Aion's Rebirth - Not Exactly Due Process 2

Story by Kiroberos on SoFurry

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#3 of Aion's Rebirth - Shorts

The story of Verdik continues, as Wyna decides to tempt him into something unexpected!

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Admittedly, Rikana was even sexier cleaned up. They'd washed down all the prisoners, and cleaned them up of any... infestations they might have, as well as tended to their wounds. I hadn't roughed anyone up too badly though, so that was mostly just bumps and bruises. Her wrist sprain would have been simple enough to regenerate, and she didn't even have a bandage on now.

Not that my gentle treatment stopped her from glowering my way and trying to murder me with her gaze. Mmm, she was going to be fun. Entering her cage, I unhooked her wrist shackles from the wall of the train, then gently navigated her back outside again, eyes roaming her form as I did. Her gear and longcoat were gone now, and she was wearing only loincloth and chest wrap.

The lockup cars were behind our barracks and officer cars, towards the back of the train. But now, she'd be spending the rest of her trip in Wyna's cabin instead. She snorted at me, but didn't resist as I moved her along by her shackles. She took a few sniffs as she did, then gave a low growl. "Done fucking, and now it's interrogation time? I'm honored..." Ah, she could smell that, undoubtedly. Didn't help that I was still in only a pair of shorts.

"Interrogations of a sort. Though I'm not sure what you could tell me that I don't already know of your little operation." I wonder if she'd get my double meaning th-

"Little?! We had nine towns under our thumbs, and we took down a cargo train!" Ah, nope, this one was a prideful one.

My grin widened, and I pulled her upwards ever so slightly; enough to meet her stare with a toothy smirk of my own. "Oh, I know. Amazing job. Though I'm not sure you're entirely aware of what that means for you now."

She gave another low growl, upper lip trembling as she stared right into my gaze. Mmm. I couldn't help but use my other paw to, just for a moment, stroke up the side of her arm. Her eyes widened just a little, and for a split second, I saw hesitation in her expression. As if she suddenly realized something she very much didn't like. It snapped back to hardass a second later and she snapped at me before jerking away from my touch again.

"D-Don't touch me, asshole!" It came out as a hiss, and I actually barked out a laugh at that. Oh, she was going to be fun.

Wyna and I had woken up to simultaneous orgasms, and her entire room hotboxed with pheromones seeing as she hadn't turned on the air filtration system at all. Her eyes were dilated like crazy, and she ended up riding me like she was in heat, popping off twice more herself before getting filled again by me. I... would like to think I was at least the slightly more rational thinker of the two of us at that point, and carried her almost-unconscious body over to the filtration system, to finally turn it on regardless of her wishes.

We'd missed supper of course, having slept through it, but Kivul showed off his Illan instincts by packing some food up for us and putting it in the ice box. With a pervy and impish message of course. Not that I could complain. Wyn and I hadn't exactly been quiet, fucking each other's brains out. Then, to my surprise, once I woke her up a bit again and put us both through a shower, she'd smirked and suggested I go get the 'cunt' we'd captured for more entertainment, regardless. Almost looking eager even, completely flipping her tune.

"If I can be your First, I don't care at all if you take her as a pet." My jaw almost dropped at that. I'd... thought Wyn had wanted sex for a while now but... She was straight on asking to be my mate. My real, actual, mate. And she was seriously kinky! Things were only looking up from here, it would seem.

I slid the door open, then just shoved Rikana through it, causing her to stumble, until Wyn grabbed her and steadied her while grinning. "Ah, welcome, Rika! We can call you Rika, right? Of course, we can!" Well, she was cheery. I gave her a smirk as I turned and shut the door again, just in time for the Vulkus female to glare up at the Jakatar.

"Fuck you! It's Rikana!"

"Okay, we'll use Cunt instead then, Cunt." A grin, and Rikana scrunched her muzzle at that, then yelped as Wyn spun and easily tossed her sideways onto the bed instead. Okay, I had to laugh at that one.

The Vulkus female flailed, trying to right herself on the bed with both her ankle and wrist cuffs in place highly hampering her movements, with her arms behind her like that. I grinned as I watched her squirm, jiggling in fun places, until she managed to rotate over and sit up, glaring at us both again. Then she looked around, realizing perhaps that she was in a private room, on a bed now. A sniff later and she flushed lightly, then folded her ears back and glared even harder at us. Yup. She realized.

"This... This isn't an interrogation room..." Her eyes shifted between the two of us, and I crossed my arms, just watching her curiously while leaning against the wall.

Wyn giggled, digging through a pile of paperwork she had gotten out, and tossing the top sheet to Rikana, who gave a start. "Aww, how cute. You thought we were going to interrogate you? No, we already know everything about your operation. Even got a full writeup on you and your history. Your skills and even schooling. Daddy issues, hmm?"

She'd hit a nerve, as Rikana's hackles rose, literally, and she let a growl at that. I smirked however, then nodded down to the paperwork. "That, however, is the current paperwork on you. They specifically have you flagged as a VIP target. A hundred and twenty-two counts of armed robbery. Seventeen counts of hijacking. Fifty-one counts of rape. And the real cream on the top of the deal was your train hijacking. Got a little big for your pants there, didn't you?"

It diffused her, and she glared at me for a moment before her eyes trailed down to the paper again. Both of us waited for her to read it, eyes slowly getting bigger as she did. Yup. Wyn smirked wider as she watched, almost looking gleeful now. I suspected more to put the other female in her place than anything. "Yeah, you're pre-processed, Cunt. Black collar, guaranteed. You're going to be a slave for the rest of your life, for all the misery you caused. Did you know, out of the two dozen injuries your little train stunt caused, two people actually died from complications later?"

She walked forward at that and sat down on the edge of the bed, just as Rikana's ears flattened back. "That wasn't... We prepared everything so it would minimize the damage to the train and people inside! I didn't... We checked everyone before we left!"

I nodded. "Internal injuries are lethal like that when you strand them all two hours from medical support. So now you have two counts of murder. You're a slave, Rikana. We just haven't gotten the collar on you yet. But it's coming, trust me." With that, I stretched and boosted off the wall again, sliding my shorts off once more. The Vulkus' eyes shot to me in an instant, then down to my sheath and balls before she flushed again, widening her own. "But, not before I do a couple times at least, inside your tight body."

She rapidly shook her head, all four ears flattened now as she tried to squirm backwards away from me. "N-No, you can't do that! This is rape! You're a guard!"

I just walked towards her though, causing her to squirm harder, until Wyn smirked and lifted the paper up again, waving it towards the Vulkus. "No, it's not. You're a black collar now. Given your situation, I imagine you'll serve the public for a few years, then they'll sell you off to a private owner. And given your tasty body... Using you sexually is entirely fine for a black collar."

I almost laughed as she tried to dive off the side of the bed. Wow, she'd rather smash her face into the floor than deal with me? My paw caught her shackles though, and she yipped as her arms were pulled backwards, until I hauled her back onto the bed by them. "Mmm, that's almost cute, regardless. So, did any of the guys you molested and raped ask you to stop? Beg you for mercy even? Bet you got a kick out of it when they did..."

She gave a growl over her shoulder as I pinned her to the bed, then widened her eyes again as I unlocked her wrist cuffs instead. She froze, just watching me in shock, as I moved down and undid her ankle restraints too. "There we go. You're clearly just going to hurt yourself with these on. I think you were right, Wyn. She's quite clumsy..."

Wyn gave a sage-worthy nod at that, even as Rikana spun and shuffled away from me on the bed, glaring again as she rubbed her wrists. I grinned to her, then licked my lips as I traced my eyes down her form. She was pretty athletically built, though not nearly as much as Wyn. Instead, she had a decent amount of body fat ratio to her, in all the best places that I was going to very much enjoy groping and rubbing.

She gave a growl as she watched, only it was shaky this time, eye darting to the door behind me on the right. "S-Stay away from me, fucker! I'm nobody's slave!"

"Mmm, not yet. Though I might decide to keep you instead. I could easily pull some strings, and Alpha's rights and all..." I was already starting to peek from my sheath, and I steadied myself, staying focused and collected at the very least. Play with first. Then fuck.

She slid off the side of the bed, standing now, and looking like a cornered animal. Which was fitting, I suppose. Dark blue eyes snapped between Wyn and I, but all my lover did was sit on the bed and eagerly watch. Rikana snapped them back to me an instant later as I stepped forward again, walking towards her in the corner.

She growled low, then suddenly stepped and kicked upwards, with her lower right paw aiming a jabbing shot right at my balls! Well, I took offense to that! It rammed right into the vita barrier covering my groin of course, but still, it was the principle of it! She yelped, stumbling backwards, before glaring furiously up at me as I closed the gap. That's when she hauled back and lashed out, slamming her right paw directly into the side of my left cheek! Wait, wasn't that the sprained...

My head got nudged a half a centimeter or so to the side by the impact, and I heard a visceral cracking noise. I lifted an eyebrow to her as she practically screamed however, falling against the wall behind her and clutching at her right wrist. I'd... I'd literally just told her that I was an Alpha. And a highly physical trained one at that. What the fuck was she doing?!

Wyn gave a sigh and shook her head. "Apparently, you're just a dumbass, and capable of hurting yourself without the cuffs on too. I'll go get a regenerative injector..." I gave her a nod as she hopped off the bed at that, then turned back to Rikana just as she dove to the side to try to aim at the free spot the now missing Jakatar had opened up.

Rolling my eyes, I just grabbed her by the arm out of the air and turned with her, easily rotating and lightly slamming the front of her into the wall she was just up against. She gave an airless bark as her lungs deflated, and she slumped for a second. Long enough for me to undo the back clasps of both her upper and lower undergarments.

"Mmm, you're a bad girl, Rikana. You've done a lot of terrible things. I hope it was worth it, because now you've ruined the rest of your life. There's no forgiving what you've done. In fact, they might just break out the mind magic on you..." I casually explained things as I pulled her clothes off, leaving her as naked as I was, now.

Several coughs later, she scratched her claws along the wall for a moment, glaring over her shoulder at me again. I released her with that once more, tossing her clothing aside, only for her to spin and lash out with her claws instead, aiming for my face. My paw bat hers aside, then grabbed the other as she tried to follow up, while pinning the original arm to the wall again as I shook my head to her. "There's no escape anymore, Rikana. You're going to be processed in Talgrand. You're going to be given a black collar. You're going to be a slave for the rest of your life. And as unruly as you are, you're probably not going to acquiesce to the therapy to attempt to turn you into a 'better person', now, are you?"

Her low growl told me everything I needed to know, and I sighed. "So instead, they're going to try and try until you become too much of a pawful, and then they're going to recondition you." That stopped her, with her eyes widening a little. I nodded. "Yup. The worst form of punishment we have. Ego death. You won't be you anymore. Then you'll serve out your punishment instead as a good little girl for the rest of your life."

She started to shake there for a long moment, before giving a weaker growl, sounding like her voice was trembling now. My right paw stroked her palm with that, and she snapped into a snarl instead, mouth opening with her teeth glinting in the room's light. She snapped upwards, but I was far, far faster. A yelp hit a split second later as her head banged back against the wall, with my own muzzle tightening around her neck as my teeth dug into her fur and right into her flesh.

Rikana froze in an instant, going stiff against me as I held her there, growling now. This stupid little girl was going to throw her life away, just like this. Because of bad early life experiences, she was ready to rebel against the world and go down in a blaze of glory. It... utterly pissed me off. She shuddered again, then gave a little whine against my tongue, even as I twisted her arms around again, then used my grip on her neck to slam her back down into the bed once more. She gave a muffled choking noise, but I growled again, right into her throat, and she drooped, going limp to my touch now, before raising her head up and giving me more of her neck. Mmmph.

So, she did have some self-preservation instincts. I gave a lower growl, and she winced under my touch, keeping absolutely still as I slowly released her throat. No, this little bitch was going to get some training, whether she liked it or not. "Don't fucking move a muscle, Bitch. You're going to be my bitch for the duration of the trip, now. If you don't piss me off again, you'll probably actually enjoy yourself even. I think you'll find that I'm a very, very kind Alpha. But only good girls get treated well, understand?" She had her eyes squeezed shut still, but slowly nodded, shaking now.

My teeth gave a light nip to the front of her throat, and she jumped, even as my paws stroked slowly up her stomach and cupped to the sides of her breasts. "Mmm, good. Keep being a good girl, and I think you'll come to very much like it. I know you... You're the kind of girl that just gets herself into deep shit whenever she's unsupervised. This is exactly what you need, isn't it? A powerful male telling you exactly what to do... Keeping you out of trouble. Making sure you're safe, sated, and properly behaved."

She tensed at that, eyes opening again to give me a weak, contemptuous glare. She didn't move, though. I smirked to her at that, left paw groping over her breast, and getting her to shudder at least under the touch. She was indeed fun! The door opened again at that, however, and Wyn came back in, with a medical kit.

"Ah, yay! I didn't miss anything by the looks of it. Oh, are those teeth marks in her neck? Oooo, putting her in her proper place already? Well, I brought lots of medical supplies, so it's all good..." Wyna sounded more amused than anything, and a glance down at Rikana's neck did show a bit of blood coming from the back sides of it. I'd intentionally avoided any big blood vessels, but I guess I had been a little rough there.

I leaned up off her with a nod at that, letting Wyn get in with a medical injector, and fire it off with a hiss right into the side of the Vulkus' neck. She gave a little jump, but I smirked down at her, before stepping fully against the side of the bed with my knees. "She's a rowdy one, but yes, I'm going to be putting her in her proper place. Under me. Serving me. It's the only way she's going to behave." More glares my way, but this time I returned them, and Rikana shrank down a little from the intensity.

My right paw slid to my sheath, and rubbed it almost idly with my first finger, letting my tip slide out fully as I leaned in towards her. Her eyes widened at that, and she clamped her muzzle shut hard, ears flattening down again as she glared my way. My grin didn't lessen, though. "I don't need your muzzle open for this..."

She frowned, then her eyes widened lightly, but it was far too late. I'd already released the first long stream of lightly-acrid, pheromone-saturated piss right across the front of her muzzle. She jerked and gasped in surprise, which might have been a mistake on her part as she opened her muzzle to do so. The splatter directed downwards, I fired it right into her mouth as she flailed there now, with my left paw snapping down and holding her muzzle open, eyes narrowing as I intentionally peed right into her mouth.

"Oh fuck!" Wyna's eyes were huge as she watched, then she dove forward and held Rikana's arms down and over her head, forcing her to just lay there and take my spray as I saw fit. She gave choking coughs and gasps, and I knew she'd drank a good amount of it, before I released her jaw and leaned back again, giving a relaxing sigh and low, dominant growl as I aimed the stream further down her body.

The Vulkus female just lay there, shivering now and giving a low whine as I thoroughly marked her, potently smelling fluid running off her sides, all over her breasts, and then down between her legs. I hauled her legs up at that, and made sure to heavily mark down her spade and tailhole, pouring the last of my stream right over her under-dock's scent glands, so they knew exactly what smell to start producing more of in the future. Mmm, my bitch.

At least I knew the sheets were alchemically fluid-treated... I let her legs drop again, and she just lay there in a hot puddle of my urine, shivering lightly and looking a mixture of shocked and defeated all at once. Wyn kept her paws held down with just one of her own, while the other was already stroking her own folds rather intensely as she watched, of course.

"Fuuuuck. You gotta do that to me, too! In fact, you're not getting off this train before you do!" I smirked her way, then reached down and grabbed the sides of Rikana's head again, lifting her up and looking right at me.

"You're mine, Rika. Got it? If you're a _really_good girl, I might even keep you after we get off this train. To be honest, life as my pet will probably be pretty fucking cushy compared to what you're going to go through otherwise. Feel free to think long and hard about your options here..." She shook there, eyes wide still as she looked into my own.

Slowly, I gave her a long nod, sliding forward onto the bed and pushing up close to her with my groin again. A flush danced over her cheeks now, and I could see her eyes dilating from the scents sinking into her fur, as well as the pheromone-laced piss in her stomach. Just as slowly, she looked down at my still half-extended length, then gave another shiver.

Paranoid as I was, I kept the vita barrier at the ready. But she surprised me, a little, by leaning forward slowly instead and sinking my tip into her muzzle. I gave a low, growling huff, then nodded to her. "Good girl. Clean me."

All four ears lowered, she tucked her tail up between her legs enough to brush against my rear even, but took more of me obediently into her muzzle. I exhaled, relaxing before releasing the last little bits of my tension while easing into her. My bladder relaxed fully, and she gave a shiver as I squirted a bit more urine into her muzzle. This time though, she swallowed it down intentionally before starting to lick carefully around my urethra opening, cleaning me of excess fluids.

I gave a little sigh, perhaps enjoying the sensation a little too much as I started to stiffen in her muzzle. Her ears lifted a little, eyes looking down towards where I was expanding in her mouth, and a smirk played at my lips. "Mmm, very good girl, Rika. Time to get me prepared in other ways though."

Her eyes widened and looked back up to me at that, but only for a split second before snapping downwards again in a muffled noise of surprise. My paw that was holding her by the cheek flared with vita, forming a small yet highly specific barrier extending from my thumb. A split second later, I'd wedged a ring-shaped vita-solid right into her muzzle, widening her mouth open for me as I eased more of myself inside her.


Wyn grinned as she watched, laying down next to her now while keeping one paw glued to her own folds. "Mmm, you are a good girl. Make sure to get him nice and slick now. He's a big boy, as you can see! You'll want him lubricated..."

The Vulkus under me gave a twitch, paws desperately grabbing at my thighs, even as I pushed more into her muzzle through the vita ring, filling her all the way to the back of her throat with cock now. I all but 'sat' down on her face, pushing right up to the knot against her lips, while holding her head there with both paws and giving a content murmur at the sensation of her tongue squirming against the underside of my length, surrounded by hot wetness.

I gave a grunt, then low rumble as I ground against her lips, then pulled back just a little ways, before pushing into her throat again. She gave a muffled grunt herself, legs spasming behind me as she tried to push against me to get me out of her, but I wasn't budging. Instead, I just rocked in her muzzle, closing my eyes and giving a content little shiver. Then a throb, and I fired pre-cum right down her throat in a thick blast.

She made a gagging noise, trembling under me now as I gave her muzzle several more wet, squelching humps, before grinding again and pumping another ribbon of pre into her stomach. Fuck... A look down showed her eyes partly rolled up and watering, shaking there as she covered my knot in strands of saliva and pre. Her nose was going slowly, yet with deep breaths, and I knew she was getting a super dose of pheromones now.

Another gag, and I finally slid backwards, fully out of her as I dispelled the vita ring. She coughed at that, rubbing at her watery eyes and not giving much attention to the long strings of slick fluids connecting her muzzle to my shaft. "Ah, good girl. But I bet you enjoyed my scents, didn't you? Well, time to make you properly mine."

Her cheeks burned red as she looked up at me with lidded eyes, looking dazed now. I grinned, enjoying my newfound power over her, and how passive she'd gotten. Maybe I was right, and all she needed was a bit of male ownership, and an Alpha? Keh. My eyes widened a bit however, as I saw Wyn grinning and pointing down at her groin, and followed her gesture.

Rika's spade was hugely swollen and leaking, and long strings of her fluids webbed between her legs now. She was seriously turned on! She actually got turned on from this so far! I grinned up at her, and her flush only deepened as she stared down at herself for a long moment before pointedly looking away from me. "It... It's just... Your scents! You're... making me. Just... hurry up and get it over with!" Her muzzle scrunched, ears flattening down, and I chuckled softly.

"Still not being cooperative, hmm?"

"Fuck you! It... You're gonna make me do it anyway, so... I might as well get some enjoyment out of it!" She shot a glare back my way, at least until Wyn smirked. Then her ire was directed her way instead.

"That doesn't exactly sound like rape¸ Rika. Tsk tsk!" The Jakatar shot her a wink, and got a scowl back.

"Just because it feels good, doesn't mean I- aaah!" Rika's voice died into a gasp, then groan as she shivered, me grinding the underside of my length right against her spade, and working my knot against her clit. She squeezed her eyes shut, shivering there as I slowly worked myself against her outer folds, letting them squish against me and enjoying the heated sensations of her body. Guess I didn't need to worry about lubricant! My shaft was saturated in her juices in a second, and I carefully worked it over every centimeter before drawing back a bit further, then carefully nudging the tip into the center of her spade.

Her eyes widened, snapping up to me instead as she bit her lower lip. Her entire body tensed as my tip nudged into her, and I paused, slowly tilting my head to her as she did. She hesitated, looking uncertain before glancing downwards at where I was just barely poking into her. What... was the problem now? Contrary to forcing this upon her, I actually didn't want to hurt her specifically. At least not physically. She didn't say anything though, so I just continued after another long moment, slowly and carefully sliding into her tight depths.

Slowly, her concern melted into a hanging-jaw shiver, with her eyes lidding again as I carefully spread her open. Deeper and deeper, I sank into her core and stretched her inner walls wide, while using my paws to hoist her legs up over my thighs, getting a better angle for deeper penetration. Her head fell back as I pushed my knot partly into her puffed spade with a wet squish, rocking it there and intentionally rubbing her clit with the top of it, getting her to shudder again, then give a heated moan. "O-Oh fuck..."

"Told you he was big. Mmm, but you love the sensation, don't you? Feeling yourself spread wide open, and that thick shaft buried inside your pussy. Every throb and heartbeat inside you..." Wyn's eyes were lidded too, almost seductively instead as she slid in and started murmuring into Rika's ears on the right side.

The Vulkus' eyes closed slowly, just listening to Wyn talk as I drew carefully backwards, watching her expression with interest. Only bliss... I pushed in again after, harder this time and getting a wet splat from her folds on impact, which rocked her body gently upwards. She gasped out a groan, legs spasming to each side of me, before slowly lowering and hooking my thighs with her knees. Ah... good girl.

She wasn't in pain. On the contrary, she was enjoying it now. That meant I didn't need to worry, as I pulled back again, then thrust harder into her body. It was easy enough to pick up a rhythm between the thrusts and grinds, closing my own eyes as I enjoyed the sensation of pushing into her body and taking her for myself. All to the sound of Wyn's voice, talking to her the whole time.

"You want to be Verdik's pet, don't you? Not have to worry about anything. Relaxing and serving his needs all day and just free to enjoy yourself. Getting filled with his thick cock over and over again..."

Rika kept her eyes closed as she shivered there, paws covering her muzzle, yet barely able to muffle the moans and gasps she was giving off. My own worked over her rear and sides as I thrust and ground into her, pushing deep enough to tease my tip over her cervix, all while stretching her wider and wider. My knot was formed now, if un-swollen yet, waiting to seal and grow tight inside her, hoping to seed the female under me. To make her really mine.

"Taking his seed deep inside of you. Growing nice and big with his pups as he pampers you. You'll be such a good bitch, Rika..."

That was starting to get at me too. I cracked an eye and looked down at the blissed out Vulkus under me, with her entire face flushed now and panting there. Her paws had fallen to the sides now, gripping furiously at the mattress as she no longer even tried to disguise the wanton moan just released. She was clenching and unclenching hard around my shaft, with her legs tightening too against my thighs. Mmm...

I had to. I pushed her legs down as I leaned in instead. Her eyes opened just a little, muzzle still hanging wide, but didn't stop me as I settled on top of her instead, groping her breast with my left paw, while my right ground against her rear. Another shudder, then low whine as I nipped and licked at her throat instead while grinding my knot against her spade.

She'd given in completely, I realized, a moment later. Instead of backing away or pushing me back, she instead pulled me closer with her paws. I went with the motion, curious, then widened my eyes a little when she instead pushed her muzzle right up against mine. Her motions were almost feral as our tongues met, and she moaned into my mouth. I ground her against the mattress, pulling back and giving several more powerful thrusts deep into her core.

She cried out into the kiss, and then she was thrusting back against me, grinding my knot into her folds with each downwards hit. Fuck! "Good girl! Let Alpha breed you nice and deep. Give in and let yourself be his! He's already marked and taken you. Just give in to your instincts..." Wyn's soft and purring voice shifted a bit more excited as I ground, then pounded harder into the Vulkus. She knew my tells at this point, from our experiences together.

Rika's arms lifted, hooking over my shoulders and holding herself to me as she gave a long, desperate whine, with my muzzle finding her neck again. She got a rumbling growl in return, and I felt her tense, edging right up to the cliff of her own orgasm as she shuddered. Another thrust, harder this time as I ground my knot down into her body, meeting her own upwards press. Just... a little...!

She widened fully, and the knot suddenly drove itself deep into her pussy, tip nudging right into her cervix, and then inside into her womb. Fuck! A spasm, and a tug told me the knot was sealed, growing bigger inside her now and locking us together. Her inner muscles tightened on the other side of the knot, and she clenched down hard, crying out against me as my mouth found her throat again.

I was gentler this time, just lightly holding it as I spasmed against her, pinning her to the bed with my body. I felt the tension, with my balls pulling tight, then the tugging behind them as everything went white, sparks dancing in my head. A buck, then throbs, pulsing inside of her tunnel as long ribbons of seed were pumped right into her waiting womb.

She screamed, eagerly pushing every centimeter of herself against me as tightly as she could, with the sensation clearly pushing her over her own edge, inner walls starting to milk me deeper into her body. Almost in unison, we cooperated in filling her womb to the brim with my virile seed, eagerly trying my hardest to breed her even if she wasn't in season.

Her orgasm was energetic and violent, with her shaking and spasming against my body as she came around my shaft. I could feel her fluids gushing out of her and splattering my balls down, while I possessively held her tight. Mine! Slowly, I eased back on her throat, relaxing again as I shifted to giving her gentle little licks instead, nuzzling the spots where my teeth had been, in case of any lingering pain.

I didn't need to worry about it, though. Her shakes and twitches slowed, with her sagging there... and now breathing heavily, a peaceful smile on her expression as she just lost consciousness instead, body still shivering and occasionally clenching against my cock. Well... That was unexpected.

Wyn smirked, teasing her own folds before snickering. "Wow. You fucked her unconscious. I'm impressed!" I shot her a look, and she laughed instead, giving a wink in return. Mmm, now I definitely wanted to keep Rika as a pet...

It was kind of funny how life worked out sometimes. Another time with Rika, then two more times with Wyn, and the three of us passed out amidst the haze of pheromones. The Vulkus female had been totally overwhelmed by it all, between the scents, sensations, and Wyn's constant verbal barrage. We had enough foresight to put the shackles back on her, at the very least, but not much more than that.

Woke up almost seven hours later, hungry and feeling someone gently suckling and nursing my length. Surprisingly, it was Rika, who'd slid down me and was snuggled there between my legs, drinking my seed down as I orgasmed in her muzzle. We had a... long talk during breakfast afterwards. All three of us.

I relaxed in the chair of the somewhat busy café now, giving a little smile off to the right side as I watched Rika kneel there, bowed low and with both paws on the stone tile. "I'm... I'm really sorry. For everything I did to hurt you." She was drawing a few interested stares, but the staff was getting used to her now. Well, as 'used to' as one could with a mostly-naked Vulkus female. Pets didn't wear clothing, though.

The little Illan male opposite of us looked more shocked than anything, watching her in surprise. This was the seventh one I'd invited out to eat, with the premise that she apologize to them. Seven males down. Forty-four left to go. This was going to be a long Fall. But worth it. Of course, not all of her victims were far enough along in therapy yet to be okay with seeing her physically again. I'd had three turn me down already, asking for more time.

"This... This really is...?" He stared in shock still, but I nodded.

My paw slid down, and I lifted Rika up at that, watching her give an apologetic look towards the Illan. Entirely nude minus the leather collar around her neck, her paws slid around to instead cradle her own stomach, thumbs rubbing lightly over the slight swelling she'd started to get. "Yup. Rikana the Shadow. Now just Rika, my pet, and mate." She flushed at that, but eagerly nodded.

There'd been a few hiccups with her 'training', but she was more than eager now. She'd had a naturally submissive streak to her. I took care of everything, exactly like I'd promised, and she went for the deal. To be my pet, instead of going to Talgrand to be arrested and processed. I even got her to actually go to therapy. My boss was... Actually, he was more amused than anything, and found what happened to her remarkably fitting, as far as punishments were concerned. Now she wore a custom slave collar, designed to look like a pet collar. Not that she needed my name on the tag of it. Just sniffing her would tell anyone she was mine. Just as much as the pup growing in her stomach was.

"It's... hard for me to imagine. I mean, the last I met her... And now she's... Your pup?" He looked to me finally, and I nodded, pulling Rika back up onto the seat next to me, where she tucked up and rested in my lap instead. Good pets moved on all fours, of course.

"Yup. She's still a slave, but she's registered to me. She agreed to all of this though. Well, with a little convincing..." Her blush deepened, and she squirmed, even as the Illan across from me smirked.

"Convincing. I see... She does seem quite devoted."

I chuckled myself, then nodded, rubbing the side of her head affectionately, and getting her to lean into the touch. I snapped my fingers, however, and she perked. No hesitation, as she instead reached forward and unhooked the front of my shorts, sliding my sheath out enough to bury her muzzle down against me, starting to lick and suckle into it. "Mmm, see? Good girl." I gently pet the back of her head as she worked, letting my slowly hardening length push into her muzzle as her tail started to wag furiously behind her. Of course, she was also inhaling deeply, drinking in my scents at the same time. I started to smell her own a moment later as she turned herself on.

The Illan flushed pink, watching with wide eyes, but with a grin now. "Oh, damn... That's..." Yup. Right in the crowded restaurant. Now we were definitely getting stares... of the more eager variety.

We both perked at the motion to the left instead. Rika's eyes flicked upwards, but she didn't stop her suckles and slow head bobbing, despite watching Wyna approach from the side. The Jakatar wore civilian clothes now, of a far less tight and sexy variety, but it didn't stop _her_stomach from being visibly swollen, regardless. She gave a grin to me as she walked up, then slid in next to me on the seat.

"Sorry I'm late. The meeting ran long. Trouble brewing in Nulidia again."

I frowned at that. "The disappearance? I can't... exactly go investigate myself this time. I have to be here to take care of you two."

Wyn flushed at that, but nodded, leaning in to snuggle against me. "I know. I can't go either this time. But they want you as an advisor to the Shadowstalkers during the operation, at least." Ah, I suppose that I could do.

Gently, I slid my arms around both females, paws softly rubbing their tummies, all while Rika slid me fully into her throat, practically, shuddering there. Mmm. I could smell myself on both of them. No, this was more than enough for me right now. Maybe next year. The Illan across from us leaned back a bit, opening his own shorts up, and I chuckled softly as I spotted a passing Jakatar waitress slow to a stop, eagerly watching him instead. I called her over a moment later. Well, no sense in letting this 'apology' not be unforgettable for the Illan, too...