Go For Brokeback (Warning for human main character up ahead)

With glittering lights blasting all over like portrait studio bulbs or flashing with snaps of disorienting color, Josh thought he was in a war zone fought with fireworks. Different signs clicked up and down with different mechanical and...

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Lost in the Stars

**Lost in the Stars** By Dennis M. Falk 4 June 2011 Issued under a Creative Commons license BY-SA-NC She had just settled in at the space station in preparation of her history-making flight to another solar system, some 16 light years away. The...

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The Smell of Love, the real part 3

Sammy awoke the next morning with a soft yawn, stretching her arms wide she blinked her eyes multiple times to clear her fogged vision. Sammy's bed was slightly strewn from her play time with her "Toys." The Irish setter sat up, noticing the only...

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Bunny's birthday WIP

Bunny's birthday "You know, maybe if you cleaned up after yourself regularly you might be able people to come over here more often," the skimpily dressed vixen morph responded. "Did you stop to think that that might be the reason why?" Bunny...

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You and I get to your place and settle in. The walk wasn't really that far but we remove our coats and sit on the bed. I think to myself, I wonder what could make this night even better. What a silly question. We both know the answer to that. It was...

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Dressed to Impress

This story contains solo masturbatory acts involving an adult male, and is day #20's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Crossdressing, and comes to you thanks to Elbrar! :3 **Dressed to Impress** Christ, I'm pretty. Call me arrogant. Call...

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Desperate Needs

**"Please miss! I'm busting!" a teenage lioness squealed in discomfort. The lioness's name was Crystal and she had snowy white fur and watery blue eyes.** **"No, you cannot! You've had the whole of lunch break to go!" her teacher, Mrs Sanders (a...

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Embracing Her Role as Queen, Part Ten

The clock would be striking midnight in just five hours, and soon, guests would be arriving in droves to the spacious apartment that Tess and Hannah so happily shared. This year, it would be the second new year that the couple were spending together...

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Smoothed Over

Strawberry lounged on their bed, idly gazing over their phone screen. The fox was, as was common, dressed in fairly femme clothes, a miniskirt and halter top. However, they were foregoing their usual stocking and...

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Stephan X Cindy: Passing the Buck Part II

Stephan regarded her through the glass entrance. Her cinnamon hair was bound in a bun, her glasses a tint of baby-blue, and she bore a bright-red sundress graced with sunflowers. There was no indication of her silver vest or violet skirt from the...

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Mmm, this is like, months in the making. I stopped near the end, and didn't pick it up forever. I hope you guys enjoy it. It might seem a bit rushed, but lately I don't care, I'm just trying to get myself in the habbit of writing again. PLEASE...

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A Dish Best Served Cold

"Got anywhere else you have to be tonight?" It had been a good dinner, not just in the quality of the food, but also in that of the conversation that accompanied it. Mr. Schuler's outward appearance was betrayed by his affable personality and his...

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