It's a tradition... (Illustrated)

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Hello!!! Another story up, this one also illustrated by talented Devoid-Kiss !!!! The last story she illustrated became the most read piece of the YEAR in the entire site, and that one only had two images. This one has three ^^ So let's break that record!!

Please, as always, do comment on the story. It makes me happy to see what you think of it. This one has a bit of a surprise after the first sex scene ;) I spent six months working on this baby, and I really hope you enjoy reading it.

Naturally, by reading this work of fiction you agree you are of legal age and are allowed to do so, that you won't attempt to recreate what will happen in the story, nor participate in any sort of legal action against me.


The young rodent sighed softly. The rental tux was making it hard to breathe, and the cramped space inside the limo wasn't helping him at all. And she was late, on top of that. He was sure she was brushing her hair, or fixing her dress, or something like that. She always did, never ever lost control of her looks... And therefore always looked stunning. Still, it wasn't useful to look stunning if they made it late...

"Where is she...?" He mumbled out to no one in particular. He grabbed his tail and began to nibble on it, something he used to do whenever he was nervous. Remembering what his mother had told him, he willed himself to stop; but just as he was winning said mental battle, the door in front of the house swung open. The first thing he noticed was that she looked positively stunning. Her hair flowed behind her like a golden veil, sparkling on the feeble light of her doorway. Her eyes were set on the limo, and she expertly maneuvered the stairs down onto the curb with her impressive heels. The boy, a minute too late, noticed he should be outside, helping her into the car. He flung open the door, almost knocking her off her feet in the process, and hastily grabbed her hand.

"Timothy, you little rascal... Thank you" she said politely. A mouse just like himself, the girl was dressed in a beautiful red dress that made her fur sparkle, literally the most beautiful thing the young boy had ever seen.

"Hey Amy... Come on, let's go..." He said with a healthy blush. After she found herself inside, he followed suit. The door closed and the two young high schoolers sat down as the limo took off towards the party.

"So, how's the tux?" Amy asked.

"I feel like a penguin... I wonder if penguins can show up for prom naked..." He said with a chuckle, which earned him a bump from the girl.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad... Besides, you look nice" she told the boy.

"I do? Gee, thanks... Y-you do too, I guess" he said. The poor mouse was so nervous his tail was coiling itself into a small bundle.

"Aww, thanks Tim Tim... I hear the school hired a pretty good band this year..." She said with a smile. She didn't seem too confident either.

"Yeah, something like that" he said. He really wanted to keep talking, but he had no idea how. They'd been extremely close since he could remember, Amy always by his side. It felt like this girl knew him better than he knew himself.

"Think the football team spiked the punch?" She asked with a giggle.

"I'm pretty certain, actually" he said as he looked a bit more closely at her. In the closed limousine, her fur's vanilla scent and the wafting of those delicious aromas that indicated she'd just showered were strong and focused, causing his nose to tingle a little bit in delight.

"Great... I could use some liquid courage tonight" she joked.

"Really? Is it tough going to prom with a hottie like me?" He teased the young mouse girl.

"Hah, you wish... Still, I can't believe you asked ME to prom... I wonder how everyone will react..." She said softly, scooting over so he'd be by her side, as he always was.

"Well, I'm not the first one to do so... I mean..." He said with a blush, looking at her. He felt like he knew that face by memory, the contours of her smile and the warmth of her breath as well...

"The first one to ask me out? No, Josh had asked me out... I said I'd think about it. And I never did tell him no." She said, noticing she'd left the other male hanging on her reply.

"Well, it's not like he doesn't deserve it... Did you hear what he did to Katherine Spiller?" He said. She quickly focused all her attention.

"Wait, I thought he and Kathy were over?" She said.

"They are. Tends to happen when you get caught sleeping with your girlfriend's mother" was Timothy's unimpressed reply, who was secretly glad that she hadn't said yes to the other male's proposal.

"That man-whore... And I'm pretty sure that he'll still find a date tonight. It's those abs, gods... How he flashes them casually in the locker room..." She said, twirling the tip of her tail around her fingers.

"Keep your underwear on, Amy" he teased her and nudged her. She laughed, evidently doing this just to play with her date.

"Hmmm, I'll try... Hey, we're here" she said with a soft laugh as she began to hear the music. She quickly inspected her dress and her hair, before doing the same for Timothy.

"You ready for this?" She asked him with a warm, helpful smile. Tim wasn't very popular in school, and showing up with Amy to the prom was sure to turn some heads.

"No... But let's go anyways" he said as he opened the door and got out, extending his hand so she could easily get out. The pair of slender, beautiful legs emerged from the limo, followed by the rest of her body as she looked around. She was used to turn heads around whenever she dressed up like that, but they were looking a bit more than normal.

"Come, let's get our picture taken" she said with a smile. Tim, who was evidently feeling the pressure now, objected softly.

"But we already have so many pictures together..." He said.

"Oh, come ooooon, it's our prom pic" she said, determined not to let the mood be spoiled by others. He reluctantly agreed, and both stepped into the booth. They were the same height, but she was wearing some impressively high heels, making the boy feel smaller than her. Still, she leaned forward a bit towards the camera to compensate, and both smiled as the flash went off, blinding them temporarily.

"Alright, that wasn't so bad. Come, let's go in" she said as she all but dragged the poor boy over.

"Alright alright, just wait before we both fall down..." He said as he caught up to her. They went into the building, where dance music was blasting out of speakers as the whole crowd danced to strobing lights.

"Looks fun!" She yelled so Tim could hear her.

"Yeah! Wanna... dance right now?" He asked her. She nodded and quickly went to the dance floor, followed closely by the boy. There wasn't any romantic dancing going on at that moment, only a wild rave-like dance. Tim wasn't very good at dancing, but he loved it nonetheless. Yet probably not as much as his date, who was the best at dancing and enjoyed it like nothing he'd ever seen her do. Guided by the powerful bass notes which caused the air in their lungs to reverberate, both began to dance. Even though no one was looking in a particular direction or anything, these two were looking at each other as they danced. It was extremely fun, but by the third song or something like that they were feeling quite tired. By using a combination of shouts and gestures, Tim managed to tell Amy that they should get a table. She nodded and they made their way out of that sea of elbows and tails.

"Where should we sit?" She asked with a smile.

"There?" He said, pointing to a small booth. It was nice, secluded, and had only two seats to it.

"Good find! I'll go there and you get us some punch?" She asked, to which he nodded and went to the drinks section. He quickly found the punch bowl, and judging by the shakiness of the furs pouring some more for themselves, it was definitely spiked. He grabbed two cups and promptly filled them, before walking towards the table.

"Thanks Tim" she said as she grabbed her cup and smiled with one of those cute gestures of her.

"Don't mention it. Be careful though, someone told me there was a lot of cheap vodka in there" he said as he took a sip himself. "Yeah, definitely spiked it a lot..." He said with a weird face. It wasn't his first encounter with alcohol by any means, but he couldn't get the taste of this one right. Amy was fidgeting around nervously, something making her uncomfortable. She needed some private time.

"Sure... Uuuuh, Tim? I have to go to the little girls' room. Be back in a few" she said. The girl walked out of the booth, heading straight for the bathrooms. They were surprisingly empty, except for a girl in the far end stall. She was crying, apparently.

"How could he do that, she's my mooom!!" Amy heard at one point, and didn't need much imagination to understand who it was. Shaking her head softly for herself, she went into a stall as far away from her as possible. There, she carefully moved her dress out of the way and pulled her panties down a little bit. She gasped softly as she felt the fabric stick to her sensitive lower lips.

"Ugh, great timing..." She said sarcastically. Grabbing some paper towels she began to clean up the sticky mess, making sure her panties were clean as well as her cunny. She didn't want to be smelling of girl in heat during prom, that might've been troublesome.

Once she felt the clean up process had been finished, she quickly pulled back her panties, making sure they weren't all bunched up or else the dance floor would turn Into a slippery death trap. She was about to go out when she heard a voice. A male voice.

"Kathy? I know you're here..." Came the voice. The girl opened up a crack the door of her stall, and found herself looking at Josh from her hiding spot.

"Josh?! What are you doing here, this is the ladies' bathroom!" Came the cry from Kathy. She still had tears in her cheeks as she came out of the stall.

"Look baby, I know what I did was wrong, but I just did it because your mom looked so much like you... And since I love you so much, I just pretended it was you anyways..." He said. Amy looked in disbelief. Either he was extremely drunk or the most stupid of men... Or maybe both.

"R-really? You l-love me?" She said as she came close to him. Amy just gasped as he went in and forcefully kissed her. Why was this girl allowing him to manipulate her like that?

"'Course I do, sweetiemuffin... And here we are, on prom night..." He said in his slurred, not romantic at all, way. She seemed to giggle or something, and Amy watched shocked as she began to move a paw under his belt.

"Hmmm... You naughty, naughty wolf... So that's why you're in the girl's bathroom, huh? Wanna get some of this teen cunny?" She asked. Amy couldn't stop looking, and she was this close to rubbing herself. The vixen grabbed his paw and used it to rub herself over the skin tight panties that barely covered her sex. Amy whimpered as she gave in and began to rub herself over the panties as well, her body hormonally craving attention. Still, her mind was on fire. What was this stupid girl doing?

"Awe yeah babe, that's what I'm talkin' bout..." The male said once the paw went under his briefs and began to massage his sheath and balls.

"Well, I have a tiny advice for you... My cute little boy..." She said as she leaned in as if to whisper.

"STICK TO OLDER WOMEN!" She screamed. Then he screamed even louder, so loud that Amy's ears rang. With her paw in his pants it wasn't necessary to guess exactly what she had squeezed. He quickly collapsed to the floor, the pain and the booze making him vomit all over the tiles.

"That's what you get... You fucking pervert..." She said as she pulled down his pants. He didn't stop her, the pain too great.

"Hah, I'm glad I didn't get to fuck you... Look at that tiny thing..." She said as she snapped several pictures on her cellphone. Amy was shivering, terrified and amazed at the same time. She could feel his pain, but then again, she also knew the asshole had it coming.

"Hope this teaches you a lesson, Josh... Oh, and if you ever talk to me again, or talk about this to anyone..." She said as she showed him the pictures of his naked form in the floor, complete with puke and his tiny cock. "These go online for the world to see. Have a great prom, Josh" she said as she delivered a swift kick to his stomach before heading for the door. She stopped on the way there, looking straight at where Amy was. She smelled the air a bit. Even through the smell of vomit, she could probably make the smell of arousal produced by Amy before they got all violent.

"Please don't tell anyone" she said simply. She waited for a reply. Amy said nothing.

"Thanks" she said and left, interpreting her silence for a yes. Amy let out a loud exhale, hidden by the groans of pain coming from the male. She looked at her fingers, again coated in slimy arousal. Cursing her needy body under her breath, she returned to clean herself again, and once that was done she left the bathroom, carefully stepping around the dried out puke.

"Where were you? I was getting worried" Tim said once Amy sat back down.

"Sorry, you know how bathroom lines are for the girls... Did anything interesting happen?" She asked. Tim pointed to the booth across from theirs. In there, Kathy and another boy were furiously making out.

"Guess she's over Josh..." He said with a snicker.

"I just hope they never cross paths again... For both their sakes" she said softly.

"What?" He asked, not hearing what she had said.

"I was just... Wondering if we would get to kiss someone on prom night" she said with a smile.

"Well, everyone else is doing it..." He said with a blush and looking away a bit.

"What? Here? In front of everyone?" She asked.

"Why not? I don't care what they think anymore..." He said valiantly. She looked around furtively.

"Alright, but make it quick" she said as she leaned in. He too, nervously, leaned in. There was a brief moment of hesitation, but the two mice ended up pressing their lips together anyways. It was sweet, delightful and short, both youngsters exhaling in pleasure as their lips brushed and pressed together.

"Gods... That was wrong" she said cutely with a blush once they pulled apart.

"Did it feel wrong?" He said, the boy happily licking his lips.

"No, that's why I think it's wrong... It should feel wrong, But it didn't..." She said softly, looking around. Apparently no one had noticed.

"Good point... Another one?" He asked. She didn't nod this time, she was already leaning forward to kiss him. This one was less furtive or clandestine, and much longer and softer than the first one. They simply basked in the feel of each other's soft, moist lips pressing together with no rush at all, no hurry or bigger motive.

"Mm... I think someone saw us..." She said cutely, blushing a bit. A couple of others were looking, evidently amazed a bit at that, but said absolutely nothing.

"Let them... I'm luckier than they are. I just kissed the prettiest girl in the whole party" he said with an even bigger blush.

"Aww, Tim Tim..." She said cutely and nuzzled him lovingly. They just stayed there, taking sips of highly spiked juice and glancing at each other with dilated pupils and evident blushes. About half an hour later, after some idle conversation between the teens, the party seemed to slowly wind down. The most drunk or horny amongst the teens were gone, and the music shifted to a romantic, slow swinging set of tunes.

"Share this piece, Amy?" He asked as he cutely got up and held out his hand for her.

"How can a girl refuse to something like that?" She said as she took his hand and began to walk besides him. By now a couple other people had seen their kisses and flirty looks, and looked at them with judging, but silent eyes. The two found themselves in the middle of the dance floor, and before long his hands were on her lower back as hers wrapped around her date's neck, and both began to sway nicely to the soft music. Their position made it obvious that they were into each other, and they got a couple furtive looks as they kept their noses close.

"Everyone is looking at us, Amy..." The young boy said with a slight tremble on his voice.

"Then let's give them something to look at..." She did before coming closer and kissing Timothy, twisting her head a little bit to the right. Their mouths instinctually opened and their tongues came out to explore, feeling each other doing just the same. Shivers danced down Timmy's spine as their tongues embraced, and the girl whimpered in his hands. They closed their eyes, not caring that it felt wrong, or that everyone was looking at them with weird, even slightly disgusted looks. It took a good minute for the couple to split their lip lock, and they looked deep into each other's eyes. Timothy knew that this was slowly spiraling out of control, but he wouldn't stop it for anything in the world.

"Wow... That was..." He said with a blush.

"Yeah. Everyone is staring at us now..." She added, her ears folding down a bit.

"Still, it's not the first time we've gotten teased... They're always going on about how we are so alike" he said. The crowd seemed to ignore them, or at least become more subtle with their observations. However, the sight of this specific couple of mice was something hard not to look at.

"Well, they're all jealous because they don't get to go home with such a cute little mouse like you" she said as she dug her nose in his neck fur, giving him the most romantic of nuzzles.

"Heh, I'm not even a seven if we analyze it... But I am going home with a ten, so..." He said lovingly, feeling the shivers run down his neck.

"Charming... This party is winding down, do you want to get out of here and... You know, do something? Maybe at your place?" She asked, the biggest blush he'd ever seen on her face.

"Wait, you don't mean...?" He asked, heart beating so hard it hurt his chest. This was the one barrier they hadn't spoken about before, but if she wanted to really...

"If... If you want to, that is..." She said, blushing and looking away as she felt that she had been rejected.

"I... I don't, I don't know... I mean, I want to, but..." He stammered cutely. She relaxed into his arms a little, pressing her body against his own.

"We already came this far... Besides, it's our prom night... It's tradition, isn't it?" She asked, trying to convince him through a mix of teasing words and the touch of her body as they swayed to the slow music.

"But... It's wrong... Or, I think it is, I don't really know what's wrong anymore" he said, the prospect of losing his virginity to Amy that night was... Tantalizing.

"You want it as much as I do, Timothy... Please...?" she said with her ears folded down and her eyes looking right at his.

"I... I do, damn... I can't say no to that face, you know that..." He said before pressing his lips on hers. This kiss was much more electric than the other ones, given that they now knew that it wasn't more than a prelude to something much more taboo.

"I love you, Tim Tim..." She said as they split up, panting slightly.

"I love you back, Amy... Regardless of what anyone may say about us. Shall we?" He said as she beamed a grin from ear to ear and nodded, extending her paw for him to lead her home.

"Sure, we shall... So, Tim Tim?" She asked with the look of someone about to make a joke. "Your place or mine?" She said with a giggle. He chuckled at her joke and helped her into the limo, before they took off into the night, leaving behind a very confused bunch of drunk, disgusted classmates.

The limo dropped them off in the driveway where Tim lived. After a generous tip he drove off, just in time to see the pair of mice kissing like they were trying to eat each other out. The pair had grown addicted to the feel of each other's lips and the playfulness of each other's tongue. Timmy fumbled with the keys to the house, being distracted by the girl that was trying to keep making out with him while he opened the door, getting in the way of the boy as she wanted more attention than the door. The male groaned in relief as the second key of the massive keychain opened the door, and they both stumbled in, the girl slamming the door without much regards to anything. The pair stumbled into the living room, the girl kissing him passionately and he returning said gesture. With their careless movements accentuated by alcohol and sexual tension, several objects clattered down unto the floor as they made their way to the stairs. She took his tux jacket off and he did the same with her small coat, both garments being left on the staircase without much regards to discretion. They were alone in the house, and there was no need for clandestine acts, or even silence.

"Let's do your room, Tim..." She said with an out of breath voice, her eyes speaking of immense love and even greater lust. It was no secret she craved for his body, and by the speed he dragged her into his small room, he craved hers in return.

"Are we seriously going to do this, Amy?" He asked nervously.

"I want it, I know I do... And if you do as well, I don't care that we aren't supposed to..." She said as she pushed him unto his own bed, pouncing him wildly before grabbing the belt and undoing the buckle on it.

"I want to as well, I... It's just, I never imagined it was going to be like this..." He said in shock as the mouse girl pulled his pants to his ankles.

"Do you want me to stop?" She asked as she grabbed his paw and rose the hem of her dress, before pressing the boy's palm against her moist panties, her hips lewdly grinding against him. The male simply moaned in reply, not wanting her to ever stop. He'd never felt one of those before. In fact, both these furry little beings were inexperienced when it came to mating, and the only reason the girl was so straightforward was because she was starting on her heat. She shivered like a kitten as his touch calmed down the itch she was feeling, and more so once she unceremoniously pulled her panties to the side and made him rub her directly. The first two rubs almost made her scream, her cunny over-sensitive and her lower lips plump and puffy.

"Oh gods, Tim... Right the-e-ere..." She went as she felt her whole body tremble and heat up.

"W-wait... Amy, are you... Are you in heat?" He asked her, not able to do anything except press his soft digits against those plump, feverishly warm folds of soft flesh.

"Mmm, I don't care, we'll just use condoms... Do...?" She began to ask, a specific urgency in her voice as she pulled his briefs. His penis, a nicely thick but still average meat rod, glistened with a slick covering of arousal, and it was at that moment that all doubts left her head. She wanted, no, needed that thing to make her a woman.

"First drawer" he said quickly, pointing to the nightstand. His mother had bought them for him a couple months back.

"Mmm, how nice of you to be prepared..." She teased him as she grabbed his member, making him gasp loudly.

"I... Never mind" he said as he focused on the feel of her hand rubbing along his length, as she tried to mentally map every ridge, every vein that covered his rodent penis.

"Come on, I need you now... Just lie back and let me..." She said in this voice that didn't sound like hers at all. After a couple seconds fumbling with the condom, making them both giggle some, she finally wrapped the plastic neatly over his length.

"Ah... Nice and snug... Are you ready for this, Tim Tim?" She asked, blue eyes full of love and affection.

"I want you too... Let's do this" he replied softly. She pulled her dress over her shoulders and got it off, showing her slender body in the dim moonlight of the room. Her breasts, well formed for a teen her age but not too big, were barely contained by a small bra, and her panties were wet and all shoved to the side, giving him a premium view of her moist and swollen cunny.

"I still have my... You know, so it's... Gonna... Be gentle with me" she said softly. He nodded, he knew what to expect thanks to countless nights of 'research'.

"Don't worry... Take it at your own pace" he told her with a reassuring smile. She shuffled closer to him and pinned his back to the bed, one hand grabbing the condom covered meat missile and pressing the tip on her lower lips. Both moaned as she began to have outercourse with him, rubbing the cock as much as possible, getting the bothersome but necessary plastic as lubricated with her juices as feasible. Even through the plastic, Timothy could feel her intense heat and softness, and she could feel his heartbeat making the rod twitch.

"Ready?" He said as she took the tip and lined it up, inserting a couple millimeters and feeling the slight tinges of pain. She bit her lip, looked at him and then leaned down to kiss her lover.

"As I'll ever be" she said before letting her body weight impale her, and shatter her innocence.

It happened too fast, both young furs losing their innocence in the course of a single heartbeat. For Timothy, it was a magnificent experience. Everything he had imagined, every bump and every contraction, every ridge and every squeeze and even her initial resistance; they were all there, but they felt a billion times better than he had imagined possible. Her sex felt constricting and yet soft and embracing, like a perfect cuddle around his twitching, covered cock.

On the other side of that condom, however, Amy was having some trouble.

"Ooooowwww.... Mmmmmm!" She went as she bit herself in pain. She hadn't expected it to be so... Specific. She expected a dull, throbbing ache but was greeted with this sharp, burning feeling of pain on her opening, and even some deep inside her. His cock was spreading her insides beyond the limits of what she thought was her inner elasticity. In other words...

"You're tearing me apart..." She whined out loudly. Timothy quickly pulled back. Any measure of how good he felt was not worth the pain she was in. The condom, stained in the red of her lost maidenhood, slid partially out of her pained tunnel with relative ease, even though it caused her even some more pain. The girl, out of pure instinct, noticed it hurt more when he pulled out and quickly put her hips down to pin him inside her.

"D-don't pull... F-fuck that stings..." She said between pitiful whines, a couple of tears running down her cheeks.

"O-okay, just relax, I think... I think this is normal..." He said nervously. The only thing preventing him from losing his erection was the way the pain made the girl's cunny squeeze and milk him.

"Gods... Fuck... Nobody said it hurt this much" she said, noticing with relief that although the pain was intense, it didn't seem to get worse at all. In fact, once the worst part was over, she could tell that the pain was decreasing in a steady, moderately fast rate.

"I-is it getting better?" He asked.

"Yes... Just gimme... Dammit, I should've gotten a towel..." She said, noticing that both his fur and the bed were stained in red.

"It's fine, don't worry about that... Here, just..." He said, leaning in and grabbing some tissues he kept pretty close by. She thanked him with a smile and began to clean off his fur first.

"I know why you keep these by your bed... Pervy boy" she teased him, knowing exactly what he cleaned up with them, and also noticing a bottle of hand lotion conveniently placed by the tissue box.

"Well, what am I supposed to do, use socks?" He told her with a giggle, evidently not minding getting caught. She blushed. She wasn't exactly surprised, but it was so fun to poke at him...

"Well... Not anymore, you aren't" she told him with a smile as she tried rising up and lowering herself again on him. The male moaned as he felt a suction trying to keep him in, and the erratic clenching of her strong muscles. She gasped too, as he left behind a feeling of emptiness she hadn't anticipated. Then, with a much softer movement than before, she thrust him up her love tunnel again, his tip fighting against the natural resistance of her inner flesh and winning with the aid of the lubricants her heat produced, spreading her insides until his tip pressed softly on her cervix. It hurt Amy a little, yet she didn't seem to mind much. The feel of being filled up like that; it felt so raw, so primal... And the feel of his twitches inside her sent tiny ripples of pleasure up her body, causing her to arch her back a bit and exhale in pure, erotic pleasure.

"Whoa... D-did it hurt?" He asked her quickly. She shook her head, lying so he wouldn't worry, before leaning down, close to his face.

"Now this, this is wrong..." She moaned into him as her hips, almost on autopilot, began to grind on him lewdly and passionately, making his neatly wrapped cock slide in and out of her like a piston.

"I didn't know wrong could feel so right... Or so good..." He replied, equally out of breath as he felt that warm embrace and soft clench around his shaft. She clawed at his shirt, trying to get it off. She partially succeeded, as two of his buttons went flying, exposing his chest.

"Hey, it's a rental!" He teased her with a cute, satisfied grin.

"It's already stained in blood, fuck it" she said as she dove those hands into his warm chest, her tail giving off wild lashes as the thick meat rod quenched her insatiable thirst, giving the mouse girl a delicious sense of accomplishment. Tim didn't reply, she was totally right. Besides, with how sexy her hips were moving, it was impossible to argue with her. She had pinpointed the exact movement needed to slide his length in and out of her cunt, and was now on a stable rhythm.

"Geez Amy... We should've done this before..." He told her as he moaned into their embrace, his hands sliding under her bra to clumsily grope at her breasts, squishing them and pressing them as if she was a musical instrument and her moans were the music.

"Dammit... You're right, I... I'm still glad we are doing it now..." She replied out of breath. Her cunny was producing a wide array of wet noises, as his cock and her natural fluids fought for the scarce space inside the nubile girl.

Timothy, having only some practice with his right hand, was not prepared to last as little as he did. He tried to think of dead kittens or zombies or other stuff, but to no avail. He didn't even grunt or say anything, he just came. His body tensed a bit and he used his hands to urge her into a faster bouncing rhythm, while his cock throbbed noticeably and began to spurt heavy, fertile strings of warm and sticky baby mice juice. The condom did it's job, and as expected it contained every single sperm cell within it. It inflated a tiny bit with the extra fluids that were on it, and Timothy let off the most pleasured, long sigh ever. She heard it and blushed, connecting his expression with the warm feeling coming from the condom. With a groan, she rode him a couple more times, going deep with him as instinct demanded, before stopping altogether with his covered, spurting cock buried in her.

"Haaaah..." She went as she took a much deserved rest. "You naughty naughty Tim... You didn't even warn your girl..." She told him as she leaned in to bite his neck lovingly.

"A-ah, sorry... Sorry, I didn't expect it to be so... Sorry" he said cutely and apologetically.

"Mmm, don't be... That was the most amazing first time a girl could ask for... Even if we're still clothed..." She said as she kissed him passionately, gazing into the face she knew so perfectly well.

"And even if it was with me?" He asked with a little blush as she got off him and carefully got the condom out without spilling its contents. The outside was covered in pinkish girl fluids, and the inside had a pretty decent puddle of white boy juice, the plug designed to seal her cunny after sex floating in the middle. She quickly tied a knot around it and wrapped it in some tissues before trashing it in the bathroom's waste bin. Her cunny stung a bit as she walked, but nothing she couldn't handle now.

"Nya..." She made as she returned and nuzzled his body, climbing on him like a cute little lemur before rolling them both so they could cuddle up, naughtily rubbing their spent, tingly genitals together as they giggled in naughty bliss. "Even if it was with you Tim... More than that..." She said as she traced a finger down his chest.

"Hm? What... What do you mean with more than that, Amy?" He asked with a yawn, both loving this naughty, post-defloration cuddle.

"What I mean is..." She said as she kissed him with tongue and all, a very specific type of kiss that wasn't as much sexual as it was romantic, before speaking again in a sultry whisper.

"That I enjoyed it specifically because it was with you... Brother" Amy said as she planted another kiss on her twin brother's lips.

The twins talked pleasantly for about half an hour, both immersed in this naughty cuddle, mostly naked and with their naughty bits rubbing together constantly. Amy did most of the talking, and Timmy would play to see if he could make her lose her focus by pressing his flaccid, sensitive cock against her red, swollen cunny. She held on... Mostly.

"So that's... *gasp* that's... Err... Aaah..." She went as she finally lost her train of thought. Tim laughed softly and stopped this mean grinding against her, knowing that the poor female had poor odds since she was in heat.

"Hehe, I win... I still can't believe Kathy would do that, she seemed to be so innocent, so peaceful..." He said so she could remember what she had been talking about before the grinding attack.

"Right, that..." She said, trying to discretely move closer to him since she had been enjoying his grindings. "But then again, Josh did deserve it, the bastard..." She said as she traced a playful finger over his chest fur.

"Yeah. I still feel bad for him, it must've hurt like hell... And you said that she took pictures of his cock to blackmail him into silence?" He asked her. Being a smart boy, he knew that his sister's movements were a silent plea for more rubbing, and discretely provided such a thing, his semi-hard member getting hotdogged lewdly between her plump outer lips.

"Mmmm... Yeah, and he should be afraid. He had a tiny cock, actually. Looked like a peanut" she laughed softly, biting her lower lip.

"Well, then you're lucky you didn't go with him to prom... You would've missed on this one right here..." He teased her as he pressed his tip on her opening. It was too flaccid to go in anyways, but the feel made the poor little mouse girl shiver, but push him away a bit. She didn't want to risk it, not without a condom during her heat.

"Moah... Well, I did get to ride my hung brother..." She said with this teasing, playful grin before her face turned into a more serious tone. "Do you think... This was wrong? Us, I mean..." She asked him.

"I don't know... It does have a certain... Forbidden feel." He said as he stopped that delightful grinding. "What would mom think of us?" He asked her. Their mother was away on business, as usual.

"I don't know either. But... But... But I know that it's best if we tell no one" she said as she clung to him. He embraced her back, her body stopping it's shivering once he was there.

"I agree... But I don't think it's wrong. Living with someone you love, seeing her every day and not saying a word... Now THAT is wrong" he said before he kissed her between the eyes, making her coo softly and close her eyes in a happy smile.

"Oh Tim Tim... You get so philosophical some times... I guess it's better than rolling over and lighting a cigarette..." She laughed softly at him as she gave him one of those rough, sibling squeezes.

"Ooof... You big meanie..." He said as he squeezed back, but gentler on her.

"Me? You're the one who asked your sister to prom... And then took her home and took her virginity..." She teased in a sultry, smooth voice.

"I recall you offering to go back to my place... Even though yours is literally the next bedroom over" he laughed lovingly.

"Hey, I'm a girl in heat, you can't trust me to be on a sane mind!" She playfully growled before pouncing him, pinning him down. "And guess what? Girls in heat? We go crazy for big, wet mouse cocks" she played with him, rubbing her swollen and moist lips all over his fur playfully before getting off him. This surprised the boy, he thought she was up for another round... But she wasn't moving.

"Is... Everything alright?" He asked her concerned.

"Yeah yeah... Just... I don't want to fuck you... Wait, that came out wrong" she said as his heart sank a bit. "Sorry, I mean... Can YOU be on top? I want to feel like you want me, not that my heat is making me do it to you..." She said softly. Her paws undid her bra and her breasts came to public view, but the attention was stolen from them as she did the same with her wet, bunched up panties. Timothy finally got a good look at his twin sister's naked body. Her curves seemed to melt together into a perfect shape, her fur pristine and perfectly kept. She quickly began to undo his shirt, noticing the rip she'd made on it earlier with a blush. But once she was done with that, and his pants were also off, both teens laid fully naked in each other's gaze. Timmy, who was the shy one of the pair, became a bit self-conscious with his nakedness, but Amy seemed to have the completely opposite reaction.

"So? Can we?" She asked cutely with a blush, ears flat and tail twitching in expectation. She slowly laid on her back, then leaned and grabbed yet another condom from the box, and put it between her lips like she'd seen on a movie, before spreading her legs to open up space for him. Timothy gasped softly as he saw his sister, the playful, innocent being he'd grown up with, presenting herself in such a lewdly sexual way to him. But there was no way he could say no to such an invitation. Determined to be just as playful as she was, he crawled in between her legs and pressed his body to hers, dragging it all over her belly as if they were two kittens rubbing into each other. His neck extended and he grabbed the condom in between his own teeth. She blushed and took the opportunity to kiss him, but as she leaned to do so something happened.

"Tim, stop..." She called at him. His tip, warm and covered in pre, had touched her opening. It was the first time their genitals touched without anything between them, and it had felt amazing.

"What?" He asked softly.

"Can we... Uh... How to say this..." She began. He looked puzzled and dropped the condom package. "Can we rub into each other a bit before putting on that pesky thing? J-just make sure you don't put it in me..." She said softly between little whimpers.

"Are you sure it's safe?" He asked softly, and she nodded. As long as they stuck to outercourse they'd be fine. He grabbed his cock with his right hand and began to rub its tip all over her folds, teasing her opening and her clit as she began to make vague, dry humping motions. A couple minutes into it they were locked in a steady rhythm, his bare penis hotdogged between her plump, swollen lips as it moved up and down, the tip brushing her clit slightly on each thrust. Both seemed to be in pure ecstasy, and would've done only that until they came, had it not been for Amy's heat. Every thrust he made made her feel dizzy and faint with electric tingles all over, but it also fueled the deep, powerful fire she had inside her cunny. Just as she thought she would cum, it became simply unbearable.

"T-Tim..." She whined. He stopped immediately, and as she pointed at the condom he quickly got the idea. In no time his cock was neatly wrapped once more with that pesky but necessary rubber, and he wasted no time in sinking inside her.

"Oh gods, Timothy... Ngh..." She made out. Without the pain in the way, his cock managed to make her shiver all around him. It was simply the perfect size, the twins fitting into each other like pieces of a puzzle.

"It's not hurting, is it?" He asked, concerned for her well being as always.

"N-no, not at all... Keep going, please..." She begged him. His hips took some time to adjust to this instinctual, but rarely performed exercise, before he could begin to piston into her. Her hands grabbed his butt, and her tail wrapped around her brother's leg as they tried to fuse their bodies together. Tim was groaning in pure sexual release, the velvety embrace of her fleshy walls massaging his cock in ways he didn't think possible. On the other side of the condom, Amy was getting into a pleasure rhythm herself. She craved for his thrusts, and her hips moved instinctually to meet his halfway, just so she could feel the rubbing inside her, and the soft nudge that pushed her cervix a bit back as he bumped it. They mated in silence, they'd said all they had to, and now all that remained was to enjoy this forbidden lovemaking.

Their bodies became one single, sweaty being as they mated. Her hands would squeeze his butt in every single thrust, inviting him to go deeper and faster, while he would often punctuate his humps with a tiny heave at the end, just to hear her squeal in delight. But Amy needed more. Her heat was in full swing now, and her body was craving something she wasn't really getting at the moment. Bad thoughts began to swirl on the little girl's head, her ears twitching as she bit her lip in pleasure and nervousness.

"Tim... W-would... Moah... Would you still love me if I did something wrong?" She asked him in this cute, puppy tone.

"H-huh? W-what do you mean, wrong?" He asked, slowing down on his thrusts a bit.

"Please... Just say yes..." She begged. He seemed to think for a second about what she meant, but came to the conclusion that virtually anything she could do wouldn't make him hate her.

"Always" he whispered into her ear. Her hands immediately grabbed his back and held him close to where she was, letting her whisper back.

"I love you... Whatever happens, don't stop..." She moaned out as he felt one of the hands leave his back, and go towards their coupling. He slowed down a bit just so she could do whatever she was thinking of in an easier fashion. He was expecting her to maybe rub herself a bit, or fondle him, but he was definitely not expecting her to grab the base ring of the condom and start pulling.

"Amy, what...?" He began. She shushed him silent.

"Just keep going, brother..." She reminded him. He kept thrusting as he felt her slowly pull on the condom, until only his tip was covered, all while he kept thrusting into her. His mind raced with thoughts on how wrong and dangerous this was. However, his heart did skip a beat as he pulled out of her for the faintest of seconds, and she used the opportunity to remove the condom. Then it all happened too fast.

"Oh gods..." She cried out, but was drowned by his moan as he sank his unprotected penis deep inside his twin sister. The feel of feverish girl flesh on pulsating boy skin was extreme beyond description. Amy, who had been feeling the constant rubbing of lubed plastic against her sensitive insides, now had a deliciously smooth, soft rod of flesh constantly spreading her open, and she made no effort to hide her pleasure. The condom, useless, ended up somewhere on the bed as the girl now focused on getting as much of that bare cock as she could. She could now feel every bump, every vein and every throb of his flesh inside her, and how his bare tip nudged and nestled on the middle of her cervical opening, tickling her and pleasuring her in places she didn't know she could be pleasured. Tim Tim was having just as much fun, his eyes closed in erotic bliss as he could feel the soft fleshy rubs that came with every thrust.

"Oh gods, Amy... We can't, we shouldn't..." He moaned out. He hadn't been able to last long the first time, and now that he was feeling sex the way it was intended to be felt he couldn't last much more. Already could he feel the tightness in his lower pelvis, and the burning of his muscles. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine sex could be such an extenuating physical activity.

"Just do me brother, don't worry about tomorrow and focus on the now..." She moaned out in encouragement. She could feel her own trembling pelvis and her twitching nose, clear indications that she was getting close... But he came first.

"Amy, I can't hold... I'm gonna pull out" he called out in grunts before pulling back as much as he could, only to find her surprisingly strong hands pulling him back in.

"Like hell you are... Cum for me brother... Cum in me..." She begged as she squeezed as hard as she could with her pelvis. That did it for the male, and his cock throbbed before spurting another load of very hot, creamy baby juice deep into his fertile sister. His orgasm was much more powerful this time, and he felt thicker, longer ropes fly out his tip. But who was really seeing stars was Amy.

"Oh gods, yes!" She whined out. She could feel every hot splash of cum inside her, painting her aching womb with this soothing cream, sating the primal thirst she'd had for the entire night in a way that nothing else ever could. She felt full, used... Bred. And it felt magnificent. As his cum began to coat her passage she felt so female, so receptive, she almost came from the feel alone.

"Amy!" He had been crying out in ecstasy. By the time they both regained their breath he had stopped spurting, but Amy still had her hands clamped on his back, making sure the boy didn't pull out just yet. Still, once she felt her womb full of his offering, she let him go. Instinct told him to pull out, and as he did so a small spurt of much thicker, stickier cum came out of his cock, forming a plug on her opening, in a pure rodent way of making sure every little bit of his cum stayed inside her to attempt to fertilize the egg. He collapsed on top of her, panting as he recovered from the orgasmic dizziness he was in. Amy hadn't finished properly, but in the peak of her heat the feel of her brother's forbidden seed sloshing inside her womb soothed her burning desire like she'd been splashed with a bucket of cold water. It was no big, messy orgasm, but it felt like she had finally scratched a very painful and bothersome itch.

"Haaaah... Alright, now THAT... That was so fucking wrong..." He made out, his face revealing that he was more than okay with it.

"Fuck, tell me about it... But still..." She said with big, dreamy eyes.

"It was worth it" he said softly. "By the way, sorry you didn't get to, you know..." He said, blushing softly as he felt a bit like he had underperformed.

"Oh Tim Tim... There's more to sex than cumming, especially for girls... I don't feel like I missed on much" she said with a loving smile, reassuring him.

"I still have to make it up to you though" he said as he scooted closer, before cuddling up with her in the most innocently naughty way possible.

"Ooh, Timothy... Is that you up for a third round?" She asked teasingly, knowing that it would be almost impossible to get it up before they fell asleep.

"I don't think so Amy... But I'll find a way" he said lovingly.

"Wanna hear a secret?" She asked him in a playful tone.

"Yeah!" He said enthusiastically.

"I've been watching you masturbate... All of last year" she said with a huge blush.

"Wait, all of it? Even...?" He began to ask.

"Yeah, even when you humped your teddy wolf" she said with a chuckle.

"Amyyyyyyy" he complained, blushing widely as she embarrassed him a bit.

"Don't be fuzzy, it was the cutest thing ever... I... I masturbated that night too, behind your door..." She admitted lovingly. He was shocked at both this admission of guilt and at how damn sexy it sounded, and the only thing he could do about it was to hug her tightly.

"And ever since, I've had this tiny fantasy..." She began, blushing and looking away. He knew he had to reassure her, that he had to make her feel safe in his arms, and he did so by giving her a cute little lick all over the face, like they did when they were very little.

"I've always wanted to... I've always wanted to wake up one day and feel your... Your fingers inside me..." She admitted and looked away.

"Amy, that's... The cutest thing I've heard in my life" he said, pulling a shy, blushy smile from the mouse girl. This encouraged her to keep speaking, and now with a bit less nervousness she whispered.

"It's just... I don't know. Waking up to you, pleasing me... Pretending I'm asleep so you'll keep doing it more and more... Until I can't hold on and I cry out as I cum... Then you look at me and say good morning like it's no big deal..." She said. All the while her tail was coiling up around her fingers in pure delight, the girl daydreaming.

"That's... So cute, actually..." He said as he held her close to himself. "I've got a confession as well... I... I've always wanted to go to sleep with my... My penis inside a girl" he said as he blushed even more.

"Awww... That's too cute to ignore... Tell you what, why don't you go to sleep. I'll make sure you relax... Can't use my cunny because of the plug, but..." she said as she slowly moved down on his body, until her wet cold nose was bumping on his twitching, flaccid tip. He gave off a gasp, and as she took a small exploratory lick he couldn't help but moan in delight, shuddering like a little cub. But when she very sweetly and lovingly took the whole thing into her mouth and started suckling softly, he went limp in the cutest way possible.

"Oh sis... Oh gods... You just earned the most special wake up call ever" he teased her playfully. She knew that she would wake up with his fingers deep inside her. And she shuddered as she thought about it.

"Mmmm, Tim... You mean you'll still be loving me when you wake up?" She said, taking a small break before returning to his cock. She wasn't blowing him or pleasing him, she was just lending it a warm, moist place to sleep in, which made the male relax beyond compare and feel very very sleepy.

"Always..." Was the only thing Tim could tell his sister before he dozed off.
