Chapter 3

#3 of next generation- the digivolution saga a bad taste comes back to haunt our heros, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namico was running.

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Chapter 17

#17 of next generation- the digivolution saga and here we are, once again, a new chapter in this random little thing that turned out to be more popular than i thought it would be.

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Digimon: The Final Chronicle (Part 7)

"digimodify: digivolution activate!" as before, a shining sphere of light surrounded riina, fading an instant later. it was a fraction of a second too late. the black shadow struck riina, sending her toward the ground.

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Chapter 4

#4 of next generation- the digivolution saga   craigs still in creepy demon mode, and karen gets to tie up some loose end...

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Chapter 2

#2 of next generation- the digivolution saga chapter 2 of the random digimon series. and there be yiff. ... chapter 2 of the random digimon series. and there be yiff. ------------------------------------------------ "what are they?"

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 10 Look Who's Back!

Katie spun her weapon to mark her finished digivolution, she was ready for round 2. she jumped up as she quickly located skullmammothmon. she quickly estimated that she was almost as tall as michaels blackseraphimon form and smiled behind her helmet.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 2 Getting Filled In

Tailmon worked as an advisor, she had already told him much about digimon and digivolutions. michael could now recognise almost every digimon in the camp. they were: poromon, a bird in training digimon. nyaromon, a cat like in training digimon.

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"digivolution!" the grid pattern surrounded the white and green digimon, slowly transforming him into his champion form. coming out of the green light, gargomon appeared, ready to take the fight into his own hands. "giga blaster!"

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Chapter 9

#9 of next generation- the digivolution saga if i keep adding characters like this i'm going to need a chart to keep track of them all!

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Chapter 6

#6 of next generation- the digivolution saga who is this unknown voyeur our heroes have captured?

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Enter Sakuyamon:The digimon of light!

All of renamon's digivolutions seemed to flash before their eyes until a human form stood in a golden armor with her palm in front of her face. rika felt herself surrounded by data rings as she looked on.

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Chapter 15

#15 of next generation- the digivolution saga and i have finally managed to gain some free time to start writing again! woot! so yeah, sorry for the delay, but at least i am writing again, which is good.

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