The enemy of my enemy...

The naga hissed in pain, quickly retreating, but a bit relaxed, letting the poison work it's magic on the charr.

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Bound and Chained

"Up! GET UP!" The voice rattled like sharp shards of glass in Siobhan's head and made her squeeze her eyes shut a bit more tightly. "I SAID UP!" The crack of the whip struck her haunch so hard that it made her hiss out and open one of her dark...

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Cold Venom (RP)

It involves a morally ambiguous naga using his paralytic poison and the threat of death to rape and impregnate an innocent dragon.

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Nightshade Captures a Coyote

She sealed her lips down upon it, and the same toxins that poisoned his mind in their first encounter entered his body from a different point, forcing his cock to react before his judgment was clouded.

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A Demonic Challenge - Chapter 3

Shy hesitated and then nodded at the goat and jumped after the purple poison rabbit and morty followed though he only got two stones before the peruvian hairless dog fell into the tar with a gloop.

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Milo's Forest (Vore/Ovi Story)

But, quickly, the scolipede's poison started to cloud their mind, a tent starting to form in their pants as they tried their best to wrap their arms around the beak that was plunging its way into their mouth for some sort of reciprocation!

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Its Just One Night At The Dive

The poison had made that tunnel clench around his cock in unpredictable patterns and made each thrust a new experience.

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Not Playing Fair

He watched the poison dart frog eating some of his cotton candy, his long tongue snaking out and licking at the fibrous candy.

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A Demonic Challenge - Chapter 4

The stocky purple rabbit gave up fiddling with his belt and looked up with a grimace, "i'm a poison bunny," he lifted one arm as if to grab his horn but stopped and wiped his muddy paw against his leg, "part rabbit, part poisonous dinosaur, little bit of snake

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A Lesson in Chemistry: Chapter II [Collab]

If she just skipped over to another club, then maybe when she went back for the chem nerds they'd be working with something that _wouldn't_ poison her. it was frustrating to think about...

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The Sexual Inductor 1

The poison was settling into her flesh down there, the blood flowing in and making them bigger, more engorged, more heated. other systems in the machine started activating.

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LINKS - Chapter 14 - Haven Amidst Poison

"i've had just about enough of you poisoning azee's mind with that garbage," luke snarled. his fingers drummed rapidly on the hilt of his gun. "perhaps i wasn't perfect for azee, i'll admit it, but she was safe, fed, and comfortable, thanks to me.

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