Dwarves and Dragoncats
The dwarves didn't even have a name for it, and they had words that intricately described all kinds of stone and ore.
Kharok adventures part 1: It's unwise to stop anywhere.
The dwarves were so quick he couldn't even react: his loincloth was tugged off, exposing him to those dwarves while his wrists was unshackled and fastened up to the higher corners of the plank.
The Seven Days of Orcyon
The assembled dwarves chuckled.
Kharok adventures part 3: The victorious dwarves.
Kharok could only oink back quickly, filling the room with another dwarves laughing. "it's time to have fun, brothers!" the dwarves chieftain suddenly said.
The Beastiary
dwarves are relatively short, have thick body hair and good hearing with somewhat bad eyesight. they have very thick amounts of muscle and, when they eat well enough, fat. they are all but immune to the grey and magic.
Chapter Eight
One of the dwarves ordered, but she ignored him.
Prized Possession of the Dwarves
Misadventures of kor prized possession of the dwarves the mighty orc burst through the doors of the keep. the dwarves had recently fallen back to their mountain home due the the constant raids led by kor.
Battle in the North
On the high mountain steeples, the sound of battle could be heard as the nords and dwarves of skrijaheim waged war against the dragonians and dwarves of arkathia, javelins cutting through the air to reach their marks as shields were shattered and spears were
Green Lives, His Lives
He walked down the streets, following the same gestures as the dwarves during the day.
The Age of Fire Isekai Series: Patronage
Questioned the dragonelle, looking fiercely at the two dwarves where they were. a silence would overcome the room as the dwarves thought heavily of the words olivia spoke.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas Chapter 5 - Remastered
He didn't know how long it would hold but at least it would stem the flow of more dwarves. the dark iron dwarves have been so surprised that they barely put up a fight.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt5
He didn't know how long it would hold but at least it would stem the flow of more dwarves. the dark iron dwarves have been so surprised that they barely put up a fight. it didn't take the group long before they had killed every last dwarf.