Meet Me at the Beach (Patreon)

Though she wasn't too old, she certainly wasn't a novice to life. it would go without saying that she kept her body in a very appealing state.

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Forest Keep 27

Then he had left for training as a novice and since then she had heard not one word from him. this irked her as she wasn't used to being ignored.

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Be Kind To Those Less Fortunate 7

." -- over the past few hours anarchei had taught stronghoof some of the things a novice paladin would need to know. auras, seals, and judgements were an essential part of any paladin's arsenal.

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Rokuke Request, Part Two (Cub 18+)

She had forgotten about the excitability for a novice experiencing sexual pleasure. proof of this was josh gasping uncontrollably and eyes widening with worry. "cy... cy... s-stop..."

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In the Service of Circe, Chapter 3

Later i found the mare had once been a novice sorceress that had been found 'wanting' by circe, and since no one ever left her service the novice had joined the 'stock' in order to serve her mistress in a new way.

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The Moonweaver Chronicles Sidestories-Raptyr's New Undertaking

"you didn't think i'd trust some untested novice with my life... did you?" as much of an arrogant jerk as this guy seemed to be, working with him was the best way to get information on this place for alkain.

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"i'll leave you to change- your novice habits are in the closet......" the twins peeked into the closet. there were four short sleeve white blouses. there were four longish black wool skirts. two pair clunky black shoes.

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A Midnight Duel

Both rabbit and fox blush bright red under their fur as they look up, seeing one of the school's many teachers standing in the doorway, applauding, and a group of giggling novices behind her.

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Sight of the heart Chapter IX

Lucario is watching in awe, amy has gone from shaking novice to confident trainer in seconds, but he isn't letting his guard down, all it takes is one slip up and amy could be a nervous wreck again. amy points with her cane, "hit him again!"

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Black and Gold

A short story about a novice cheetah sub and an experienced panther dom. this is my first attempt at a story, constructive criticism appreciated. this was a special day for farla.

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I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 4

I want to see every single person here graduate to novice, but i just want to make it clear what you're facing here, 'cause it's not gonna get any better for a while. it's up to you to decide if you're up to the task."

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Blue Valley Underground - Part 04 - Nymph

Oh, novice training. being skinny and sixteen, carrying a wooden stick in place of a sword, getting mocked and shoved in the trash by apprentices... "i understand." "good." evan set the sword in isaac's lap, "don't make me regret this."              

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