The Royal Apples - Part III

ah may not hate him... but ah don't like him. nnnope, ah don't like him at all." "that sounds like a sincere and somewhat salubrious sentiment." big mac and luna turned at the sound of the voice.

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Time at the Mystical Hot Spring

"ah...ah...ah...ah...ah!" not just going to leave himself out from the fun, drake was on his knees right behind his friend.

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Midline Shift 30 - Awakening

ah...ah...ah need you, ah need you again...a-ah...nngh! _nnnngh god!

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Foreign Fluid

ah!" big gobs of white thick fluid squirted out. when the first shot forced its way out, daniel felt as if his piss slit had been ripped apart. the sensation was so incredible! "ah! yes! ah shit! oh!" the groans continued.

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Gideon's Christmas Surprise

"ah wanna get him one of the video games ah know he's had his eye on fer a while and... well... ah was thinkin'..." he turned to his mother. "ah was thinkin' ah would make him a pie fer christmas.

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My Sword, My Clan 27 - My Trials and Tribulations

ah don' wanna be a criminal fuckin' hurts. goes against...everythin' ah know, ah didn't wanna do this! ah told you whut happened in skyrim, ah ain' goin' through that shit again!"

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Pâtisserie: Chapter 1 - Shrink

"ah shit i'm sorry ma'am... ah guess ah... ahm a very.. angry mammal. ah get mad all the time. ah don' wanna hurt nobody. and ah was gittin' purty good at not gittin' too mad. but now ah've been gittin' worse.

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Transcend - Part 2

"and when ah got fixed up, the nurses gave me pain medicine and didn't charge me a bit for it because ah gave them all that stuff for free every time i'm in town," evergreen finished with a sly smile. "ah would call that karma."

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Does it matter?

Now i (by the ways ah pronounce my is as ahs, but ah figured as ah was writing if ah kept using ah for i, it would have gotten a bit weary an annoying for you guys reading) fortunately i was as alone as a church mouse on a monday afternoon.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 37

"ah 'av two things ta do a' day. tend this garden, 'n' observe its visitors. ah pick up oan things." "clearly," he replied with a bemused smirk. "well anyway, ah best stop distractin' mahself.

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Knight of Toad Town - The Rich Fool

ah refused, a-ah didn't wanna go around hurtin' anybody they wanted me to hurt, ah just couldn't. so they told me ah wuz cattle...they burned a mark into mah chest, an' numbers into mah arm tellin' me that's whut ah would be.

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