The Biography Of My Maker

bled, but not enough. fourth, and final attempt i had a knife to my throat when my mother walked in the door. i was in tears as i held the blade. seeing my mother cry mad me drop the blade to the floor.

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Witch Blood 13

"thanks, baba," rhea muttered with a blush that bled through to her soul. "i'll see what i can do." "do what you need to, child," baba ginger told her as the humor in her tone bled away. "you are in danger that i cannot save you from and you must act.

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D.E1 Chapter 58: The Third Offense Part VI

Silver's armor was torn and shattered; she bled considerably from her right arm which had its armor plating completely torn away along with the px inner garment and the gauntlet.

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Ramiro's Story: Memory 1

Instead, they bled into day, causing long and dry spells of darkness that loomed over the island nation. shh... now, they slowly regain consciousness.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 21

It lasted only a second, but that second somehow bled into the next, and the _next_, making it seem like he could still feel her lips on his even after she had dropped back down, as if his sense of time was no longer in sync with the rest of the world.

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.1.5/2 (The accident)

His shoulder bled a little. jay licked it clean, and continued to take off his shirt.

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A Corpse's Shell

Mercifully, the hunter went into shock and bled out quickly, his last thought being that he had seen a demon from hell emerging from his guts.

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It bled through the walls. he could feel it rattle his bones with its subtle, rhythmic vibrations. his fur bristled. his skin tingled. his sheath thickened. he watched. he listened. he waited. it was where everyone went to pick up.

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2020 A.D. Part 5 [unfinished]

While one suffocated and the other bled to death akira looked at them dying, just as he had done earlier with the lupains. although he knew one of the two, he felt no pity.

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Julio Nautica's Journal?

He cackled as the general bled to death on the floor...

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Daddy's Little Girl

And when he was done, when he was satisfied, he let her go, and held her, while she sobbed, and his beast bled it's foam into her in faint dribbles.

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A Bronze Rising: Battle, Such as it is

The hail of steel-tiped bolts rained down on my, punching clean through my wing membrane in several places, leaving tiny holes that barely bled. of more concern were the ones that hit my body.

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