Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace: Chapter 2

She yelled and slammed her hand down on the figure. she jumped back as the figure jumped up holding his crotch and rolled on the ground in pain.

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Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow

For an instant, the rhino-headed figure paused, regarding the cowled figure silently; then it bellowed and sprang forward, knife raised high to deliver a killing blow.

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Baby sitting part 3

The figure rove the chainsaw up and held it to james's muzzle. james started to breathe heavily and started to lose his sense of sight. the last thing james saw was the figure hold up the chainsaw.

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The Sexual Chronicles (iii) – The Tests of Hell: Secui Unus

The giant demon turned her head towards the figure and gabby, 'est is causa of turbatio?' 'etiam, meus senior!', replied the cloaked figure.

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Chapter 4: A change in Events

Large figure: my chaos generals, go and take over the whole digiworld! figure #1: i'll take the west my lord. figure #2: i'll take east, water is my specialty. figure #3: my triumph swords will do the job in the south.

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The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 1-Home Alone,2013

The figure started to fade away. "wait! when do i wear it? where will i go first? is this dangerous?!" stevo yelled as the figure faded quicker. "all that will be revealed tomorrow. for now, goodbye!"

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Chapter 52: Beginning of a Nightmare

Veemon waved at a figure stood at the cliff. "are you here for experience?" there stood a hooded figure. _'that hooded figure!'_ the hooded figure looked down to them and smiled. it came sliding down from the cliff. "well are you?" veemon asked.

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Wayward Scale, Wasteland Chapter 1, Evening's Awakening

Then, the hatchling hiccuped fire at the figure. as the figure jumped to another tree, the hatchling followed them still breathing fire. then, he ran out of breath, and when james looked up the trees, the figure was gone.

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 4

In the blink of an eye the wolf was on top of the black figure. knife pressed against the neck. aietos laid flat on the ground. the cowl that the assassin wore was pushed back. nephadius panted heavily over the figure.

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Between the shadows that covered the cave a figure appeared, silently taking slow steps toward the figure of a woman sleeping, a large puddle of white liquid covering the ground around the sleeping figure.


Winter's Palisade Chapter 2

figuring he's waited long enough,he heads over to the figure. as he gets closer,he can't stand to look at the dark figure.

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The Prophet Prologue

The figure just smirks unseen by the other man "it's quite simple, i want your soul" he says with a mirthful laugh.

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