A Cub's Hardships

A Cub's Hardships Dante, or rather Maundrell Dante Ravenheart a seven-year-old husky/rabbit/mouse hybrid with black fur mainly, white fur on his chest and shoulders, light gray paws, a crimson eye and white hair on his left side, the inside of his...

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Tales from the Intersex Cafe - Life without a Dick

My name Jeramiah Chase, I am sort of your average little black and white spotted bunny. I am also the owner of the nicest little café you've never heard of. Yeah, I'm young, barely out of high school, but they say to be...

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Health and Fitness: Chapter 5

Chapter Five Adrian awoke some time later hearing the sounds of voices outside the tent; the others had gotten up the mountain by now. It was still bright, so he figured he hadn't been out for too long. His muscles were aching and he was sore all...

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Two Balls, Corner Pocket

Ezekiel sighed into his glass as he slowly drained the last drops of the amber colored liquid inside of it. He never knew why he even came to this bar anymore, not after the last few times he'd picked someone up here it'd turned out so horribly... but...

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VR Kingdoms - Prologue: Character creation

I stretch my limbs, in the embrace of my VR chair. Week end is finally here and my chores are done, which means that I can finally indulge myself into some _Kingdoms of Lust_. I set up the machine, by placing the electrodes all over my body. Having...

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Shades of Gray

A cool summer breeze filled the room from the large hole in the chamber wall, the scent of smoke from a dozen hearth fires filling the air. Asleep in his bed, Alexander lay curled up beneath the hide blankets, his cloths folded neatly on a nearby...

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Missing trunks, Self discovery.

_This story takes place early in timeline A1, the modern-like setting that one of Tyledis's lives takes place in. So far, things aren't too complicated, but later stories might take place around major turning points, and will be noted as such when they...

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Fit for a King

"This is it, boys!" Skipper says confidently as he emerges from the hatch in his habitat, standing on the ice platform, looking at the main gates of the zoo. "What's going on now, Skipper?" Private asks he lands next to Skipper. Kowalski flips out...

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Naughty otter

((most likely will be editing this better later)) Daddy walked into the room, his eyes sweeping over Xander, the mature otter's naked body displayed so nicely before him his paws tied at the wrists and held above his head on a hook in the ceiling...

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Riding the Metro

"Here's your coffee, sir." The thin, young, feminine red fox says, setting down a mug on a table where an older grey wolf was sitting, he slides a notepad into the pocket of his brown apron, slightly adjusting his white button up shirt so it looks...

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Big Brother

**Big Brother** **By: Hanku** ** ** Yawning softly Jason rubbed tiredly at his eyes for a few moments before letting his paws drop back to his desk, wearily trying to keep his eyes open as he stared at the worksheet open up on his desk just barely...

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Family Reunion

Another night, and another sore trip home. Working the night shift at a factory job wasn't really as easy as Reese had hoped. After all the years of staying up until four in the morning playing various games online... Well, he thought adjusting to the...

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