I. Give me a break

After all, he did not have to_pretend_ he needed a diaper to 'protect him against little accidents when he was in dreamland', as he had once phrased it.

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Tales of Unova, Stormy Seas

Terry stayed quiet, trying to fall back into his familiar dreamland; he couldn't however. he heard the light footfalls of florance walking in. "mornin'" she mumbled sleepily. "good morrow." terry said. "are you always this formal?" martha complained.

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The Moon need friends too part 23

Like she did when she was little,soon she fell into dreamland soon fallow celestia. unknowing something was happening in the crystal kingdom,something horrible was happening to celestia pony's.

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Believe – Chapter 18: Caring

They went to rest early this night and even though imya thought she would have a hard time to fall asleep with her body still being full of happiness and excitement about her first hunt she was in dreamland the moment she closed her eyes.

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~Magistasia~ [Ch. 2 - Dear Liam]

Eventually the boy had fallen asleep, dreaming peacefully of the day ahead of him while he allowed the blankets to whisk him and his new-found freedom away to another adventure in dreamland, allowing his fantasies about what magics lie ahead to roam free in

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Hypnovember Day 26 - Luck

He began to snore, off in some blissfully swirly dreamland. maple would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous. part of the fun of playing the games in the viscount von zonk's funfair was their unique 'awards' and 'penalties.

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Lovely Gardevoir Ch.1(revision)

Once i had her gagged properly, i then poured the whiskey onto my tweezers and pulled the bullet without much trouble from her, just a grunt or 2 as she was in dreamland currently, and then poured some of the whiskey into the wound.

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How to Raise a Dragon (Part 1)

Wilker and the dragon got under the covers and shut their eyes, slowly drifting away to dreamland. wilker had to admit, despite how annoying and whiny he seemed the dragon sure was cute. and he didn't even snore in his sleep or roll around.

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The Ramblings Of A Madman; Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak Part Two

Right before she fell asleep that night, she could hear a distant voice, calm and gentle, filled with love and mercy....it was him, talking to her from a faraway place...the voice died away, and she fell asleep...drifted away to dreamland...and so, all was

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The Tales of Unova, Autumn Anxieties

Then he sent his laptop to dreamland, and soon followed suit. he woke up, got up and stretched. it was morning, he was fairly certain. breakfast filled his mind and soul. he felt a deep, heartfelt need for pancakes and bacon.

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Thief's Confession

But a'fore i could so much as lay a finger on it ah hears this voice a mutter'n right next ta me, come'n from that lump on tha bed that was s'possed ta have been long gone in dreamland an such.

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My Element: Chapter 1

Stretching out and muttering a curse about how the sun gets up too early, william wrapped his blanket tighter around himself and tried to once more enter the gates of dreamland.

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