Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 16: Imperfect Plans

The gorumn woman moved to join up with the young voljoi as they headed toward the exit to the cargo bay, "she's been flagged as a black-file hacker. nobody has managed to locate her in the past two days...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 15

Strong soul scoffed and looked around the cargo bay. they were sitting on top of one of the largest stacks of containers, though there were many that were close to its height. all of them were secured to the deck by tiedowns or grav ropes.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 5

They found first spark waiting for them in the cargo bay. just like strong soul, the girl had taken to spending her time among the stacked crates and grav straps.

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Caelus Aurum (2 of 3)

"cargo bay." said the voice - a young canine if crevan had to guess, probably an orderly unlucky enough to be on duty when they crashed, "sarmor speaking."

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Open Space

It's my cargo bay! do as i tell you or so help me i'm going to cram that data pad of yours up your ass so far, you will need a throat specialist to remove it! if you have a problem with that, you go tell the captain!"

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Battle For Diamond Square

Opening up the large cargo bay door pointing out to the burning city. "this, is what the legion has done to us. are we going to stand for this?" looking over each of the soldiers. "no sir!" they all replied. "good." i said.

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Voyager: Chapter 18

The cargo bay was absolutely silent as we all watched. even as the planet shrunk to the size of a marble, the red glow could still be seen, smudging its pristine surface.

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an endless voyage continued ch 25

"you could, but you wouldnt like it, i been working on the farm in cargo bay 6." tom said. "i was with karen earlier." " "uncle" hank don't mind?" tom jr asked. "no."

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Nuclear Anomaly

I'll be in the cargo bay in a moment. we have to leave as soon as possible," the sergeant nodded and left the room, heading for the cargo bay. "i'll take my leave of you, mr. sokol.

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Blue Bird's Binds

Couple of the new cameras we installed at the cargo bay aren't responding nor transmitting their feed.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 14

Stepping to the side with a hop, rana narrowly avoided being knocked to the ground as a very happy looking moah made his way into the cargo bay.

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