The Pokemon Journey -- Team Xaos Attacks!

With felix, his totodile; and ace, his spearow; and his two pokemorphs -- the collared kelly and naryawen, who wore a choker on the battlefield; he felt ready to take on team xaos.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 3

Kutty the charmander and unshi the totodile will both be taking the guild entrance exam and if they succeed, will become apprentices to our guild. i want to speak with both of you after dinner, so don't forget.

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 13

With the situation defused for now, I noticed that the adorable sphere of blubber was staring at me with sparkling eyes. It was just now that I realized that he was still just a kid and easily impressionable despite his high intellect. Somehow, it...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 12

"These five will do," I said handing the profiles back to Haless. As he looked over the chosen folders I politely excused myself and walked away gracefully. Once I calmly closed the door behind me, a childish grin spread across my face. Sprinting off...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 16

Flying away from the blow, the totodile managed to land on her feet just in time to notice and dodge the charmeleon's ember attack.

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What I would have done on Totodile Day

She temporarily escapes, but he hits her with a pogo stick while a totodile chews on her leg. nugget sees this as more interesting than the lame wwe plotline going on, so he sets up his chair and watches it instead.

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And besides i've always wanted to see if your seeds are like totodile or not."

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Which he then chuckled again before he said ",and you even respect me how noble of you there totodile." which i then said", the name's vector mr.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 11

"if you two lose track of vigroth, and fail to bring me that totodile and the little thief's head..." sceptile's voice is low, barely audible over the wind and the crashing waves on the beach.

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Master of Aura Chapter Twenty-One

Yeah, he's shiny" he looked over his shoulder at the other too cleaning the town, "the other big one is kyriu, a tyrantrum and the smaller blue one is thel, a totodile." "um..."

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Ch 2. Dwellings in the Past

"thank you for saving our son, what's your name young totodile." "cronas... will he be okay?" "he just needs some rest, where are your parents cronas?" "in the next pond over..."

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Seven Years Later Chapter 11

Pinning the poor totodile onto the floor, persian lifted his clawed paw into the air to perform his slash attack. however, the out of control primeape continued his rampage and slammed into the group.

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