Rainy day's trio

And this big umbrella... if you guys won't be around, i would be probably completely wet after reaching my street. - deamn, what a shame that it's still spring!

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Mad Scientist Gonna Mad

"but it took me time to put my umbrella away. it's this new high-tech umbrella i'm working on that actually creates a barrier to keep rain out. it actually works pretty well, but it's a pain to fold up. not the point.

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Chapter 7: Farewell to a friend, a brief respite

If you ever get a chance....kill a part of umbrella with it." chris said. "i will...thank you so much...." keith said.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 22)

The former excitedly prattles on about throws and holds, spinning her umbrella merrily, while the latter blankly nods, caught in a daze while clumsily traipsing along.

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Nighthowler 2, Ep. 3

Folding up her umbrella, nighthowler takes a torch from her belt. rabbits have good night-sight, but the overwhelming darkness of the jungle is just too much to see where she's going.

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Rainy day

Jumping into the car at lightning speed, the dalmatian was greeted with a towel from the wolf in the driver's seat, and a semi-sarcastic "so, you really didn't have an umbrella?"

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Master & Slave: Lost and Found

It was this position that kept her from seeing the male stop beside her, turning and standing over her as the rain pattered against his umbrella.

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Only a Shadow - Chapter One

Max's mother walked over, with an un-opened umbrella in her paw. she opened up the umbrella and held it above her head, "come on kids. it's about time for you to be going home." "do we have to, mom?"

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Tongue Twister

Plucking an umbrella from the bowl, he popped it into his mouth. "these are good though." he said as he chewed. the vixen just stared. "your friends are here." he said without looking up.

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Red's Rebound

They walked slowly so they both could share the umbrella alex had. it was a little while before the two of them saw the apartment complex red lived in.

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Forgotten Worlds 4 - The Fate of the Lemmings

The leader swung his umbrella towards them, furled yet straight with unwavering fury. his eyes burned, as his face turned rigid with disgust before standing tall above them.

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Glimmer Gold

Vahn was ready with his umbrella in an instant, but connor was less prepared. while he fumbled for it, the umbrella fell out of his hands and onto the already soaked and muddy ground.

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