Mother part 3

A message was displayed across george's psyche, a strong telepathic statement more powerful than the other aliens, a feeling that would have long-reaching consequences for both george and maria and their alien captors "i... a... m... h... a... p... p... y!

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Putting Your Best Foot Forward (3/3)

Since neither of them had classes the next day both of them took their time with their meal, though at they got closer to being finished Frankie couldn't help himself and started to talk about what had just happened. "I know that I shouldn't be...

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Second Honeymoon (Part 1)

Second Honeymoon (Part 1 of 3) NOTE: This is the second tribute series featuring Sapphire and I that I'm making to celebrate our 10 years of knowing each other. This series will focus on our 10th wedding anniversary. NOTE 2: This story may contain...

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Lost in Town

POLICE REPORT _I, Shira I'nusyl , am not charged with any crime. I am voluntarily providing this information to the City Police, on this 20thday of October , 2005. Under penalty of law, I certify this information is correct to the best of my...

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Digimon: Breeding the next Generation

Well, this story is about me and my sister and our adventures in the digital world. However, this is not the digital world we grew up with. While it is the same for species and everything in looks, the one we got was more adult than we anticipated. It...

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Getting To The Bottom Of It

**Fidget's Journal: 23 November 2013** Fairly average night. Three muggers and two pickpockets brought in, one shoplifter got a good talking to. The new netgun is surprisingly effective, though it could still use another dozen revisions. Still...

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The Resort: Part Two (And A Half... For Mister Winger!)

**The Resort** **Part II (and a half)** by Dissident Love Copyright December 2013 _This story is dedicated to the_ _awesomeness and glory of_ _Mister Doug Winger, and_ _the tremendous influence he's_ _had not just on the entirety of_ _the...

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Horsing Around

A mountain of boxes had begun to form on the floor; various odds and ends, mementos, souveniers, old electronics and various other knick-knacks with no other place to go sat in cardboard prisons, moved to the floor of a dusty basement. Two figures...

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Change of Plans [ Harper, Part 1 ]

"Y-you're sure your girlfriend is alright with this?" Harper's voice trembled as she stared at the bunny girl in front of her. Nikki's hands were braced on the bathroom wall above the toilet, her jeans and wet panties shoved down around her knees....

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Kimmy's Adventure Part 1

The bell rang for the end of the period. Kimmy hurried to gather her books but like usual she was the last one out the door. She had lunch now and usually she sat with Myra. This week had been strange though. She has barely seen Myra all week and when...

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Over His Head?

Over His Head? For Fyacintia By Draconicon Bedecked in purple as he was, Fyacin was sure that he would attract the interest of the ever-elusive Drakina. Having heard that the sister of his master was looking for some new...

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Dante's Origins Chapter 4: First Day on the Job

This is quite a few chapters long but will get to the transformation soonthis story will contain in it's due course: m (solo), h(solo), m/f, m/m, m/f/f, m/m/m, and m/h, (and possibly some other fun combinations as well ;p).

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