Get Your Game On!

He fingered the top of his deck box on his belt idly. the rat nodded and slipped the card he had just won, a holographic gravekeeper's spy, out of his deck box.

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Splintered Light, Ch 2.3: No Smoking Section

Even with the extra preparation karl was still the first of his team on deck and ready for the boarding action.

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Splintered Light, Ch 1.2: After the Sun Sets

The entire exchange was a waste of time in his opinion, especially since the two jibs that were not in use had haulyards along the deck; the deck crew could easily have handled unfurling them if it was that important to the foreman.

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Eternal Blue 2: The Otter, the Hyena, and the Rat

He cautiously opened the hatch to the main deck a crack to peer outside. he saw a female rat and all of the others lining up on the deck in an orderly fashion. there was no way he could take on all of them with just his pistol.

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The Black Goddess, Chapter 4

One grabbed me and turned me around as the one with the rope bound my wrists, and they walked me up to the deck. it was sickening how much blood and gore coated the deck.

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Ein Heißer Sommer Tag 2 Unerwartet

„meinst du das reicht mit nur einer decke?" fragte er verdutzt. er hatte zwar eine entsprechend große decke für sein bett, doch er hätte das nicht erwartet. „oh, hab ich gar nicht drüber nachgedacht.

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Chapter 14: Voyeuristic Unintentions

Water leapt at the railing, spraying the deck and swirling across.

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Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 3

Sin looked like she wanted to hiss at him, picking up her chair and _slamming_ it down on the deck so hard the legs bent and several marks were left in the deck itself. "i do not." she replied flatly, huffing, crossing her arms.

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A Vixen's Luck

The arcadians were gathered about the decks in loose knots, conferring in hushed voices.

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Once he was safely atop the deck, he slumped down, sitting on the deck. the captain rushed to him, patting the rat on the shoulder. "are you alright? sir?" the captain demanded. the bastard better not have up and died on him before he could pay.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 7

The three friends all head to the academy courtyard, decks in their deck boxes on their belts and disks on their arms. there's a good bunch of others there by then, more coming in afterwards.
