Tina's Story Chapter 55 SNIP! SNIP!
After lunch, the couple made their appointment at the sperm bank, a nondescript building on the cities medical row. they signed in, and waited. after a while, they were summoned in.
Zachary's Report - Chapter 2 - The Exam
After completing some more extraneous paperwork, zack was sent past a magnetically locking door into a wide hallway, where he was directed to a medical exam room nearby.
New Vet in Town
The room is clean, the air sharp and medical smelling, the way hospitals are. "errr... hello..." the big horse called softly. ‘slap!' there is the sound of rubber snapping tight. "ahhh!" "hello there... so you're mister palmer, eh?"
A Fresh Start
She heard the clanking of medical steel, as udo found what he was looking for. "well, it looks like extra lubrication won't be needed..."
Chapter 10: Sick day
Chapter 10 Sick day I woke up alone. I'd woken up by myself for as long as I can remember but this was my first time waking up alone. Having experience the warmth, comfort and security of being physically and emotionally close to people having...
Hell Week P. 35-77
He didn't want to be a medic anymore. he thought, _if i'm a medic, i'll have to kill my friends._ he might not have to. he might be lucky. they might die quickly, on their own, or not at all.
Hell Week p. 1-35
The real medic was with them. ideally, you would get one healer to every squad, a medic or even a doctor, but one to a regiment was more common, that being four squads of ten dragons each.
No Good Deed Chapter 3: The happy doctor
"and here i must interject that the good doctor is crossing from established medical practice into carnival tricks and ancient voodoo superstition, even for
A Thorough Physical
It didn't look different from any medical examination room he had seen before.
Project Warblade: Chapter 4
The metallic collar around Vincent's neck felt as tight and constricting as one would expect. The discomfort felt as if though it had been designed to occur in a very specific manner, one that almost made him want to vomit. It harshly choked him every...
Coyote Secrets
He wore a medical model bio-suit, a gleaming white latex-like patient uniform. richard watched as the bear orderlies began restraining the deer.
Guro Challenge #4: Piercings/Body Modification
"Dad, I really don't think you should be doin' this yourself." "Oh, pshaw, young feller, am I to trust the job to your tremblin' paws?" "They ain't tremblin'!" Cheek tucked his paws behind his back to hide his lie. "Just think this is still gonna...