Disaster Averted

'what do we do karen?' twilight asked, watching karen, her distant gaze flicking back and forth while she thought.

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Chapter 9

karen watched as the girl started to rant, her shouts of anger quickly becoming sobs as she sat up, wrapping her arms around karen's neck as she cried, her whole body shaking.

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Chapter 4

I have to show karen! and craig!"

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Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 3

I've always loved you, karen." karen bit her lower lip at the words then gave ivory a gentle smile before shaking her head. "i suppose it works out this way though.

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The amber Lion 2

So though it had cost her nearly three hundred dollars she gave it to karen and now it sat there on karen's knick-knack shelf...when karen wasn't playing with it.

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Pandora's Box: Part 5

She climbed backward off the table, legs straddling karen's. her ass hovered right over the male's member, and her tail was curled and resting on karen's stomach and chest.

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A night at the rave

karen, she said her name was karen. berry held her hand as they walked through the clouded room to the bar. he checked himself in the long mirror on the wall as karen ordered there drinks.

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Die Role - Ch 5

"so... does that mean when i change into kraig here, that in some alternate universe, a 'kraig' becomes a petite karen?" karen asked.

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Not long after he began, karen began to shudder, her whole body quivering.

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