Of beginnings and endings in Venleaux Villa

It was here, in this room, my father died, end coming to him reclined upon the sofa, infection consuming his body as he bled post op on the fine leather seating.

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Dungeons & Adders CH14

The remaining captive vermin pissed and shat themselves in horror as they watched the young rat nullo getting a vigorous anal pounding as he slowly bled out. after a couple of minutes, oakjohn grunted, singling his imminent orgasm.

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Zootopia: The Foxy Change

\*put on t-shirt and skirt\* there judy: \*smiles\* nick: say judy. um on the way here i kinda bled from down there. judy: huh? oh!

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Love me when I'm gone

He'd been away for so long, fought so hard, bled and hurt and prayed and cried, and now he was with her. there was nothing else in his world but her.

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First Day of School

"the first time terrance tried to bully him it backfired when he just bashed him on the nose, he bled out for a week."

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Mesozoic Park (Part 18)

Blood squirted and oozed out as the rex slowly twitched and kicked as it bled out. the runt turned to me and roared, the collar said one thing "run!"

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Hunting Death- Prologue

Once the metal has cooled it will have taken the form of a weapon of a shape and magical abilities that are aligned with the heart of the one who bled into the forge. that is the power of our blood.


Witch Blood 17

She was careful not to let the power into her but some of it always bled through. rhea held tightly to the idea of a sheep herding shepherdess, and gradually the energy began to pool into the coral.

CSI: Las Vegas - A Wolf In the Night

The deceased had been viciously beaten before receiving severe claw marks all over his body and face including one particularly deep slash across the neck where it appeared he might have bled out.

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Edge Play - Chapter 1 - Introductions

The mustelid paused that train of thought to consider the alternative, specifically remembering the time stephen tied him to the vulpine's own bed with hundreds of feet of soft, crimson red rope and whipped his stomach with a riding crop until he bled.

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 1

,_ _to meet in battle_ _under dark skies._ _wolves who haven't bled,_ _to ruin or glory are led._" it was this prophecy that rang in nyctimus's head as hades disappeared with a huff and a plume of black smoke.

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The Cost of Fate

They bled out behind him as he walked further into the campsite. any coyote that got in his way, he killed on pure instinct.

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