Yellow Eyes: Two. Chapter 1
It is time to move forward, and help master repairer.
Wings of the Warrior: 20
They both watched as the craft the repair crew had boarded on flew away and got out of range of the ship.
Big Trouble in a Tiny Package
It looks like it could use some repairs." "yah, she's old., but she's all i got. it's tough repairing the systems on a beast like this. what are you, some sort of mechanic?"
Change of Perspective Page 32
We will continue to make any repairs to our ships, and start preparing all platforms that are not needed fore repairs to go to standby mode.
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 20
He looked further down the length of the repair bay.
Range Rovers
I have the parts and repair kit for the wing, but repairing the control board is going to be a problem." vee said to her self sitting in the pilot's seat.
Exceeding Recommended Safety Guidelines
The fighter repair area was different on every ship depending on the whims of the crew who worked on it. on his old ship, the repair bay for the fighters resembled an old-time auto repair ship.
War of the Dragons - Chapter 6
"plus, the breaks and repairs are extremely sharp for repairs that were done some time ago, we will have to wear them down."
EP8 (Out of title ideas for this one)
"we've made an arrangement with their commanding officer to exchange technology, hardware and the service of their soldiers for repairs and medical aid."
The Lost Arrow ch1, Zakkaision
When we removed it we saw you were only in stasis-lock but with no way to repair you." yea i prefer being alive to the alternative right now. wait, what? no way to repair me? in what condition is the arrow?
Sky Island Colony - A submission for the Writing Prompt Group
We shall repair this world, xostha, i and the other tesserax.
Chapter 6
I thought back to what i knew about damage repair, and remembered something which could specialize in this sort of problem. nanobots.