The Sexual Chronicles (iii) – The Tests of Hell: Secui Unus

Story by RandomYiff on SoFurry

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#3 of Sexual Chronicles

Author's Note: This story is strictly not for anyone under the age of 18 since it contains numerous adult themes. If there is anything in this story that you do not like, please do not bitch about it, just do not read on further or troll a comment for a laugh. As for any other comments, do feel free to correct me on content and grammar.

The Sexual Chronicles (iii) - The Tests of Hell: Secui Unus

Chapter I - Meeting with the Devil

A tall shadowy figure patrolled the rocky barren corridors of the demonic realm, the air potent with the familiar smell of brimstone and consumed by a faint reddish glow of lava. Orders were given of a disturbance in space-time, a foreign alien entering into the dominion of the grand kingdom, and urgency was shown in the pace of the cloaked figure as it hastened to reach the destination of the unwelcomed entity. Left, right, left, left, down the numerous rocky paths it travelled, each splitting into more waypoints but focused on the way that lead to the creature from the outside. The knocks of the scythe against the stone floor echoed off the enclosed rugged walls, and the some-what moon shaped blade reflected the scarlet blaze, acting as a beacon beside the dark form. It wasn't too long before the mysterious shape reached the location of the disturbance, a rather large enclosed cavern, ancient in nature from the carved pillars hugging the walls and the stone circle propped opposite. The crumbling grey columns were coated with an assorted of strange symbols, the dead language of the demons' ancestors, those who strived to be free from their eternal prison and rumoured to have succeeded at one point in time. Whether the rumours were true or not, there had been no evidence or success of opening a portal to another place, another world, until now. Before the ringed symbolic stone, a creature laid, consumed in a coating of pungent fluids, slumped onto the cracking floor like an offering to the gods, limbs thrown outwards from the body and rounded chest panting heavily from some previous activity. The figure edged closer, holding out a boned hand towards the creature, clenching a clump of golden blond hair within the lifeless grasp and fingering the locks to feel the softness of the strands. The alien creature laid there, completely naked and dazed despite the touches to her soaked hair with chest taking heavy breaths of whiffy air and slowly awakening from her slumber.

The first thing the alien noticed, as she became complete aware, was the strong whiff of rotten eggs and placed both hands on her nose to hide the smell, which did little to stop the scent creeping into her nostrils as she made horrid noises of throwing up from her dry throat. With her sight in a somewhat daze from the change of environment, she could not see the figure nearby and moved her hands about to find support to pick get off the hard dusty floor, skimming past the edge of the dark cloak. She gasped from the unbearable smell as it still stung her nostrils and tried to hold back the enticement to throw up. As she opened her eyes, she could see the many rock structures surrounding her being lit by the dim red glow, the strange columns of symbols and the dark figure crouching near her, grasping some of the drenched hair. "AHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!!! GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF!!!!!!!"

The tigress screamed as loud as she could as she threw her limbs to the ground to scurry away from the figure. She left a trail of sticky fluids as she crawled towards the ringed stone, hiding behind the structure in hopes to hide from the creepy thing. With her mind in full alert, she became aware of what had happened to her, fur and hair coated in a mixture of feminine fluids, darkening and staining the once bright striped orange body she had. Upon realising these things and remembering the last few words that were said to her before arriving to the crimson lit stinky place, she fell to the ground once again, curled up into a foetal position, and cried.

Moments passed, to what seemed like forever, and silent footsteps were heard from behind the crying tigress. Gabby laid there crying to herself, not caring what the cloaked figure had in mind for her, tail wrapped between her legs and waiting for the thing to end it once and for all. The footsteps eventually stopped, and a deep voice spoke from behind, providing an aura of someone intellectual, 'the master wishes to speak to you young one.'

From hearing the words, Gabby hastily got up, looked at the thing behind her and gazed directly into the veal that consumed the figure's head, as if she were peaking into its eyes. The thing itself was nothing more than a black cloaked shape, its face obscured by the hood, towering as high as the largest male Gabby had ever seen and stood there seeming to be waiting for a response from the scared and tired tigress. Gabby tried to calm down, sniffing her nose, screwing up her face to hold back any more tears streaming down her face, and stuttered a croaky reply, 'why does...the...master...want me?'

The silhouette of dark fabric said nothing, merely staring into Gabby's soul and gestured her to follow, raising a skeleton hand to signal the direction they were going to take. Seeing that she had no choice, Gabby got herself together and followed the figure towards their destination, ensuring to keep some distance away as she now noticed the sharp intimidating scythe.

Tall shadows followed the pair as they walked to what seem like hours, passing boiling lava lakes, down a numerous network of paths and through all sorts of tight crevices. The red light that strangely lit up their way soon faded behind them and was replaced by two fierce lights of fire on either side of two huge oak doors. Still keeping her distance away from the walking solid shadow, Gabby took her time to look at the gothic entrance whilst waiting for the path to open. The giant wooden doors were both bolted with black cast iron to the stone archway that lay before her, craved with many figures of weird womanly demon like creatures meshed together in sexual acts, and each door was attached with a gold handle; a ugly dog demon face with sharp teeth bearing and nose ring for the actual grip. What lay beyond the grand passage was a mystery to her and the thought caused her tail to curl up between her legs again, her hands catching the black tip and hugging it tightly to her chest. To the bottom left of the grand piece of architectural design, there was a smaller door within the luxurious door. As Gabby looked towards that direction, the cloaked figure had already headed to it and knocked repeated with a seemly fragile bony fist. The little door opened and yet again the figure gestured Gabby to follow in which she did, sheepishly.

Upon entering the grand opening, she was soon greeted to an extraordinary sight; the mammoth room that was now before her was surrounded by stone pillars, each decorated with the strange symbols, and a torch attached to light the room with an orange glow. So large was the space that she stood in, the light did not reach the ceiling but did reveal the statues of naked humanoid women, situated between each pillar, close to the wall of the huge room. At the opposite end of the seemingly infinite space, Gabby eyes went wide from the unique sight, a red giant, sat on a huge golden throne, was overlooking the spectacle going on in the centre of the room; a tangle mess of demonesses, licking, touching, groping and whatever else they were doing. Moans and groans echoed throughout the room as Gabby was led to the red demon on the other side watching the multicolour and varied number of demonesses; wings, fangs and all, pleasuring each other in some sort of show. The cheeks on the tarnish striped skin flared up, the spell that was casted on her still lingering in her body, wanting the tigress to join the sexual orgy occurring in honour of the devil himself and causing trickles of fluids to flow down the already stained thighs from the tigress' abused hole. Gabby turned away desperately, trying to resist the temptation, held on to her tail more, pushing the tip closer to her face and quickened her stride to get to the red monster sooner.

Reaching the far side of the vast room, steps of rocky slabs lay in front of the wandering pair to reach the raised area of floor where the throne was situated. Looking at the throne area, a huge velvet red carpet rolled towards the pile of aroused demons, the throne itself was completely made out of gold and was craved with the same designs as was on the majestic wooden doors. Sat on the throne was the devil himself; he towered over her like a red naked skyscraper, legs thick in muscle, normal looking feet unlike the drawing of hoofed legs , four muscular arms sprouting from his sides and a huge veiny throbbing penis that was difficult to measure but could flatten down a small village. The devil seemed to be aroused at the sight he saw, letting out moans of lust, rubbing himself with one of his arms, and his massive sagging ball sack, resting on the floor below the royal throne, licked by demonesses that were not involved in the orgy. The throne lay back far enough from the display so that the devil's full gigantic length would not overshadow the show or risk squishing any of the succubi creatures. Looking further up the giant in front of her, she spotted his bulbous engorged breasts, bloated with plenty of fat and milk, and nipples poking from the skin like tree stumps. 'Oh, it's.....a she?'

Gabby blushed again, but in embarrassment instead of lust, from the assumption she made based on the intrusive length that dominated the room. The devil's face, oddly enough, was not extremely ugly but rather attractive; large spiral horns grew beside the extremely long free-flowing black hair that drooped down to rest on top of the rounded breasts. The devil's face was humanoid in nature but unlike any species she met before; green eyes that could pierce not just souls but the very essence of life itself, a slender beautiful face that showed off the bone structure perfectly, a dainty nose and succulent black lips with fangs poking from the mouth like a vampire. The shadowy figure stopped at the side of the throne, raising a hand to stop Gabby from going any further, and shouted towards the giant trying to gain her, or his, attention, 'meus carus vinco, sto pro vos!'

The giant demon turned her head towards the figure and Gabby, 'Est is causa of turbatio?'

'Etiam, meus senior!', replied the cloaked figure.

Words flew over Gabby's head, not understanding a single word despite listening eagerly to recognise a single phrase of some sort. This scared her even more and in a panicked state, she yelled to the giant to plead for mercy. 'Please, oh generous devil, I am not worthy of your presence! I beg of you, please spare me and I will give you my soul!'

Gabby shouted as long as she could whilst on her hands and knees, screaming with a sore painful throat to gain the devil's attention. Looking at the cowering feline below her, the giant boomed a laugh and commented towards the cowering feline, 'persolvo ut suus quis nos operor'.

Gabby looked towards the figure for some understanding. 'My ladyship laughs at your stereotypical ideas about what she is and what we do. Although this place resembles your idea of hell, we in fact have no interest in eternal damnation. Our only interest is to survive, just like you infernal mortals. The only aspect to your worldly thoughts, that is partly correct, is when we take your soul. We do not take it for eternal damnation; we take it to feed our master and ourselves. The succubi before you are my master's soldiers, who feed off the souls of the strong, which in turn, feeds her. The soul passes through them, cleanses the soul of all impurities as it passes through our master's stomach before being released for reincarnation.'

'Persolvo ut suus quis EGO have intentio pro suus!' bellowed the giant again.

'It seems my ladyship wishes to explain to you what we have planned for you. You see, after being trapped in this realm for a thousand years, we have strived to escape and return the balance of life and death to normal. All attempts have failed due to the strong magic that was mistakenly passed on to you idiotic mortals and until the balance is returned, souls will remain in limbo. We were about to lose hope, that was until you appeared my dear. It has been years since we had a mortal come to our kingdom and you seem to have been struck with a curse that may aid our cause. However, assumptions cannot be made and tests need to be carried out to ensure our theories are correct. If you pass all of them, you earn your freedom. It is as simple as that...' As the figure passed on the relevant and important information to Gabby, the thoughts of a tired mind trailed off from the words of wisdom, eyes glistened with imaginings, fantasising about returning home, and return back to her normal life.

'Any questions?', the figure bellowed, interrupting Gabby's daydreaming.

'Ummmmmmm.......what did you say again?' asked Gabby ignorantly.

The cloaked creature slapped the bony hand to his face, annoyed at the thought of repeating what was said and decided to continue on with explaining the trials. 'There are five tests, but if you pass all of them, our lordship provides the sixth, which I do warn you, no-one has survived from. Each challenge begins and ends with a hit from the gong. As soon as the gong sounds, the previous challenge will end and the next will begin immediately.'

As Gabby was about to ask what was the first challenge, the cloaked figure grabbed her arm with immense strength, dragged her, and threw her into the succubi orgy.

Chapter II - Challenge I: Centum Centum Squallings

Gabby's fall was broken by a few demonesses caught in the middle of pleasuring each other, too dazed to be aware of where she was and was soon grabbed by hundreds of hands, each one groping her body thoroughly. To what seemed like seconds since she was flung into the air, the gong echoed throughout the room and already all the succubi were looking towards her. The ones Gabby landed on began to surround her, made no hesitation to lay their mouths on her sensitive areas, tugging her large white breasts, parting her legs, sticking a huge tongue down her vagina and poking several fingers into her tailhole. Gabby could not help but scream out a heavy orgasm, her eyes widening from the intense sensation and spraying her first batch of sexual fluids, satisfying the curse that drove her body to accept such pleasure. The perverse hands continued their assault, forcing the tigress to endure a chain of orgasms, pushing each other aside to have their share of the squirting mortal and surrounding her like a flock of hungry seagulls, flapping away to gain their share of the succulent scrap of sexual meat. Desperate to have a piece of the lustful tigress, one of the demonesses, a slender toned red female, climbed over Gabby from behind and sat on her face. The demon then started to rub her sloppy fleshy hole against Gabby's face, scraping the metallic piercings of the vaginal folds against the striped face, and feeling pleasure from whatever facial feature the tigress had. With her body now betraying her and acting on instinct, Gabby stuck out her tongue to pleasure the demoness' decorated cunt, and causing the thing to spray sour fluids into the tigress' mouth. Happy with the pleasure she was receiving, the scarlet demon pushed the two that were abusing the tigress' breasts and lowered forward to lick Gabby's swollen clitoris, placing a studded rough tongue on the sensitive stub, and causing the organ to bloat out in length, forcing its length down the demon's throat. Gabby buckled as she felt the hot moist sensation of the oral stimulus around her huge throbbing clit, the feminine part returning to its perverse state and spewing many times over down the sucking oesophagus.

A purple slender succubus, that was pleasuring the tigress' sensitive vagina and ass orally, now repositioned herself to have her legs parallel to Gabby's, forming a scissoring position and rubbing the unholy hole near the demon female stuffed with clit-cock. Pulling the slender striped legs towards her, the lilac creature rubbed vigorously, thrashing her hips between the soaked striped thighs, causing Gabby to buckle again in orgasm and forcing more fluids not only from her own hole but also down the red demon's throat, slowly bloating her stomach in the process. Repositioning herself on Gabby's mouth, the bloated scarlet demon allowed another of her sisters, a skinny green one, to have fun with the now fully erect throbbing muscle pulsating from the tigress. Placing the whole length in her own tight wet heated hole, the emerald demon bounced as hard as the purple succubus thrashed her hips, causing Gabby to wail her lust into the pierced cunt that lay on her face and sending her bloated clit into overdrive, pumping streams of cream into the unnatural tight dirty depths. Both the demonesses on top of Gabby cried out in passion, enjoying their corruption of the mortal female and began to passionately kiss each other, dark lips locked tightly as each of them enjoyed the feeling of Gabby's body parts on their increasing cum-spewing holes, spraying unholy fluids over and over again, causing the striped fur below to become heavily soaked.

As the session continued, more and more succubi surrounded Gabby, pleasuring their sexual parts and spraying their bitter hot fluids onto the steaming fur of the increasingly soaked tigress. Each one of them took it in turns to have their fun with their new feline partner, however, signs of impatience within the frantic sexual fun were observed as some of the perverse females began to attempt unique ways of satisfying their lust. An orange plump horned female started to pick Gabby's slumped arm, forcing it hard within her dripping depths, and used the hand as a fleshy dildo, squeezing the whole limb into her body and pressing the sloppy entrance against Gabby's shoulder. Other demons watched the spectacle of such a feat and fought to do the same with the other soaked limbs. Gabby could soon enough feel the hot moist insides of the horny succubi contracting with each orgasm. The two that consumed her arms constantly sprayed their sexual fluids against the sides of the feline's face. The others that forced the striped legs into their bodies had somehow managed to stretch their tight sexual holes around the top of the thighs, consuming the legs like a tight pair of soggy leggings and doing their best to have their fun whilst avoiding the demoness scissoring Gabby's cunt, who, was spraying her fluids onto the lower part of the white toned waist. The four perverse demons cried out their lust, groaning in pleasure from the abnormal fuck and screamed out a passionate sharp cry every time the tigress erected her claws or stretched her limbs within their wombs.

The orgy of succubi around Gabby was well away with pleasuring themselves on the tigress' body. Those waiting to have their fun with the foreign feline alien circled around her with desperation and sprayed fluids towards the live porno before them, squirting everything in view with their vaginal fluids. The demonesses took it in turns to pleasure themselves on each of Gabby's body parts, making her their loving sex toy, bringing the number she could pleasure at one time to eight; one on each of her legs and arms, one on her face, one scissoring her, one on her cock and one on her belly rubbing their wet scorching cunt on the damp fur. Gabby could not resist the onslaught of demon cunts smothering their fluids into her, she was enjoying the feeling of her cock and vagina being pleasured by the demons plus the sensation of having her limbs in hot damp contracting socks made the situation more satisfying to her. Gabby could not stop cumming to their perverted deeds, bloating every succubus' womb on her cock and still maintained the stamina to continue with the activities. To what seemed like forever, and the endless number of succubi still using Gabby as their sex toy, the gong sounded, signalling the end of the first challenge.

All the succubi that were still on the cum-soaked tigress got up, panting heavily with lust and joined the others that were circling her, leaving a mess behind them once the area was cleared. The space within the circle was awash with a pool of female fluids and at its centre laid a drenched tigress, cock still fully erect, and panting from the orgy she was involved in. Gabby opened an exhausted eyelid to see what the next challenge was going to be, witnessing the circle of horny demons surrounding her, fingering their clitoris area and eyeing her body deviously. Many of them gently caressed the area with their fingers in a circular motion whilst others were rougher, tugging and twisting at the fleshy stubs with all their strength. The stimulation caused the moans of pleasure to fill the grand room again, Gabby eyes widen as she witnesses the pulsing stubs grow larger and larger from each succubus, slowly matching or exceeding the endowment she bore from her groin and turning the circle of tiny hand movements into large stroking motions. The gong echoed throughout the room once again, the ringing bouncing off the row of ancient pillars and signalling the succubi to reach forward to position Gabby for their assault. She was lifted off the ground, placed onto all fours like a bitch in heat, thick clit hanging towards the ground, and left to endure the gang rape that was about to begin.

_**To be continued.......


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