Recontextualize 20 - Inadequate
"after much political wrangling, mayor lionheart saw the wisdom in allocating a budget for alternative crime reduction methods. you can receive three thousand dollars as well as a place to live and a job all for renouncing your claim as judy hopps.
Past Life Ch 4
A loud knocking on the front door of the lionheart estate. john, who was cooking lunch in the kitchen, turned his head towards the source. the arctic wolf is currently wearing a brown shirt with green pants.
Zootopia 12/13
"from the desk of mayor leodore lionheart..." he cleared his throat.
Zootopia Park 3/??
"did mayor lionheart not fill you in on the details?" victoria asked curiously. there was an audible snort from bogo's nostrils as he tried to calmly respond. "not entirely." "i'm sure i wouldn't have missed a detail like this."
The Fantastic Mishaps of the Pussy with a Pussy - Chapter 2.1
Buried deep in the ground was the blade of his sword, the lionheart, the sacred weapon he shared his name with.
Celsius Gets Rammed
How it won't be long before lionheart's out of the picture. and the whole pr campaign she has in store to ensure everyone loves her from the moment she's in office.
Zootopia chap 4
Tobias lionheart explained, as he began to spear the meat and shovel it into his mouth. nick joined in almost as eagerly, the real meat making his taste buds sing with pleasure.
Prey Master Chapter 3.
Though it was some 20 years back when she proposed it, it didn't really catch on until mayor lionheart brought it out of an old archives." a dark look passed over nick, which made judy see a different side to him almost instantly.
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 16
The gangsters scurried apart fearfully as they saw a heavy, crazed cheetah thundering at them. Benjamin pounced at the gangsters and slammed one of the gunners against the wall with his heavy paws. The others tried to shoot him, but he darted around...
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 15
Ben was woken up by the loud ringing from his phone. He answered it sleepily, 'Sis?' 'Ben, just listen. Call the ZPD for us. We're at the warehouse near the Harbour Street and our radio has been jammed. We need backup immediately...' And the signal...
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 14
Adira left home for work extra early the next day. She left a note for Benjamin, 'Ben, tuna sandwich today for breakfast. Don't stop on your way for donuts or you'll be late. Love, ADR' She stepped into records and checked the surveillance camera....
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 13
'Benjamin didn't break any rules. You can't move him to records.' Mansa folded his arms and glared at the chief. 'You think I would want to desert Adira's brother? The fact is nobody wants him as partner anymore. There's no job left for him to do...