Three scenes after vore

I don't bite - i swallow whole. love y'all - stay safe, stay happy, stay sane, stay hungry. **dart** water on. _cold._ steam rises as frigid shower water splashes across his fur. heat swims through him, through his blood, his brain.

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Bon Appetit by Thanos6

He acted with blinding speed; before the rubble landed, before the patrons could do anything more than start to turn in his direction, his massive jaws had snapped forth, swallowing whole a male monkey and a female bat.

Forest Tails 5

To be swallowed whole. hind paws dancing, the bruin fucked the warm mouth. orgasm pulled his black lips back.. the man gulped it down, wanting every last drop.

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Belly Up in a Gut

Works using a mixture of illusion and psychic powers to erase the mind of prey, then swallows whole if possible. subject then enters a state of rest for at least one day, not budging from the shade of a tree. do not approach without reason.

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The amber lion

A great contraction in the clear muscles gripped him and pulled him in and bit by bit, still able to see his bedroom through an amber haze randy was swallowed whole.

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Michael moaned in pleasure feeling his member being swallowed whole by diane. _ohhhhh that f..feels nice!_ happy that she was finally having her way with him she started to amp it up a notch.

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Raptors love Torture

Silthin buried his muzzle in what remained of the human's chest, then came up with a still faintly beating heart in his jaws, which he savored for a moment, then tilted his head back and swallowed whole.

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Motherly Love 9.5 bonus

Taking his shaft by paw, kerry began to swallow whole the length of his cock until she hit his swollen knot. very gently, her fingers lifted his balls up so they weren't hanging, and began rolling them around her digits and palm.

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Ferret Food

And he was pushed into the tunnel of her long body, swallowed whole and alive. probably an added punishment for biting her nose earlier. the muscles massaged his body, causing another dooking noise to escape his humiliated body.

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What's it like? - A Ten/Tim Short

He'd given his brother a blowjob while ten raped him, and then watched the fear in his brother's eyes as he was swallowed whole. well that was unexpected. "are you saying you want me to eat you?" "well... not all the way...

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Notchfin and Spot (dolphin on dolphin vore)

Spotty was a mass of half digested meat and softening bone, swallowed whole and digested by a dolphin not even as big as he was. it would never have happened if he hadn't rammed his head right down notch's throat.

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Into the Belly of the...Beast? (commission)

This ability was granted subsequent to the defeat of a voreatian beetle, a species able to survive being swallowed whole by its natural predators.

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