Eat the meat

Although there will be some fucking later" "please just let me go, i'll do anything" steele walked off and returned with a string of sausages in his mouth "okay, you can start by taking these and eating them" "please, i can't" his voice turned dark with malice

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to survive

I hate myself for doing something like this so i can get some fucking rent money. i just want it to end, but i don't know any other way to earn this much money overnight. they keep denying me for jobs because i'm "not in the system".

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 18 - Michigan

I still perused through some sex hookup apps the next day but decided to celebrate arriving in michigan's most famous city by watching a few "robocopper" movies in the hotel room. what?

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The Green Milestone

That bastard, he gave us some fucking shit that............." but she stopped herself as the vase-thing fell from her shirt and landed on the ground.

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Melting the Ice or Why Stith is Cranky

Cale couldn't believe how wet and hot she was, she must really want some sex. when the female pushed back against his face, he knew she was ready to get to sex.

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Catching Up

some fucking conflict is what it is. one that..." she paused, taking another long gulp of her beer can. a cheap brand, one that she could drink a bunch of before getting too tipsy. perfect for this event, where she needed to talk.

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What Could Go Right? Chapter 4

They record it and put it on some fucking porn site for kicks." he said as he turned around. when he saw ken, he blinked a few times and his mouth opened.

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After Practice Fun

He's my best friend, not some sex toy! pete watched as luke stepped out of the shower, the faucet turning off by itself. pete could feel his body urging him. he wanted luke in a way he had never felt before., its so wrong!

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Roommates 16: Party Hard

I needed some fucking closure and if getting him drunk is gonna do it, then i'm gonna do it. dammit. this isn't me... "you must be really hung up on him," icarus said after a bit. "normally, you aren't this hard-headed."

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The Were-creature's Curse and Blessing - Welcome, new brother

"enjoy yourself dude; and drink, dance, and maybe have some sex." jason laugh as his girlfriend walked up.â "okay." devon said as he went to the kitchen to get himself a beer.

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Silent Hill - Chapter 3

There's some fucked up shit going on out there, and he's probably shitting his pants as we speak, but my umm...friend here only has a few bullets left in his gun, and i'm not headed back out there with at least some form of protection."

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Brothers in Arms - The Battle of Evermore

I'm not about to let the family i've spent 2 and a half years with get shot to pieces because of some fucking sand nigger while i sit on a cot and cry because my leg hurts!" lewis screamed back into napoleons face, his rage evident.

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