Another Pandemic - Part 2

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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Second part of a trade with Troubled on FA.

Another Pandemic -- Part 2

By Luther

"What do we do with him?" asked Sven. "He's obviously infected."

There was a long pause. Clinking chains, Greg grunting through his gag, and the wind were the only things breaking the silence. The latter of which was choking the final embers of the campfire with ash which left the moon as the only source of light around. Ross and Sven couldn't see very well but they were too afraid to light anything and possibly invite more danger nor were they planning on sticking around long enough for it to make a difference. The sun would rise soon and they didn't want to be here when that giant hyena monster returned. Its first attack already claimed one of them and they weren't about to hand over another.

"He'll be one of them soon," Ross piped up. "-and if you're really worried, we can check in on him from afar in the morning to make sure he won't starve or anything. We leave him for the others prowling around, they'll have enough sense to let him free when they find him, long after we're gone," said Ross. He placed the key to the lock on a nearby prominent stump. "They'll probably have some fun with him first but there's nothing we can do," said Ross.

Sven didn't look so convinced.

It wasn't easy to do. They had such a poor understanding of how the transformation worked and how it affected the mind of those it changed. Sooner or later they always seemed to devolve into sex-craving beasts which only served to spread the change to others. Yet they couldn't bring themselves to just kill him, even though he might later be freed to hunt them down at some point in the future. He would be a liability either way.

The skunk sighed in a way that clearly indicated he could think of no real alternative and thus agreed. The two of them silently began to pack up their stuff in the middle of the night, taking turns to keep watch and make sure the hyena wasn't about to come back.

They tried to keep Greg quiet without touching him. He was already growing, his thick dick springing free and leaking as it crawled upward, larger and larger. They saw a new thickness to the rest of him as well, as if to further confirm their suspicions. The mouse they knew never had such broad shoulders and his arms were developing so much as to draw the chain tighter, deform its shape and yet it seemed to trouble him none. The bigger he got while they packed, the more they began to worry for the chain and less for him trapped in it. Hell, at this rate it became unlikely that he'd need someone else to free him at all! They left while they could and hurried before he broke the steel. The mouse that was so little before was now bending and warping individual links which only served to excite him further and elicit muffled moans from beneath the rag across his mouth.

While the mouse's own lust stopped his protests and the gag stopped the needful noises those turned into, nothing they could do would halt the odd smell that was developing. It was a scent dripping in sex, emanating from Greg's crotch and precum slicked undershorts, and it was having an effect on them. From the moment they both caught a whiff of it they doubled their pace and had to stifle the bulge-straining excitement it tried to force on them. It made things more difficult to bear as they packed, rubbing up against the inside of their pants like that and as their blood raced to fill their raging members. Hope was all they had to shield them from being affected further by it.

They knew that victims retained their full awareness for some time yet he seemed to enjoy this plenty. Everyone was just a little different in how it affected them. Maybe he was into bondage before all this? It didn't matter to Ross or Sven, they were setting themselves to be gone and leave the musky mouse behind.

Some time later, maybe an hour or so, they came across a treeline leading into some nearby wooded area. They didn't know how deep it went nor did they plan on finding out. Supposedly, if they followed the line West, they'd reach a gas station or something out here in the boondocks. There was a good chance it hadn't been picked clean yet. Thankfully they could see now, the sun was coming up and filtering through the leaves. There wasn't a soul around as far as they could see which helped put Ross's mind at ease.

Sven, on the other hand, was experiencing a few issues of his own. About half an hour after leaving camp he had begun to feel the flush of arousal creep over him. This wasn't exactly new, three guys having travelled around for some time now. Guys get horny; it happens. However the timing was a bit worrying so he elected not only to say nothing about it but to try and hide it, hoping it would go away. It didn't.

The skunk walked with a hunch to hide his maddening erection, tucking it up against his belly and the waistband of his pants, tried to keep behind or in front of Ross to prevent the coyote from noticing. But every step they took echoed and pulsed up his leg to jostle his cock, slightly jabbing the leaking head of it into his stomach. Eventually Sven could stand no more. He had to do something about it and enacted a bit of deception, speaking up at length.

"Hey ugh . . . Ross, I need to take care of something. A bit of privacy?"

The coyote knew what that meant, nature calling and all. He nodded and climbed a nearby sharp natural embankment to put something between them yet remain in earshot. They had been travelling alongside a stream in hopes the sound of water would mask any that they made. It seemed the little creek would continue to be a convenience to them.

Time went by, but things looked pretty safe to Ross. Yet that was always in itself something to watch out for as it could always change in a great big hurry. More time passed, more than what should, and Sven hadn't returned yet.

"Hey Sven!" There was no answer to Ross's calls. "Are you alright, buddy?" Still there was nothing. Dangerous times removed certain luxuries and Ross brought it on himself to check on the skunk as he had no desire to risk his last companion. He drew closer and heard sounds of distress and whining, heavy shuffling and moving in the leaves, like the kind that might be made by some huge creature. Ross immediately thought of the hyena and moved quicker, crouching low as he safely could.

Ross found the true reason for the alarm. Sven was leaning up against a tree on the bank of the creek with one arm, completely nude. Loose tatters of his clothing hung around his frame as he had quite obviously outgrown them. The now monster-sized skunk standing there, at least two heads taller than the six-foot-something Sven he knew. His other arm was down below, grasping the rock-hard masculine appendage between his legs and pumping it feverishly while his overstuffed sac swung free and jostled with the repeating, self-pleasing motion.

Soon, the skunk's body shook, rump tightened up, huge muscles quivered as the skunk came. Great white arcs of it were angled into the water. Great, now the water downstream was now infected too. But that wasn't something Ross was really thinking of. No, the little Ross between his legs was flooding its owner with thoughts of sex and size. Just looking at how big Sven had gotten was making the coyote's cock unbearably hard. It seemed as though one's starting size might at least partially translate to how big one gets after transforming. He was huge, probably bigger than the hyena, and Ross's wistful thinking was fairly certain he wasn't done expanding.

But he had to keep quiet. Ross couldn't afford to be spotted by the distracted skunk. He knew Sven could probably wrestle him to the ground before this but now he stood no chance. Ross's nose bristled at a familiar smell, a familiar musk that poured in through his nostrils and caught him by surprise. He almost made some small noise of desire that might give away his presence but the fortunate coyote managed to contain himself. His aching, throbbing dick was another story, pushing up against the fly of his jeans. Thoughts of coming out from hiding entered his head and tugged him towards the skunk, thoughts that did not entirely feel like his own.

When did he get hard? Why could he not bring himself to look away and sneak off?

He didn't have to. As the skunk was finishing up, Ross saw him abruptly turn his head and sniff the air. At first he thought he had been discovered but when the Sven beast ran off through the woods in another direction, erect cock jumping along the way, Ross knew he was safe. He caught his breath and mentally chastised himself when he noticed his pants growing tight. It had been too long since he had proper sex and the sight of that huge cock, even so obscenely large for him, sent his mind to perverse places.

Ross had thoughts about Sven, he could admit that to himself. The guy was the beefiest skunk he'd ever seen. Hell, he was bulkier than most animals known for being such. But now? Now Sven was one of them and would likely gladly indulge Ross at the cost of himself. He wasn't quite ready to pay that and, like it or not, was alone for now.

And it was a forcible, oppressive, pervading isolation for the longest time. He wandered and wondered when the hyena might come back. He knew the hyena had never truly left him and knew that all those shadows at night were not just shadows, that the odd flash of tan color on the empty streets in the corners of this vision were the creature stalking him but not yet claiming him. Maybe he was lucky, maybe he was actually outpacing or outsmarting it? Maybe he was doing something right . . . or the hyena was just toying with him.

Another possibility began to slowly enter Ross's head. The hyena was just outwaiting him. Which each day, insistent erections came quicker and sooner, with shorter time between each. His own self-gratifying actions kept them at bay but were growing less effective. His ears lowered at the realization when he noticed his sheath one morning. It was wider, thicker, heavier, and denser with more flesh packed in there -at least when it wasn't jutting straight out, hard as iron and screaming for his attention. He looked down in defeat at the fact that his dick was bigger, something that would be more than welcome in most any other circumstance. But this meant he had lost. It meant that with every time he sated himself it became more and more difficult to call it a loss. Part of him noticed, part of him didn't care as time went on.

By that afternoon he was absolutely positively unable to resist his own urges. He had to stop somewhere . . . and that was it. It was over. He was caught at last in a small public park, sitting in the glow of an electric street light that still defiantly came on every night in some automated, private grid. Ross sat on a bench at its base and had successfully caked both his legs and the grass in front of him in his own cum. He was just bucking his hips through his fourth orgasm of the session. Maybe it was the fifth? The coyote lost count.

Yet he still had so much more cum, his balls were still so full and his cock refused to flag even the slightest. How long had he been there? It felt like he just sat down but, judging by the mess, he had been there a while. The sun was just going down and everything was some shade of yellow, orange, or red. A long and broad shadow slid across the path in front of him and his eyes darted to the side. It was the hyena, standing only a few meters from him, finally deciding to make himself known.

Ross barely noticed the hyena's presence until he was right on top of him. He stood no chance and both of them knew it. He could barely think straight anymore. That fact was one of the few clear thoughts that kept registering. He could feel his heart beating like a drum, edges of vision blurred, and at some point his tongue had slipped out and some cum had landed on it that he hadn't noticed until now. He heard the big beast move towards him in large, deliberate plodding steps. The hyena probably wore a grin on his face but Ross couldn't quite be bothered to look over yet. He had consigned. Everything was fuzzy, like being a little drunk but clearer, and if this was the worst as it got maybe it was worth trading for being able to survive so easily, for no longer having to run everywhere. Ross was so afraid that he would lose himself and be gone forever but yet . . . he still seemed like him -just a hell of a lot hornier. It was like being a teenager again but turned up to eleven.

His head lolled to the side and saw the overlarge figure of the hyena above him, arms crossed, though he didn't seem that much bigger anymore. Had Ross grown as well? Yes -he knew he was bigger and kept getting bigger but exhaustion and worry and constant movement made it hard to tell when he had nobody else around to compare himself to. He was grabbed yet the hyena's previously huge hands seemed closer to a normal size to him now. All doubt evaporated on the spot when he was put upright onto his feet and saw how he was only half a head- shorter than his pursuer. Somewhere along the way Ross had gotten taller. No, he had just recently started. A reaction to the hyena's presence? What the hyena was waiting for?

"Been following you all over the place, little 'yote. But you were easy enough to find!" A big and predatory smile revealed his rows of teeth as Ross took notice. The voice broke him out of the reverie and back to the cold reality of his situation. "You're gonna have to make it worth all that time!" he laughed.

Ross felt the hyena's paws pushing heavily down on his shoulders and knew what was going to happen. He knew it meant losing but he knew he had already lost some time ago. He could -not- deny the wishes of his dick any longer. He needed this. Like hell if it was a choice on any level. He sank to his knees, one at a time, and came face to face with the massive and dark brown sheath. Below that, a pair of orbs that drew taut the downward skin of their home with their size and weight. All he had to do was lean forward and he could bury his muzzle between them. Oh, how he wanted that!

But that seemed not to be the plan. Instead Ross fell backwards, was pushed backwards, landing on the soft grass with a thud that his heavily muscled back cushioned without issue. The coyote's fat, stiff cock bounced back and forth like a springboard. He was soon looking up, eyes wide open, as the hyena followed and placed himself firmly on the slowly growing coyote. Ross was pinned. The larger male was straddling him, rump on his chest and that lovely package staring him head on.

Something more was waking up in the coyote. Ross thought he was already hung, that his cock was done growing. He was wrong; he felt it surge upward in that supremely sublime tightness of more and more meat forming from nothing, making itself at home between his legs. The hyena seemed to be counting on that fact as he lifted himself up and positioned his ass right over the skyward pointing end of Ross's cock. The coyote was a little confused.

"You're gonna spread me wide and fill me up, 'yote. You understand that?"

He was dead serious. The hyena had been the biggest one around for the longest time and had become quite sick of always having to top, always having to feel like he only had the one option. For once, just for once, he wanted to take it. He wanted to be ploughed by a huge beast of his choosing.

And he chose Ross.

He carefully lowered himself. The coyote neither fought nor argued, wanting this as much as anyone else, but still wasn't sure how to react other than just being there to supply the monolithic cock that was now pressing its pre-soaked head between those cheeks, against the hyena's hole. He was still being used for sex but he sure as hell didn't mind it. He froze just a moment as he felt that tight end giving way, allowing him to enter. It was magnificent, a heightening of anything he had felt before, every inch he sank in was a mile on the road through blissful Elysian fields, but no matter how far he traveled he wanted more.

"Come on! Show me how you actually feel already! Just give in and fuck me!" the hyena scolded away hesitation and inaction.

He did. Ross the survivor couldn't work up the resolve or strength to do it. But Ross the beast certainly could. Something finally clicked in him, as cliched as that might sound, and he put himself into a new motion with a new and powerful motivator, no longer caring about the risk of doing the wrong thing. Up went his hips and in went his dick! He saw the hyena grit his teeth, heard him groan and swear as the whole of it entered him the first time. He was affecting him deeply in a very obvious way. It was almost amusing. He found a little purchase of power, a little control of his own that he took in his partner's moment of weakness and pulled out just long enough to catch the nearly pleading look in the hyena's eye before sliding back in again, leveraging what he could against the ground to thrust faster and faster.

He felt himself expanding, the weight on top of him became more and more bearable until it felt only natural. The coyote grabbed the hyena's hips to steady his rise and fall, the hyena leaned forward and grabbed onto Ross's shoulders in tandem. Back and forth they rocked. Every time the hyena came falling back down, he rolled forward and pushed that pair of fat nuts against Ross's chin, who took the occasional opportunistic sniff, muzzle aligned to one side or the other of the feline's big bouncing cock. The smell was deep and pungent, a scent that would have sent his tail twitching if he could rightly move it. It set his senses on fire, however, and turned him towards a warmth that pushed his awareness higher and higher. It got into his lungs and fueled him with new energy he had lost from running so much yet now he felt good as new, driven to a fervor by the lusty aromatic filling the air.

Here he was , ploughing the wonderfully tight ass of the creature who had been hounding him for so long with a face full of manhood in an extreme sense of the word. There were times when the hyena's hips pushed forward where Ross's snout was completely engulfed in warm, heavy, fuzzy balls. The coyote breathed in deep, glancing ahead and up when they pulled back again. There was a bulging shape underneath the hyena's abdominals the moved in rhythm with him and felt to be just where his enormous dick was.

"Holy shit- is that me?!" he cried aloud, nearly bereft of breath.

"That's right! You're a damn beast! Don't you dare stop!"

The coyote grunted his approval, agreement, affirmation of the sentiment. How big was he now, two feet? Three? Ross pounded upward as hard and fast as he could. New instincts formed new imperatives to fuck and he could only stumble over himself trying to carry them out. Every inch of his long, meaty, and still-growing shaft felt amazing buried deep inside the hyena -but it was never enough, every time he pulled was to slam back in, to feel it all over again. The coyote's hips were a blur, his melon-like balls were bouncing and jiggling, eager to cum and forcing him to mentally fight them in order to enjoy himself for just a little longer.

Emphasis on little. Ross shivered, hips bucked upward, his breath drew short for a second as control was taken away by his own body and he came hard. His nuts tightened so much he could barely feel them for short time as they emptied themselves into the big feline whose taut and muscled belly was swell outward with his volume. And Ross cumming was just enough to send the hyena tumbling over with him, the high-pressure sensation of being filled like a balloon shook him to the core. Ross had just the mere shadow of a moment to see the hyena's shaft level at him and bulge obscenely before being blasted full-on in the face with sticky, pearly white liquid heat. It hit him like a hose, he was surprised by the force behind it and nearly sputtered when he couldn't close his mouth fast enough. It covered his face, shoulders, neck and, combined with his own spunk, finished saturating him thoroughly. Despite nearly choking, he found it hot in its own way and his loins agreed and he found himself spasming uncontrollably in ecstasy as he pumped what felt like gallons upward.

There was one long contraction, one final, huge spurt from Ross before he at last stopped -or at least thought he stopped. It was hard to tell with so much sloshing going on. The two of them recovered for a moment, muscles aching just a little from riding and being ridden so hard, panting and sweating and heaving slightly together. The hyena slowly raised himself upward off of Ross, grunting as he did so, rolling off and leaking cum everywhere. The coyote wheezed both in relief and satisfaction as the stared wistfully upward, sighing happily.

The sky looked different. Everything felt different . Some far part of his mind told Ross that he'd be horny once more soon. Ross figured after they both caught their breath that his new friend would head off somewhere to find another . . . but they would surely meet up again. The coyote paused in thought. He felt the urge something similar, someone like he used to be. Hell, he only regretted that it didn't happen sooner.

Ross would go find some poor fellow and show them what they were missing.