CH 2: Moral Additions

Moral Additions By TalonKitsune (talonkitsuneATyahooDOTcom) This is adult material and should only be read by people of 18 years or older. If you are reading this and aren't old enough or are repulsed by such contents, it is not my fault should...

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 7: New day

"about she being evil she-dragon of doom, about leaving you alone, about she being weight issued, abo--" "i got the picture." spyro interrupted and passed sparx into hideout. "well this is just great..." sparx said and stayed behind.

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SPQR Chapter 7

You are the evil one." the other seantors were now giving the wolf looks of cold dismissal- all were either imperialists or afraid of looking insubordinate around such an evil ruler.

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leaving my corner

Leaving my corner Fox was mid-sentence as I saw the shadow move up behind him I didn't have time to warn him as the gun fired and blood sprayed my face. I've had blood on me a lot in the last hours but this time it made me sick and it destroyed me I...

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the clash of the immortals

DISCLAIMER: the character Zeke is not mine; it belongs to surfaman. The character Angel is not mine; it belongs to Angel the vampiric. this is just a rough draft, any and all constructive critisism will be greatly appreciated....

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The Devil's Marvel --Kaptel 3--

Mwahaha I have done it again (I will not go into a britneys spears parody for 'oops i did it again' \*is tempted\*) anywayz....enjoy....and thats all there really is to say. oh! and under 18s, this is fun I know but remember to keep it clean and wear...

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Sins: Past Elements of Darkness Part 1

This evil object?! it's got you in it's grasp, brother!" "what are you going to do with that? drop it now!" it was in fear. it didn't want ira to destroy it or do anything else with it.

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RWB 2: Bad Moon Rising Prologue

Hey. I'm back. For real this time, with another Alexei Pavlov adventure. Looks like Alex's old friend Kossenko's back, and that means it can only be a matter of time before the shit hits the fan. So here it is, the prologue of _Red, White, and Blue 2:...

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Over the Mountain Intro

_This is a thing I've been working on off and on for a little bit now. I didn't post all I have, but I wanted to see what others thought!_ A soft autumn breeze blew gently as the evening light faded from the sky. The sound of rustling grass was...

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Succubus... Terry stepped back admiring himself in the full length mirror. ‘Damn I look cool!' He thought, with his bleached out coat and gold painted hoofs. Even the long golden spiral horn sprouting from his...

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My Greatest Fear

What i am has been thrown aside the law and doctors now decide they see an evil monster here and "friends" no longer hold me dear to them, i have forever died. but did my old self go to hide?

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Downfall: part one

A new series (I may get around to finishing the old stuff at some time in the future, but at the mo' I'm excited by the prospects of this one) If I told you that this world matters to me, it would be a lie. I do not care about this place; it...

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