1 - Don and Julie Ann

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#1 of Am - Windon

Another spinoff to find some interesting things happening on the other side of the world. An attempt at combining perspectives that made this much longer, yet only one day. Written 2013.

Half awake, the grey rabbit rolled over and decided he wasn't getting any more sleep. He sat up and pushed himself off the bed, aiming for his desk. A couple sleepy stumbles and he sat down again. He poked at the screen and soon a chestnut mare appeared in a field. It was quickly covered with an assortment of icons representing work he needed to finish and file properly. He sighed and prepared to got caught up, but a notice popped up: 3 messages.

The first was a text; he read it and grumbled at the screen, "Yes, I told you twice that the cream needed to be reapplied every day, you inconsiderate schmuck." Then he typed a more professional reply, promising to be by sometime today.

The next was a video message from his mother. He skipped it, "Its too early to get fussed at."

The third was a picture from his brother, Edwin. He opened it and instantly burst out laughing. He checked the time, then checked his brother's status, still working. He checked the time for the message, yesterday, around six, "Guess I should check my messages more often. Welp, time for a shower, then maybe he'll be done. Hey Molly, are you ready to get clean?"

A golden Labrador picked her head up off the end of the bed, then jumped down, bounced over and propped her forepaws on his chest. He gave her ears a good scritching, then patted her neck, "Let's go." She hopped down and bounded into the bathroom. He stretched his tall, slender body and followed after. He showered and scrubbed her clean, then grabbed a towel and dried her off first. He wandered to the bedroom, idly rubbing the wet out of his fur, when he noticed his brother's status had changed, he quickly tapped call and dried his face before tossing the towel into a basket and picking up the tablet just as his brother's white rabbit face appeared.

"Hi, Don."

"So, the invincible doctor finally got hurt himself."

"I never said I was invincible."

"No, but you were always taking care of everybody else and never yourself. Hi, Pinny, are you taking good care of my brother?"

She waved over her husband's shoulder.

Ed laughed, "Everyday, but not this time. Billy, come on over here and meet my brother, Dr. Windon Lem."


He turned the tablet to show a large porcupine morph on the screen.

"Wow, he's a big one. Billy, was it? Call me Don. Are you also the one that attacked him?"

The screen turned back around to show his brother, "No, I did the attacking."

"What?! You?"


"What in the world possessed you to attack a porcupine?"

"Well, you know how I like to tweak my bunny's tail and make her jump?"

Pinny bopped his head.

Molly nosed his paw and he absently reached to rub her neck, "Yeah."

"Well he started doing that to me."

"And you attacked him for it?"


"Wait is he staying with you?"

Pinny nodded behind her husband..

"Yes. Don't you read my messages?"

"Mostly. They're just so long. Wait, is this the one that you pulled the shot out of last month?"

"Yes. How many porcupine morphs do you think there are around here?"

"I have no idea, I'm on the other side of the world and there are plenty of the smaller ones around here. Well, small is relative. What is he, six feet?"

"To the ears."

"Man, I wouldn't want to mess with that in a dark alley; or a bright field, for any matter. So, what happened?"

"Well, I tried to get him, but my stick wasn't long enough. He jumped, right back into me."

Don started laughing and Molly gave him a confused look.

"Fortunately, I managed to get out with only a handful of quills in my arm, but I won't be doing that again."

Now, he was laughing so hard that he almost dropped his tablet. He pulled himself together while the doc gave his wife an annoyed glare, "Hoo, that's good. I mean, yeah, it hurts, I've been pricked by a 'pine, myself, you... You went after a six foot porcupine with a sick."

"A toilet plunger," Pinny chimed in, getting a quick glare from her husband.

Don broke out in laughter again, "A toilet... A toilet plunger? That's even better!"

Molly jumped around, trying to join in in the happy.

Ed tried to change the subject, "So, who was that we just saw?"

Don caught his breath again, "Oh, you probably saw Molly here. Doc Tanner found her in a ditch as a pup. She was still young when I got here. I guess you could say we grew up together around here. Now that Tanner retired, I'm the new doc and Molly stayed with me." He pointed the camera at the golden Lab and ruffled her ears.

"Are they treating you well up there?"

"For the most part. Doc lost a few clients when he took me on and a few more left when he retired, but there haven't been any real problems. There are always some jerks. I've got a cute girl that delivers my groceries for me, so I don't have to go into town much anymore. She's interested in becoming a vet, so I might take her on as an assistant once she finishes enough classes."

His brother smirked, "Are you crushing on a human?"

"Now Ed, you know that's between me and my sheets."

Ed laughed, "Well, I guess we should let you get started with your day."

"Yeah, Molly's eager for a run and I've got to be at the McNabb farm in an hour or so."

"Don't be a stranger and say hi to Ma sometime."

"I know. You be careful with that porcupine," he fought back more laughter.

"Oh, I learned that lesson. Never surprise a porcupine from behind."

"Right. Catch ya later, bro. Oh, and Pinny, save me a kiss."

She giggled and blew him one.

"Bye, Don." the annoyed brother hung up.

He looked and Molly as he put the tablet back on its stand and laughed some more, "Hoo, that's wild. My brother, the doctor, thought it would be a good idea to poke a six foot porcupine, in the butt, with a toilet plunger!" More laughter overtook him and Molly jumped up to lick his face. He ruffled her ears and sides, then rubbed her neck and stood up.

"Guess I should get ready to go to work. Heh, crushin' on Julie Ann?" He walked to the bedroom as he considered it: a young and attractive girl, fit and energetic, compassionate and eager to learn, curly red hair past her shoulders and a smile to perk your ears... and other parts. The idea aroused him, but it could only ever be unrequited. Her family were not supporters of morphs, to put it mildly, and he was sure she was only interested in him because she wanted to learn to be a vet.

He felt something pleasantly familiar and looked down to see Molly licking his erection. He rubbed her ears, "Yep, you're the only love I'll likely ever have."

She turned around and lifted her tail.

"Yeah, I could go for a quickie," he guided his erection into her waiting sex and grabbed her hips. Starting slow until he got all the way in, he thought about that young human girl and humped his dog until his orgasm gave him relief. When he stopped, she looked back at him and waited. He pulled out and she quickly hopped up to lick him clean, then sat down to clean herself.

"You may not be a wife, but you've always loved me and that gets me by," he stroked her neck, then pulled out his clothes for the day and got dressed.

As he was fixing the last button on his coveralls, there was a knock at the door, "Hey doctor Don, I've got your groceries."

Frozen for a moment, he had forgotten it was Sunday. He laughed to himself, "I'll be right there," he had told her to call him Dr Lem, doc or Don, she agreed every time, but still called him Dr Don until he gave up.

He hoped he could avoid staring at her attractive figure after the vivid fantasy he just had and opened the door to let her in, carrying a half dozen bags at once, "Any more?"

"Just the bag of dog food and a tub of ice cream." she continued past him to the kitchen.

He hopped down the stairs and over to her car to get the rest and close the door. He put the dog food down on the bin and took the ice cream to the kitchen, where she was already unpacking and putting away the groceries. When it was done, he handed her some money that she tried to refuse. He insisted and with a paw on her shoulder, walked her to the door.

She stopped and faced him, "Hey doc, could I come with you sometime, y'know, to visit the animals."

He stared at her for a moment as images from his imagination flooded his mind and blocked rational thought, then caught himself, "Uh, yeah, I don't see why not." She began to smile and he fought to keep a hold on logic, "but only as an observer, of course. No helping until you're certified."

"Of course!" She was smiling ear to ear as she jumped and hugged him, then got serious suddenly and stepped back, sliding off his neck, "Um..."

He hoped she hadn't felt the tent in his pants and been offended, "Is there something else?"

She fidgeted with her fingers and looked down, "Well... I wanted to ask something more personal"

He couldn't tell if she was looking at her hands or his crotch, he adjusted his coveralls uncomfortably and cleared his throat, "I... told you before, I want you to be comfortable enough to ask me anything. Can't have an assistant that's too scared to ask questions. You'll never learn anything." Doc Tanner had said the same thing to him, years ago.

She shuffled her feet, then looked up at the big, grey rabbit, "I know. I just wanted to know if you'd let me touch you."

"You've touched me plenty of times."

"Yeah, your hands and I hugged you like that, but I mean your fur. Is it all over your body?"

He paused in surprise, "Uh, yeah, well, mostly." Now he shuffled his feet nervously.

"Where isn't it?"

What a loaded question, "Well its thin under my shoulders and between my legs."

"Um," reason was being overwritten by images from the fantasy, "Sure." He unbuttoned his shirt and she watched his furry chest being revealed with fascination. He undid one of the top buttons of his coveralls to let him get his arm out of the sleeve and hold it up.

She immediately reached up to touch his chest, running her fingers through the fur, then over to feel the skin under his arm. She stroked down his side and paused at his hip. She slipped two fingers around the edge of his coveralls and paused, then quickly pulled them out and started unbuttoning her own shirt, "That's the opposite of me. I've got hair under there. Wanna see?" She had her shirt on the floor and her arm in the air before either could manage another thought. "Feel it," she grabbed his paw and put it under her arm, but froze when it brushed her breast, suddenly realizing she had just started undressing and quickly covered her chest with her arm, unable to assemble another thought in her embarrassment.

The rabbit stared at her bare skin, trying to decide if this was real or fantasy. Finally, he decided it was real, since he would be doing something in a fantasy, and moved his paw from her armpit to the side of her bra.

She looked up at him with a serious face, "Don, can I kiss you?"

Unsure whether the bluntness of the question or his paw on her breast had left him speechless, he leaned his head down towards her. She stepped in and kissed him, pushing his shirt and remaining strap off his shoulder as she hugged him.

Reason had screamed itself hoarse and his imagination was cheering its pretty little head off. He kissed her back and pulled her body against his, not caring about his very aroused state.

She paused as she felt his erection pressed against her body, but he continued kissing her and she gave in. She slid her hands down his soft furred body and found the buttons on the sides of his coveralls.

Unbuttoning them, she let them fall down his legs, their weight popping the snap around his tail. She flinched in surprise again as his erection thumped against the crotch of her jeans, but it turned her on even more. She reached back and unhooked her bra, then quickly unbuttoned her jeans and let them fall to the floor. She gasped and gripped his arms as his erection hit her crotch again, this time only thin cotton panties separating them. She pulled back and looked at his face and his ears twitching on top of his head.

He looked over her body: her beautiful face, red curls flowing down over lightly freckled shoulders, round breasts, larger than Pinny's, but just right for Julie Ann. He moved his paws to her breasts and gently circled her nipples with his thumbs.

She gasped and stroked his sides, savoring the sensation. Then he kissed her lips and her urges took over again. She wrapped her leg around his, removing the tightness of her thighs from around his erection, but spreading herself open for him. He grabbed her rump and lifted her off the floor, so she wrapped her other leg around him. He began thrusting his hips as she kissed him passionately, rubbing his erection against the crotch of her panties and sending shivers of pleasure through her groin.

His mind played suggestions of taking her to the bed or laying her on the couch, slipping off those panties and humping her until they both passed out, but he fought them back, insisting that he didn't want to scare her off. As long as she kept kissing him, he was doing okay and kept rubbing his erection against her crotch. His tapered penis soon found the edge of her panties and began to work its way closer to its goal, but when she felt the tip poke her vagina, she pushed away from him, suddenly realizing how far she was going "Wait, wait, not yet."

She swung her legs down and he let get slide to the floor, his throbbing erection sliding from between her legs and against her belly. She bent over to pick up her pants and froze with her nose inches from her first real view of his penis. She stared at it as she slowly put her pants on, watching it twitch and throb. She stayed bent over as she put on her bra and shirt, fascinated by its unusual shape and terrified of standing up to look him in the eyes. She finally forced herself to stand, following his furred body until she found his eyes. It took a moment longer to find her breath, "I'm sorry, I want this, but not right now."

She went to the door, but didn't open it, then ran back to him and kissed his lips passionately again, fighting back tears until she broke away and ran out the door. She got into her car and hit the steering wheel. "What did you do, JAN? Why did you stop?" She realized he was still just on the other side of the door, so she quickly started her car and headed down the driveway. She got out onto the road and as soon as she found a private place, she pulled off and turned off the car.

Don stood stunned for a moment until he heard her car rolling away. Molly was starting at the door as if she was waiting for Julie Ann to come back. "Wow. What just happened?" He looked down at his coveralls around his ankles and his throbbing erection, them walked over to sit on the couch. "At least I know it did just happen. Though I kind of wish it hadn't. She probably won't come back, afraid that I'll rape her." Molly looked at him. "You're right, she did ask to kiss me, but I went quite a ways past that." Molly turned around to sit down and look up at him. "Yeah, she's the one that took our clothes off, but she's also the one that ran out the door crying." Molly licked her lips. "She did say she wanted it and kissed me before she left, but I'm still here alone with a raging hard on." He realized he had been absently stroking it and smiled at Molly, "What if she does come back and she does want it." He let his mind wander on that fantasy as he stroked himself to another orgasm for the morning. Molly eagerly cleaned him up again, them he noticed the clock and jumped, "I've still got to get the the McNabb's." He rubbed Molly's head, then hurried over to get dressed again. "No time for a run this morning, we'll try for later. He grabbed everything he needed, including a granola bar for breakfast and rushed to his truck. "What a way to start a morning. I smell like sex and she's going to be distracting me all day. Man, if she still wants to be my assistant, I'll never get any work done. Huh, how does Ed do it?"

Julie Ann leaned back and caught her breath, trying to piece together what just happened. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid her hand into her panties, holding her fingers on the spot where the rabbit's penis had just tried to push into her vagina. She hit the steering wheel again, "That was so stupid. Now he'll think I'm going to molest him and he won't let me come back and I won't be his assistant and won't get to be a vet and won't get to have sex with him. What am I thinking? Why am I so hung up on that rabbit? He's a morph, we'll never be able to get married, our kids could be animals, my parents would definitely disown me... but he's beautiful, such soft fur and so caring and smart. But what about that penis, what would that feel like? What about that penis, what would that feel like?" She had been absently rubbing herself and pushed a finger inside, imagining it was him. She moaned as she remembered him rubbing on her, then pulled her hand out and hit the steering wheel again. "Why did I stop him? That was probably my only chance and I acted like I didn't want it... But I told him I did... What if he wants me, too?" Sliding down in the seat, she slipped her hand back into her panties and resumed rubbing as she imagined the big grey rabbit humping her against a fence, while a stallion took a mare in front of them. She shuddered and opened her eyes in time to see him drive by in his truck, the surprise sparking her orgasm. She hid behind the steering wheel as her body spasmed. Breathing heavy, she cursed herself, "That was stupid. What if he saw you masturbating on the side of the road, he'd think you're even more of a pervert or worse." She started her car and pulled out, making sure to drive the speed limit, so she wouldn't catch up with him. When she got home and was about to get out, she finally noticed her jeans were still undone. She quickly buttoned them back up, looking around to make sure nobody noticed, then hurried inside, breezing past her parents to her room.

She closed the door and leapt onto her bed, burying a scream in her pillow. She lay there a moment, trying to decide what to do, then went to her desk and started composing a message. By lunch, she had lost count of how many times she started over. She just couldn't figure out how to say "I'm sorry I tried to fuck you, then left you with blue balls. Can we forget it happened and start over as friends? PS I still want to fuck you someday." She settled for "I'm sorry I ran out this morning. We should talk about it. When can I come over again?"

Don's day went as expected: recleaning a goat's wound and thinking about Julie Ann, checking a border collie's hip and thinking about Julie Ann, eating a quick lunch and thinking about Julie Ann. When he got back to his truck, after examining a pregnant cow and thinking a lot about Julie Ann, he checked his phone sitting on the seat and it said he had a message; it was from her. He smiled and quickly typed a response, then hopped in his truck and headed to his next appointment, suddenly free of lustful images of Julie Ann, replaced by a warm reminder that he'll be seeing her again.

Julie Ann popped her head up as her computer tinkled that a message had arrived; it was from him. She read it [tomorrow, 6am, don't be late] and sighed a relief, then tensed again, "What do I say?" She typed up a vague message to her online friends, not mentioning the sex part or the morph part. She got a couple responses right away that didn't fit the real situation, so she went to her drawers and thought about what to wear. Should she be attractive or comfortable... "What if he's gonna take me to work with him, well observe, but I'd have to look professional, but durable, ready to get dirty if I have to. Dirty... what if he wants to fool around again. Should I wear something discouraging? ...or accessible? Ooo, I do want to get my legs around him again... But we can't get married yet... Well we may never be able to, in this country anyway. Why couldn't I have fallen for some dumb jock, or even a geek in school? Why did I have to fall for this... gorgeous rabbit..."

She sat down on the bed thinking about him and his soft grey fur, then realized his belly and down between his legs was white. She smiled at the idea of knowing something about him that nobody else around did. And she knew he liked human girls; really liked her, in particular. She thought about kissing him; his strong, furred arms and padded paws pulling her close against his furred body as their lips pressed together. She grabbed a large plush dog from her bed and hugged it, rubbing her cheek against the fake fur and remembering the real thing. She sucked on her lip, then put the plush down and took off her shirt. She stared intently at the faux dog as she unclasped her bra and tossed it aside, then unbuttoned her jeans and pushed then to the floor. She smiled seductively at her surrogate lover as she hooked her thumbs in the waist of her panties and slowly slid them down her legs. She wiggled as she stood back up, posing and sliding her hands over her body flirtatiously, even presenting her breasts to him. Her stuffed audience stared lifelessly back at her.

She picked up the dog and stared into its plastic eyes, "Oh Don, I've wanted this so badly. Kiss me, please." She kissed the stitched lips and crawled onto her bed pressing the fluffy fabric against her body. She slowly slid up the bed, until her face was in the pillow and the plush's legs were between hers. She rubbed her vagina against the artificial fur as she thought about sitting on top of Don's furred hips. She slipped her hand between her legs and pushed a finger inside, a poor substitute for Don's beautiful rabbit penis, but her imagination did the rest. She couldn't wait to feel the real thing inside her, how it had throbbed and twitched as she watched; she imagined it doing that inside her. Soon she was gasping and doing some twitching of her own. She pushed herself further and finally curled her knees up, holding tight as she convulsed and cried out, into the pillow. She rolled on her side and lay breathing heavy for a while, thinking of the large rabbit holding her tenderly after passionately making love to her. She sighed and pulled the dog from between her legs and held it out, "Sorry Albert, you're just not the right rabbit." She hugged the abused plush and lay naked on her bed, thinking happy thoughts.

Don pulled up his driveway and parked his truck, hopping out and almost skipping into his house. His last two appointments had wondered why he was in such a good mood. He simply told them that today is a great day and tomorrow will be even better. And he believed it, because she was coming back to talk and every outcome he could rationalize made him happy. If she never wanted to see him again, she wouldn't be coming over. Even if she wanted to keep things between them purely professional, he would still get to see her almost everyday.

Molly was happy to see him and jumped up to lab on his chest. He dropped what he was carrying on the kitchen table and ruffled her ears, "I bet you're ready to run. Get'cher lead." She sprung off him and ran to the door, jumping up to snatch her retractable leash off the wall. The rabbit hurried to his bedroom and rushed to get changed. Molly ran around the house and finally found him as he was pulling his running shorts on and tying them around his tail, "Ya found me and looks like you're ready to go. He took her lead and clipped the end to her collar, then said clearly, "Walk." They walked calmly to the kitchen where he grabbed a small prepared bag and strapped it to his back, them calmly out the door. He looked at her and smiled, "Ready?" Molly looked at him expectantly. "Run!" they both took off. The rabbit was faster than most humans, but Molly kept up easily, her four legs having the advantage.

Doc Tanner had a large property, about 75 acres; most of it had a double fence around it for horses and other large animals, but there was also a large portion of woods that he had registered with the state as a protected sanctuary. Usually, Don and Molly ran around the fence, because altogether, it was about a mile around. Today he was feeling pretty good and making good time, so he decided to run around the woods, as well. There was a line of stones that marked the edge of the property, as well as signs every few yards warning Protected Sanctuary: No Hunting.

About halfway around, they came across a mess in the woods. It looked to be a hunting camp. Fortunately, no one was around. They had taken the border stones to make a fire pit and chopped down a couple trees; he found the remains of a charred sign in the ashes. A couple tarps were stretched between trees and underneath were a couple coolers and lots of empty beer cans. There was a chair strapped high in a tree and the whole area smelled of urine, both human and deer. He found a large empty bottle labeled scent masker to explain the latter. These were clearly drunks, not serious hunters, and he was glad not to have run into any of them with a gun. Morphs still had an uneasy status; depending on the judge and the day, they could be treated as human or animals. Despite his good standing with many locals, there were still some of them that wouldn't think twice about shooting a 'big rabbit' and mounting his head on their wall.

He noticed a game camera strapped to a tree, "Jackpot. These sometimes catch a few images of who places it. This could be good evidence." He took down the camera and stuffed the whole thing in his bag, then glanced around one more time for anything else that could identify the trespassers, before hurrying off along the stone line. He followed it out of the woods, then followed the fence back to the house. Inside, he unclipped Molly and headed back to his desk. He quickly typed up a message about what he found and sent a copy to the Game Commission, State Protected Lands, and Doc Tanner. He still owned most of the business and property and could be a very strong voice in these matters. With morphs' legal status so uncertain and loans near impossible, Tanner devised a way for Don to slowly buy shares, keeping a human as the owner until he could buy the last share. Hopefully the politics would get sorted out by then. He put the camera in the bottom of the small file cabinet beside the desk and sighed. Molly nosed his elbow and he rubbed her neck, "I need to wash off this smell of ash and pee and who knows what else." He got up and headed for the bathroom, peeling off his tshirt and shorts. He got in the shower and scrubbed Molly, then started to scrub himself and stopped. He leaned against the wall, letting the water rain down on him as he thought about the day.

A tinkle from her computer brought Julie Ann out of her head. She smiled and crawled off her bed, leaving the dog behind. She leaned over the back of the chair to read the message, then pulled it out and sat down. She had received many more responses, but the private message was who she really wanted to talk to.

Anthea Wolf [Was it that hunky rabbit you were telling me about?]

Bunny JAN [Yes! and it was amazing!]

A [So what happened???]

B [I took him his groceries like usual and asked]

B [He said I could come along as an observer]

A [Well that's good but what happened???]

B [I got excited and hugged him]

A [Is that all?]

B [He was excited too]


B [It was pushing out his pants and poked me when I hugged him]

A [Is it big?]

B [yeah]

A [waitaminit]

A [You're not telling me everything]

B [I asked him if I could touch him]

A [You actually asked him if you could touch his penis?]

B [NO!]

B [I asked him if he was furry everywhere and he took of his shirt and showed me his armpit]

A [You touched his armpit? Ew]

B [no]

B [well yeah but I touched the fur on his chest first then felt his skin]

B [his fur is so soft I just wanted to curl up against him]

A [Did you?]

B [No]

B [I pet his side then got nervous and showed him the hair in my armpit]

A [wut?]

A [Wait, you got nervous, so you took off your shirt?]

B [I was scared and did something stupid]

A [No shit. What did he do?]

B [Nothing]

A [Nothing?]

B [Well I put his hand on my armpit and it touched my boob]

A [Why did you do that?]

A [Does he have hands or paws?]

B [They don't look like either.]

B [He has thumbs on his hands, but they're covered in fur and his fingers look short]

A [Those are paws like mine]

B [There's no fur on his fingertips or palms, like the pads on dog paws]

B [okay] Jan had suspicions that Anthea wasn't really a morph, because her icon was a drawing instead of a photo and she talked like she didn't have to deal with the kind of discrimination that the morphs she knew did.

B [those pads are really soft. I thought they would be rough since he works all the time, but when he was rubbing my back it felt so wonderful]

A [When was he rubbing your back?]

B [When he was kissing me]

A [When was he kissing you?]

A [Girl. You need to tell me the whole story and now!]

A [and don't leave anything out]

B [okay]

B [After I took off my shirt and put his paw under my arm, he was just staring at me and I started feeling self-conscious, so I asked if I could kiss him.]

A [wut? You make no sense to me.]

B [I know I just couldn't think and the things I'd dreamt about were just coming out of my mouth.]

A [Is it a human thing or just an American thing to want sex when you're scared?]

Jan choose to ignore that question.

B [He leaned forward and I kissed him]

B [and he kissed me back]

A [Is he a good kisser?]

B [Amazing. I pushed his shirt off to feel his fur and his pants must have fallen down because next thing I knew his penis hit me between my legs]

A [he was hard?]

B [Very. I felt it through my jeans]

A [Did you touch it?]

B [No. I was enjoying kissing him too much]

A [what happened then?]

B [I'm not really sure. Somehow my pants fell down]

A [Somehow? It was either him or you]

B [I don't know. I just felt it hit my vagina and when he started rubbing it against me, it felt really good.]

A [did you go all the way?]

B [no. He picked me up and somehow his penis got under my panties. When I felt it start to push inside, I panicked and made him stop.]

A [Why?]

B [I don't know. I guess I've kept my virginity this long I didn't want to give it away in the heat of passion]

A [That's exactly when you give it away! If he's the one you want, GO FOR IT!!!]

B [I guess]

B [I just don't know if he really wants me]

A [no guessing there. He was kissing you, pulling off your clothes and trying to hump you. He definitely wants you.]

B [but does he love me?]

A [Girl if you wait for love you'll die a virgin]

A [He's the guy you like, he has a good job, cares about animals, he's a hunk and he wants your body. Sounds like the best guy on the planet.]

A [If you don't fuck him, I'll come up and do it for you!]

B [but I ran out on him. I don't know if he still wants me.]

A [Did you try asking him?]

B [We're supposed to talk about it tomorrow.]

A [Where are you meeting him?]

B [His place 6am]

A [sounds like he wants you back in his house and probably his pants]

B [but what do I say]

B [I don't want to be easy and lose his interest, but I don't want to be boring or rude and lose him anyway]

A [true]

B [How do I say "I really like you, but I want to wait a while before I let you fuck me]

A [Sounds good to me]

B [I'm serious]

A [So am I. If you want him to get the right message, you'll have to be blunt with him]

A [Tell him how much you want to ride him till your brains melt. He'll like hearing that. Then tell him exactly why you want to wait]

B [What if I'm not sure why]

A [Then you need to either figure it out or fuck him]

A [I gotta get to work. Tell me how it goes]

A [I want to hear every juicy detail]

B [ttyl]

She closed the chat box and there was another behind it, [Come down for dinner] She sighed and leaned back in the chair, then ran her hand between her legs and realized how wet reliving that moment had made her. She also remembered that she was still naked with other people in the house. She laughed at her own modesty, then got up to get dressed and head to dinner. A loud knock on the door surprised her and she tripped over her chair. The door opened, "Are you okay?" the young boy stood agape in the doorway at his sister sprawled naked on the floor.


The intensity in her voice urged him to close the door, but he stole one more peek as she rolled over and sat up, her large breasts and spread pussy in full view.


The door slammed shut.

Don finished drying off and hung up the towel. Molly was waiting for him on the bed. "I know we're a little out of order girl, but I'm hungry. How 'bout you?" He headed for the kitchen and she followed. "No cooking today. How about some of last week's beans and rice?" He filled a pot with water, put it on the stove, took a bag from the freezer, put it in the pot and turned on the heat.

He sat down and rubbed Molly's ears, "Ready meal in minutes, no mess, no fuss, no waste, no preservatives, no spending too much at the grocery store." He sighed and placed his head against hers. "I wonder if Julie Ann can cook. Maybe she'll like my cooking." Molly licked his face, and he ruffled her cheeks "I know you like my cooking." He scritched and petted her until the water boiled, then he got up, got a couple bowls, turned off the heat and fed them both.

After dinner, he cleaned up, then went back to his bedroom and sat at his desk. A tap to the screen and up came the chestnut mare along with everything he still needed to do. With a sigh, he dug in and managed to clear most of it before he got too tired of staring at the screen. He put the tablet to sleep and turned around. Molly was laying on the bed, watching him, "I know, its your least favorite part of the day, too." He crawled onto the bed and hugged the bored pooch. She perked up and licked his face as he moved to the head of the bed and she lay beside him.

He stared at the ceiling as the light from the window faded. He was feeling excited about Julie Ann's visit and wondered if he would be able to sleep at all. Absently rubbing Molly's belly, his mind toyed with ideas of what he would say and how she would respond. After running through some reasonable reactions, he began imagining more arousing fantasies

He opened the door wearing nothing and she was standing outside the door nude, they collided in a fury of passion, kissing and fondling each other. He picked her up and carried her to the bed, sliding his erection inside her as he lay on top of her. His thrusts brought pleasured moans from her beautifully plump lips. Her curly, red hair spread on the pillow around her head like flames of passion flickering as he humped her. Her pale and freckled breasts bounced slowly to the rhythm of their love.

Molly licked his chin and he vaguely realized that he had been rubbing her sex and she was ready for more. So was he and he guided his throbbing erection into her and began humping as his fantasy continued.

They rolled over and she sat atop him, running her fingers through the fur of his chest as she rode him. Her flames of hair blew behind her in an absent breeze. Her breasts swung freely as her sumptuous body writhed on to of him. He ran his paws over her smooth thighs as he thrust up into her and soon filled her with his liquid love. She thanked him and kissed him passionately as they lay in bliss forever.

The rabbit's orgasm pumped semen into the happy dog. She waited until his throbbing ceased and he stopped rubbing her belly, then curled and began to lick their joined parts. As he slid out of her, she licked him clean, them continued with herself. Once she was done, she licked his face, then snuggled up beside him to sleep.

Julie Ann went back to her room after dinner. She wished she could lock her door and strip down again, but her father insisted no locked doors in his house. Well, step-father. She wished she could remember her real father, but he died when she was only two. He gave her her red hair and smokey blue eyes and the big plush dog she now clung to as she sat on her bed.

A tinkle got her attention and she slid off her bed to check her computer:

Dit Da Dit [Hey girl, just got a minute, but I saw your post and wanted to say hi]

D [Hi.]

B [Robbie! How are you?]

D [Good. So, are you still crushing on the doc?]

B [How did you know?!]

D [I figured out who you were talking about before. And when you were talking about working for him, I didn't think the look you had was for the animals. And then this post, you couldn't be talking about anybody else.]

B [Do you think anybody else figured it out?]

D [Well your parents are clueless, no worries there. And most of what gave it away was in person. The only other person that I know figured it out is Belle.]

B [Who's Belle?]

D [NottaCat, she's the cat cashier at Miller's Grocery]

B [OMG!!! I never put that together. She's never said anything when I pick up his groceries.]

D [And she won't. She's ultra professional at work and knows how dangerous morph/human relationships can be around here]

D [She was crushing on me a while back, I might be interested later, but right now I'm focused on getting out of here. I think she's dating some goth girl she works with now.]

B [I just added her because she was your friend and fun to talk to online. I'll have to try to hang out with her sometime.]

D [Well, I've got to go. Have fun with the doc.]

B [Catch me later if you can]

D [You know I can. ;D]

Robbie was a good friend, absolutely gorgeous, from a well off family and super smart. The girls in school were after him so much that he started pretending he was gay. A couple guys asked him out, but they were cool with the idea and kept his secret. Not exactly easy being gay in their back woods county, but having a powerful family kept him from getting bullied. The ruse also kept his family off his back about settling down with a local girl. They had been friends for most of school, their names, Murray and Nash, had them sitting together a lot, so she trusted him with many of her secrets. Apparently also some she hadn't intended on telling him yet.

While she was thinking about it, she typed up a quick message to Belle at Notta Cat, then took off her clothes and threw on a long shirt. She sat back down and checked on her friends. Most of the responses she got to her post were along the lines of 'You're too good for him, dump him" but they didn't know the whole story, so she just ignored them.

There was a soft knock at the door, so she got up and opened it. Brian was standing in the dark hallway, looking around and trying to be smaller than he already was, he whispered so low she barely caught it, "can i come in?" Everyone else had gone to bed, where he was obviously supposed to be, so she waved him in to say his piece without waking anybody else.

She closed the door behind him and he stood fidgeting in the middle of the room. She watched him looking around at her stuff for a moment, then got annoyed, "What do you want, Brian?"

"I wanted to apologize for coming in earlier. I know I'm not supposed to, but I heard the crash and wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Is okay. I wasn't really mad at you. I was more embarrassed about tripping over my chair and being naked when you opened the door. Kind of more mad at myself for getting in that situation."

"oh" He stood there, looking at her bare legs.

"Is there something else?"

"Um, well, I wanted to ask you: Are you my sister?"

She was a little surprised at the question, "Of course. Why would you ask that?"

"Because at dinner, you said that my dad isn't your dad. Doesn't that mean you're not my sister?"

"Well technically, you're my half-brother because of mom, but you're still my brother."

"So technically, its only half bad that I saw you naked."

She glared at him and pointed to the door, "Out!"

"Wait. I wanted to ask you something else."

"Make it quick."

"Well, there's this girl I like, but I'm not sure if she likes me back, you know, the same way."

She softened, very familiar with this plight, "Have a seat." He sat in her chair and she sat on her bed, "Why don't you tell me exactly the way you like her, then I can tell you how to know if she feels the same way."

He stared up at her and smiled, "She has beautiful curly hair; a wonderful smile; she's really smart; super nice; not afraid to get dirty or stand up for herself; she's got great legs and a nice pair of lumps."

She smirked, "You're only twelve."

He stared at her chest and hoped he hadn't said too much, "Yeah, but she looks great."

"Alright, well, it sounds like you really like her, so I'll help you out a little." She slid to the edge of the bed to lean closer. "You want to start by being friends, but compliment her everyday. Make sure she always feels good when she's around you. Get her little things she'll like, but nothing expensive. You want her to know you're thinking of her when she's not around, but not trying to buy her."

He leaned forward, uncomfortably close, "When do I get to kiss her?"

"When she's ready and not a moment sooner," she leaned back on her arms.

"oh," he rested his elbows on his knees and stared at her legs, noticing that where they met was almost visible under the edge of her shirt.

"When she starts touching you and letting you touch her, you can work your way to a hug and when she's comfortable being close to you, she might kiss you and let you kiss her. Don't rush anything, though or its game over and no second chances."

"How do I know if I'm going too fast?" he tried to keep the conversation going.

"If she starts getting uncomfortable and pulling away, just stop." She was starting to feel tired, but didn't want to leave him half trained, for her sake.

"When do we get to have sex?" he knew it was too much as soon as it left his mouth.

Suddenly she was paying attention, "Brian! Aren't you listening?"

He scrambled to recover, "I keep having these thoughts about her and I want them to be real."

She sighed and understood. She patted the bed beside her, "Come sit up here."

He moved to the bed and she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, "It can be tough, but you have to wait."

"Why?" he turned his head and started at her breasts moving up and down under her shirt as she breathed.

"Well for one, the law says you're not old enough. You can use that excuse to help remind yourself. You're also still in school. Keep yourself busy to distract yourself... From yourself." She was feeling distracted as she fought sleep and hugged his head, running her fingers through his hair.

He smiled as she pressed his face against her breast and brought his arm up to return the hug, making sure it pressed against her boob.

Her tired mind likened his short hair to rabbit morph fur and she absently brushed her fingers through it, imagining it was Don's tail.

He glanced down and noticed that his arm had pulled up her shirt and he could see a little of the red bush of hair between her legs. His urges wanted him to touch it, but he resisted. Instead, he looked up at her face, smiling with her eyes closed as she stroked his hair, then down at the heaving boob in front of his face. He moved his hand carefully and gave it a squeeze. A soft sigh encouraged him. He noticed her nipple poking through the light fabric of the shirt and gently touched it.

She moaned, remembering the doc's thumbs caressing her nipples and lay back on the bed.

Brian felt empowered as she melted in his arms. A glance down showed that her shirt had slid further up, revealing the entirety of her flaming bush. His urges returned and this time he listened. A quick check of her blissful face gave him all the encouragement he needed to move his hand from her boob and run it through her own patch of fur, but what he really wanted was on the other side. Whew he touched it, she gasped and lifted her hips, remembering Don's exotic erection rubbing between her legs. He quickly moved his hand back to her side, expecting her to wake up and run him out, but instead she just moaned softly and fondled his hair. Emboldened, he moved his hand back down to her bush and slipped his fingers between her legs.

Julie Ann moaned in her sleep and moved her hips, gripping his hair and rubbing her wet sex against his fingers as she replayed the scene from earlier, only better.

He held still and watched excitedly as she humped his hand, glancing up occasionally to check the orgasmic expression on her face and wanting to use the hard on that was tenting his pajamas. She groaned and stopped as the scene in her head ended and he quickly moved his hand to her side.

As she woke up, she released his hair and pet it back in place, "Oh, Brian. I'm sorry, I fell asleep on you."

"Its okay. I'm tired, too."

"You should go to your own bed, so I can get some sleep."

"Can't I sleep with you?"

"No, you're to old for that anymore." She sat up, forcing him to side off the bed and stand in front of her.

"Why? Don't you love me anymore?" It always worked on his parents.

"Of course I do," she pulled him in for a hug.

He stood on his toes to wrap his arms around her neck, raising his erection over the bed. She squeezed him tighter and he rubbed his hard on against the edge of the bed. A few more strokes and he squeezed her back, grunting as he started squirting into his pajamas pressed against the bed.

"but you're a teenager and teenagers don't sleep with their sisters," she rubbed his back and patted his rump, knocking out a final squirt, "now get your wiggly butt back to bed. If you have to use the bathroom, don't flush or you'll wake mom and dad." Leaning back, he smiled at her, thinking about what he just did. She kissed him on the cheek and he turned, trying to catch her lips, but she gave him her cheek, instead. Disappointed, he turned away quickly to hide the wet spot he could feel on the front of his pajamas and she swatted his rump again as he hurried to the door.

He stopped before opening it and looked back, her bush still peeking out from the bottom of her shirt, "Good night, Julie Ann."

"Good night, Brian," she parroted.

Julie Ann sighed and started to get up, but noticed the wet spot on the bed between her legs. Realizing that she was also wet, she felt relieved that Brian hadn't noticed, never imagining that he would even consider having a sexual thought about his sister. She snatched a towel from her desk and patted the spot drier, then cleaned herself. The feeling of the fabric brushing her sensitive flesh sent a wave of pleasure through her body and she lay back on the bed, just holding the towel between her legs and thinking of Don. Soon she began rubbing, then slipped a finger inside, trying to finish the job, but her thoughts of Don kept being interrupted by images of her little brother humping a young girl with curly brown hair. She angrily whispered at the ceiling, "Dammit, Brian."

She needed relief, so she tried to push her way through and focus on her rabbit, but the images of Brian prevailed and she was soon squirting into the towel, riding a strong orgasm as she imagined her brother filling the innocent girl with his young seed. She groaned as it subsided, "Help me Don, I need you so bad, but can't have you." She sighed and drifted off to sleep laying naked on top of her covers with a wet towel between her legs.