Chapter 4- Five Years

First and second period, he didn't even hear the lessons being taught. he was dreading third period, because he had dante in that class.

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Dustin & Kai: Chp 1

Open your workbooks to page 224" through out the period kai shot glances at the wolf next to him. "i'll show ya 'round at lunch if ya like," he whispered. dustin looked up. "huh? oh... yeah.

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It was 6th period and brandon was called up to the office. lux hated 6th period, it was his one class without any friends. his art class had tables of two and he was the only one without a partner.

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Life-Cycle of the Phasefox

Their incorporeal nature makes studying these creatures in captivity for any extended period difficult, to say the least.

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Permantent Positions - Chapter 6: Starting off

Today, you have one full period of basic fitness training. one quarter period to wash, with the remaining three quarters for hardware training. then lunch. we'll go over the rest after lunch, okay?" "periods? what is this, school?"

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Clueless ch16: Threesomes are totally a hobby you guys

Sometimes i tell people that my third period is zoology. zoology is not my third period. my third period is japanese 3... it is my deepest darkest secret. well i mean, next to my secret gay love for dick and mangina, but it's a pretty close second!

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CH:2 Tuesday

Then the bell rang for next period.

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Wolf Springs High School

I huffed, and jogged down the hall where i thought my first period may be. i stopped at the door as my hand hovered over the handle. i swallowed audibly and pushed the door open, entering my class. 

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Bonded by Chance - Chapter 1

I hoped fourth period, my favorite, would be a little easier to handle and would help me not think about how cute he is.

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First day of school Part 1

He say that casey had 4th peroid gym, 5th period lunch, and 9th period information technology(computers) together. "looks like we have 3 classes together." jonathan said as he gave back the id "well thats cool. we'll get to know each other more."

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A Little Bit Different: First Date

The two remained quiet for the rest of the class period. the bell rang, and the furs piled out the door, back into the, again, congested hallway.

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Second Chances : Chapter 3

Oh and don't forget about the detention for being late to first period. this was just starting out to be a wonderful day.

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