Inferno High - Chapter 22

[ted] "'cause they probably will." [me] "and if they act on it, i'll burn them alive." alex held up the golden pocket watch and we all gave him a horrified look. "you just carry that around?!" [ted] "what if you bump the button?!"

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Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 11

I look over to ted, still frozen and expressionless. "ted... ted... ted! snap out of it!" he finally blinks, setting the still unconscious 'working lady' on the ground and leans her against to suburban.

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Invasion of the Tentacle Monsters Chapter 4

ted was a regular at this bar and he had the occasional beer here with their target. everyone else waited in the van while ted went in to see if he was there.

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Astral High - Chapter 15

Next time, no one's gonna stop me, and i'm beat the punk before ted can commit suicide. got it, pinky?" [daniel] "... uh... nice boyfriend, teddy." tanner walked off, leaving the tiger there. "what do you want?" [ted] "ted, i...

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Inferno High - Chapter 16

ted's family has a tradition to get pajamas before they go to bed on christmas eve. ted's family dealt with alex, who coincidentally got the same thing my parents gave me. flannal, plad, pajama pants with red and blue stripes.

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With Friends Like A Husky

"no he's unconscious, were at the alley off 13th street, please ted send help!" "what? i'm on my way there, i'll call 911" ted quickly said, hanging up the phone.

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Inferno High - Chapter 21

At some point, ted decided to try pulling him away, and succeeded, but alex freaked out even more. he started clawing at ted, screaming, only screaming!

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Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 6

ted stands there, snickering at my antics. "gee ted, they should really put a double door here." the room itself is rather small, well with me in it. along one wall, monitors and recording equipment lines it.

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Free Bird

Stars in his eyes, ted grabs francois and pulls him close, kissing him fiercely, tasting himself on his beak, his tongue. francois runs his wings down ted's smooth fur, pulling his trousers off completely.

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Astral High - Chapter 34

[ted] "i'm left out of the group either way." [valen] "rightfully so." [me] "you know, judging by the context, you'd think they're talking about magic." [ted] "tsk, there's no such thing as magic."

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Nume Undies: Character Creation

ted picked the garments of the table, put them back in the box and went about his day.

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