Leetah: First Date

I would later learn that it's called a bunting bag, and it's like a fuzzy sleeper with mittens that zips up the back, but instead of two legs, it's just like a sleeping bag below the waist.

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Neulich auf Felinar - Teil II: Der Morgen danach

Gefühl sehr genoss, ja das es sie sogar so stark erregte, dass sie nur wenige sekunden nach ihrem vater einen zweiten, abrupten höhepunkt erlebte, der sie hart durchschüttelte und nach luft ringen ließ, während die welt sich für beide einige momente lang in bunte

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Bluebirds Fall

The indigo bunting ... rose-breasted grosbeak ... " she giggled. "i'm sorry ... i'm sorry ... " "you think it's funny?" he smiled slightly. "it's just ... i don't know. no, it's not," she assured.

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Ch. 18 Halloween Special 5/9 A Different Kind of Candy Bowl

The place was decorated for halloween with some fake bats and some fake spiders tacked up on the ceiling as well as purple and orange and black streamers traveling the length of the shop in classic bunting fashion.

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Academic Defenses

The ongoing tale of "expectations and permissions" continues with jerry bunting, our young otter graduate student, seeking advice from his thesis adviser, cory wind runner, a mare who knows quite well how difficult it can be to get through a thesis defense

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Fallout - Prologue

The two were never found until the spring when the snow had melted, months after they had died of hypothermia, bunt trauma, or asphyxiation.

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Wolfsblut - Teil 2 Kapitel 31: Das nächste Dorf

Überall tanzten bunte blätter durch den wind. ein kleiner bach floss an dem weg entlang. der fuchs legte den arm um leos schultern und sagte: ,,das ist wie damals, als wir aufgebrochen sind."

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Tausende winziger nadeln schienen ihn zu malträtieren, der schmerz bohrte sich bis in seine letzten hirnwindungen und ließ bunte lichter vor seinen augen explodieren. er wollte sich schnell wieder von ihr lösen, aber sie hielt ihn eisern fest.

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Moose Stuff

He leaned forward and dabbed the fat mushroom to the cat's forehead, leaving a big wet spot, and then dragged the bunt head down over the cat's cheek to tickle over his whiskers and rub over his lips.

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Final Chapter and Epilog

They bunted and embraced one last time before kali said her goodbyes. 'if you ever need somewhere to shelter or settle down, our pride is open to you always,' utani said. 'i know it is. i hope to see you again someday,' said kali.

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"no, painted bunting." a roll-eyes. "yes, wren. who did you think?" and a double roll-eyes cause field had missed the avian joke. but, then, wren did have a dry sense of humor. but so did field.

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Kapitel2: Freund und Feind

Zuerst bunt schimmernd, dann weiss strahlend, ging das leuchten bald in ein schwaches schwarz ueber. dieses sich immer weiter wandelnde farbspiel zog den wolf naeher zu sich.

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