Eternity's Sonata

It's all a little confusing...i like my old time better. i have to run now...have to unpack. -echo sonata aged 16. 12:03 day â€"date: c-12, year x-1._ â _dear diary, i finished unpacking, mom's stuff was a real pain.


The Road Of Life - Intermission: Thanksgiving Short Story

It was just like old times, when i had a family of my own, i wasn't alone anymore, and for that i would always be grateful. in this one moment i learned to cherish everything i had, to be thankful for every small detail.

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Your Laughter

Finally, we didn't take another deep breath, but actually laughed for old times' sake, and because we knew how silly we must've looked. it wasn't like anyone else was around, but it definitely felt silly. but it didn't feel bad either.

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New hunting grounds

Dozens of outraged townsfolk's from the outlaying towns had formed old time possess to find the creature. they spent long days and nights searching, looking under every stone and in every tree. what sort of creature had inspired so much fear.

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Slutcat and Sworddog #30

Stuck in old-time skyrim alone. the only sentient talking dog, and not a soul here who knows where i come from," she thought. "i'll probably be killed as a devil or something, and no psychomechanics available to show i'm anything else.

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Manic and Cream 7

"huh, nah, just chatting for old times' sake. me and amy go way back," sonic says, nodding over toward the pink hedgehog. amy smirks and shakes her head, and steps forward. "well, how did it go?' cream shrugs. "went about as well as expected.

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NC 18: Old Patterns, New Pleasures

Just like old times...and hopefully better than those had ended. he chuckled and went back to his naughty 'meal.'

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Papa Prakibak 1

#146 of tik tik's tower prakibak reminices about the old times to his twinky squeeze, dalisk, only to come up with a bet. happy father's day to everyone. please enjoy this first chapter of this short story.

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Baze and the Nixie 4

Just like old times, lover!" melu taunts, the alien mania in her eyes. "melu wants to give you a gift. melu wants to fill baze, spread melu's children all over! but baze can't breathe underwater. so, baze choose.

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Rampage's Rampage 1

"yeah, i'm at the carnival, having myself a grand old time." the green woman nods. "that's correct. "the carnival of celestial delights." she spreads her arms wide, showing off a wonderful festival of color and of carnal decadence.

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Stuck with a Swatbot

#14 of sonic the hedgehog princess sally is on a stealth mission, just like old times, but she finds herself stuck and at the mercy of an old model swatbot, but this old machine has a few new tricks up its fingers.

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A Wealthy Woman's Game 3

For old time's sake. for my peoples' sake." "fighting and fucking... it's the epitome of decadence, old woman." the younger woman squats, her orange eyes burning as she sees the form underneath her. "who was it this time?"

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