as the fire burned the beaches, burned sand to glass, burned soldiers to ashes, the fire receded. Dion coughed and gagged. Ashes spewed from her mouth and nostrils. She had a layer of soot covering her...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 13

In a sumptuously elegant dining room we sat down to a breakfast of juice and coffee and savory crepes with soft cheese, or something much like it. How Lewis could serve us cheese on a planet with no cows or goats, I'm not sure. I sniffed at the cheese,...

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