Eragon Fanfiction Teaser.
"once you leave tarnag you riders will never be safe again! we the az sweldn rak anhuin, will not rest until we have destroyed all the riders everywhere!"
A Chocobo's Life, Chapter 2
rider under him.
Keeping Up Appearances
They had intended to have a calming day with just rider and dragon but this was anything but relaxing.
Finding My Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 4: Desert Job
"chaza, gou, and rider help him unload. sky you're on guard duty. rider i'm going to infuse you with mana. yes, i know you don't need it, but there is very little in this environment to draw from.
Finding my Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 3: Adventurer, Student, Drop Out
rider whispered. i nodded and we both walked to the small lecture stage. rider went first. the crystal ball that the professor had been using turned black when rider touched it. "that can't be right.
Rayguns & Rifles - Bounty Hunter
They glare balnkly as the rider passes to the front. the rider dismounts & ties his horse to a wooden post jutting lopsidedly from the swirling mess of bloody sand.
A Chaotic Impression
When they put the rings on a flash of light light up the alleyway then night raid and storm rider walked out into the empty street. rider flew into the sky, summoning a storm while raid ran to the docks.
Chapter 37 - The Southern Raiders
Link screamed as he saw dozens of more riders emerging from the shadows of the nearby boulders that dotted the plains. how many riders were there? he began to cry at his inability to reach her in time.
Chapter 17: A Rider's Confession
When you choose your rider ... truly choose your rider, it happens to you the moment i touch you. but it was not possible for you because you did not truly choose me. galbatorix cast a spell over your egg to trick you into choosing me as your rider.
Waiting for You
_a rider and his dragon fell in love and mated, something that neither of them could have foreseen.
Nether Encyclopaedia: Dune Riders
The inhabitants of the second continent of the nether realm: the dune riders, people of sahhra.
Dragon Riders: Valiance and Serene
Most dragon worked hard to gain the interests of their riders, not simply sitting around waiting for the rider to come to them.