Nature's Cruelty

It was night, and night was when Jerome was at his best. A lot of his fellow mice would have warned him against this, but he had been running on his own for months now and he had never once looked back. Life alone was so much simpler than having to...

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Preserving Nature

Though it was a dry read, in his tired state, damun gleamed from the first paragraph that it was a long term position in a nature preserve off world.

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Natural Foxes

We blissed in each other's presence as these sounds became part of the nature around us, every part of the woods as the brook and the trees, the sounds of our passion as natural as the birdsongs.

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Nature's Bounty

Never before had jacob young been so thankful for mother nature's bounty. "what can i say? i'm a fan of her work."

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To Fight Nature

He was puzzled, "disease is part of nature but, what the hell does it have to do with me i don't collect herbs or plants, i'm not a healer i'm a hunter," he was yelling in anger.

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Natural Selection

I find it particularly apropos being on all fours; it's the most natural thing in the world right now.

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Nature Trail

It wasn't more than a few hundred yards to the entrance of the nature trail, and we started walking it.

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Intimidating Nature

Approaching the window next to his bed, he forced the glass and steel down to not only halt the winds, but mute nature's tantrum.

Raised By Nature

\*\* Please note that beings such as White, will be referred to as "he", "him", "his" etc. However, simple animals will be referred to as "it", "its" etc. \*\* I am not a wolf, nor a human. I am what you would call a half-wolf, but do not get me...

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The Nature of a Vampire

My name is Alex, I am 17 years old and I have a secret. I am in love with a Vampire, I have only told my best friend Delilah, and even she doesn't know what he truly is. He is the most amazing person I have ever met, and I never want him to leave me....

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Nature Trail

"now that camp is set up, the next thing on our list is the nature hike," peter said. "pack up all of your survival gear and some food and water just in case, and we'll head out immediately." "but we've been walking all morning!"

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Natural Attraction

"that's because you were following your instincts...your cock didn't know that it was inside me, it was just doing what it does naturally.

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