Enter the Madman

The apartment was stuffed between a triple decker apartment, which was at the corner, and a miniature shop, that the people of oxford street called it nana's.

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The Order of Future: Chapter 15 – Training Camp #2

It was more amazing than the time he was allowed to mate nana after she had been out of heat. this was what real mating was supposed to be.

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JY 1 - Six Years Ago

That would just make it hurt more and make the nana's get all red again. most people didn't have nana's. daddy said they were a special gift he gave her and mommy and she wasn't supposed to talk about them with other people.

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Schoolmates - Part 2

"nice to meet you, nana," the stallion said with a deep voice. "i'm benjamin. call me ben." "p-pleasure is mine," the dog answered, his paw lost in the horse's giant hand.

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August 8: Ghost Pictures - After

Since nana's involvement here was somewhat downplayed, the latter part of the scene definitely changed. i arrived at the candy store and saw that kounosuke, shun-kun, and tora were already there.


Sunshine Days - Chapter 39

She looked around and said, "well, grandpa and nana are visiting. right now they're at home taking care of hope." "hope? who's..." david stopped, his eyes suddenly widening. "that's right," his mother said, beaming. "your sister's at home."

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Working Hard part 7

nana doesn't have a cellphone." "still puts me in the top two wisest furs. now what could possibly be worrying your pretty lil' head?

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 31 - Tough love...

'nana...?' 'yes, dearest?' 'was it difficult for you to be happy after the war was over...?' 'yes... i'm afraid it really was, kitten.' 'but you are, nevertheless...' 'hm-mm...

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August 6: Let’s take Ghost Pictures!

Or call me nana if you wish." "nana? wait-" before i could ask another question, he went down the other side of the wall. i peeked through the gate but saw no one there.


Better than a Tie

Sniper wriggles, panting, sticky with seed, cream, and juices, "i-i think you need a bigger nana..." "yup!

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Chapter 20 Kiss It Better

Fassil and nana followed suit. charles made to rise from the bed, but dick tightened his hold on his fingers. charles glanced at duchess giselle, fear bright in his eyes, but he stayed.

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"what's going on nana?" shi asked, trying to peer over the console. "pirates sweety, now be a good cub and strap yourself in to that seat please." shi instructed, indicating to the empty seat in front of the shield monitor screen.

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