A Rogue's Riches

A rogue's riches by von krieger sashi pokes her head around the corner of the stairwell, looking out for any strange traps, tricks, or yucky monsters. she'd already run into a pack of wolves and a gelatinous cube intent on having her for lunch.

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Walk A Mile: Covert Ops: Rise of Morgoth

#1 of walk a mile: covert ops walk a mile: covert ops: rise of morgoth by von krieger "just think of it, gentlemen, what you all could accomplish with only the smallest effort. you would never have to worry about your underlings betraying you.

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Sekhmet Reborn: Cerberus

#2 of sekhmet reborn sekhmet reborn: cerberus by von krieger robby sat on the couch, eyes wide with fascination as he watched the drama unfold on the television set in front of him.

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New Found Fusion

#14 of new found form new found fusion by von krieger hunter stretched, trying to coax the ache out of sore muscles. it had been a day's worth of hiking to get to the campsite, and there had been a night and morning's worth of great sex.

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Tome of Draconic Magic

Tome of draconic magic by von krieger lord pendragon sighed contentedly in his plush, regal, wonderfully soft bed, as only befitted the ruler of an entire nation. the presence of his favorite concubine helped relax him even further.

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New Found Freshness

#6 of new found form new found freshness by von krieger dan was an unnatural aberration. he defied everything that humanity stood for.

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Beast Becoming

#3 of becoming beast becoming by von krieger traz opened her eyes and was greeted immediately by the first of many changes that she was sure her... his body had gone through.

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KPA Chapter 1: The Perils of De-Evolution

#1 of katia's pokethulhu adventure katia's pokethulhu adventure chapter 1: the perils of de-evolution by von krieger katia stood with her prized dodecahedron in hand, staring down two members of the loathsome team eibon; they always traveled in pairs

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Belial: Shades of Purple III

."** * * * shades of purple iii by von krieger lelana shivers, even though shi is not cold, no longer in the dark, cold stone floored room that has become hir home. she lies on a blanket next to a tavern.

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Belial: Captives

Captives by von krieger ryna grumbles softly, waking up a little bit. she rolls over and goes to pull her blanket back over herself, but finds no blanket. she reaches for the lamp on her nightstand, but finds neither.

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Belial: Tale of Tala and Juma

Tale of tala and juma by von krieger "isn't it beautiful?" says juma, "just look at the view!" indeed it is a beautiful view, the sun reflecting off the lake so still that it is like a mirror.

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New Found Fertility

#16 of new found form new found fertility by von krieger bobby watched the video again, like he did every day. he'd stumbled across the site a few weeks ago, and he'd immediately been entranced.

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