Introductions: Interrupted

Both looked like fellow college students. it was clear from his tail's movement that alex was as irritated by patrick as he sounded. alex stiffened in surprise for a moment after patrick's comment.

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Oh Where Oh Where

"no sir, but i was told that my brother, a college student at the university is here working for her." "really," the taxi driver replied, as he said then, "i know for a fact that hazel is a spiteful lesbian.

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The Lakehouse: Chapter 1

Lakehouse chapter 1: Home at Last It was midnight and it had been a long ride, and the two figures in camoflauged army fatigues stretched their backs after they had jumped off the softopped truck that brought them here; at the beginning of a winding...

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Introduction - Lilliana Fargo

"i spent eight years working with college students and professors that didn't know their ass for a hole in the ground. i want to get to them before they're stuck in stupid." "and talking like that is what's going to get you in trouble."

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job interview

John was looking for work since he was a college student and had to pay for books and such. he was really looking for a job to work with animals at a zoo or a vet. he mainly loved cats, but his favorite had to be tigers.

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This hell known as Earth!

Lying in his sling he pulls out a picture of his old life a young college student with every chance to excel. before the government fell, the depression, and riots he would have been a computer programer.

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Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter One.

The rat's nose twitched, whiskers wiggling as the rodent sniffed around for the sweet treat hidden away within the college student room.

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Another One (Prologue)

Prologue: the sun also rises they say that you can tell a college student by his walk. his gait carries an air of authority, a devil-may-care saunter, as if nothing in the world can touch him. and it should.

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The Wolf and His Prey Chapter 1

I am a second year college student. i looked into my closet to find a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black button up shirt. i undid the top two buttons and rolled up the sleeves.

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Story: Rex - Old Blue Eyes the Wanderer

He had great hopes when he met a young college student, wulfgar, but unfortunately, it was not meant to be.nonetheless, the old wolf had grown tired of his lonely journeys.

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A part of my story saga/chronicle/chapter

The school's cafe was a bustling place full of eager, and not so eager, college students passing time and commingling with their friends in a general setting. the usual brown set made it seem like a cafe, but it was a cafeteria.

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The Bouncer

"i'm not interested in some 18 year old college student chasing after a dog nearly twice his age," vincent muttered, looking very much tired of this subject of conversation.

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