Teaser - Dare

We can stay up all night watching every single twilight movie!" i groaned. "no you don't. i'm supposed to put you both to bed by 10:00." carly whined. "come _on_. when do _you_ ever go to bed at 10? we're only two years younger than you, you know.

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Valentine's Present

And with that the two enjoyed the rest of the night watching fireworks in night sky.

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MLP: A Tale Worth Telling - For it has Dragons in it

Drifting below the cold waves of the eastern oceans beyond equestria's coast, the alicorn of the night watched the faint sun's rays twinkle through the surface in glistening beams.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Elevin

They got bothered a few times by trainers wandering in the dark, but that was quickly remedied when evin let reshiram take the night's watch duty later on when they got ready for bed.

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Exotic Wildlife #1 - Gazelle Rut

The two gazelle stood some distance from one another, warrior staff's in hand, donning their robes for the night watch with a candle upon a larger staff between them, lighting their spot..

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The tradition was for the day watch to eat their breakfast first, and then for the night watch to eat theirs after changing of the guard.

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The voice of reason - Ch 27 - And we all lived happily ever after...

Sometimes, i stood on my balcony in the middle of the night, watching the night sky... even though i had peace, didn't mean i didn't miss him. memories of him speed by. all the good things. heh... but also the bad things we experienced.

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PMD Explorers E-Beyond side story for M1

It was the night watch and drake was smelling a new soldier pokémon in the ranks. he looked and it was a young jolteon scared as night flying pokémon were scanning the skies. some snipers took their time and fired on them.

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The Dusty Saddle

How is the night watch so far?" don't let the jolly voice fool you he can be a real strict sometimes, but that is part of being a good leader. i look into his eyes when i speak to him just he always taught us to.

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Chapter One: Quickening

Even with his 150,021 years as a demon in the royal guard, nothing seemed to bore him more than simple night watch. night after night had he flown the skies with nothing to report the majority of the time.

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A Mother's Prayer

For close to twenty years i had dedicated my life to my son and my husband, always putting roland's need before my own, spending sleepless nights watching over him when he got sick, reading him bedtime stories, teaching everything i could so he would be a

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Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 9 – A disastrous encounter

Solomon and conny became tired very fast and silver said to help that he took the first night watch.

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