The Mind Control Conspiracy 7: The Opposition

It wouldn't work, long-term, but he imagined that there was someone in the resistance that already knew that. this was just the propaganda to keep them going for now.

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Hostile Takeover - Initial Offer

"what we're uh... doing here requires substantial um... processes that in the long term i think-" "long term!? long term!" the raptor screamed. "your department won't even survive the quarter at this rate!

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The Institute: Collaboration

The institute: collaboration by gwydion78 anonymous commission "vizier, prep mesa for long-term diving."

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The First Time

We do have some long-term clients. we are not taking any such positions right now, but everything here is reversible, we assure you" you nod. you've wanted this. ever since you heard about it. ever since you read a testimonial.

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My material needs are met as are companionship, family, and long-term stability. however, but for the past several years, i've had a vague emptiness in my life that defied explanation.



I find myself itching badly to develop the characters more, but that would break away from the very short requirement and start another long term project.. damn my habits.

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Not your grandfather's science fiction

"for one, i don't want to risk some sort of long-term adaptation which might reduce its effect. but there's more complications to it than that." "of course there are."

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Neberum: the "Bitter-Sweet" Contraceptive

There are no known side-effects, and no long-term health problems associated with drinking the tea of neberum. many young ladies have used the tea to remain "pure" until their marriage, only to later give their husbands a dozen children or more.

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Cheers, I'm out.

As for why i'm chasing creating or why i was, it's one of the same reasons i ever really do anything long-term that involves bettering myself with a skill, ass, love, or spite.


000 Readme

The sythkyllya is a long-term writing project that i've been working on (and off) for the past decade or so.

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Grim Forge

Radical demons with angels try to help some of the damned break out of hell while some less radical demons with angels submit proposals to the celestial authorities for long-term rehabilitation programs for the damned.

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A odd sandwich filling

A very tiny bit of micro fur faggery, under 800 words i have you know, this i did did off the top of my head after getting the last part of "the long term visit" done and also a unaware paw story, done in the point of you, so what ever you want is the canines

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