A Tail of Romance and Friendship Book 1 chapter 1: memories of the past

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It was a new day... and the first day in a week I

would never forget... I was young when my life changed forever, but this day... is

one I could never forget.

I was only seven and I was sent to bed that night

without dinner. I had gotten upset with my father for making me work the grove,

a small orchard where we grew the Promanins. They are sweet like a peach and

tough like an apple and a fan favorite in the market, I hated working the

orchard keeping them clean and bug free.

I yelled at my father for it and I was sent to

bed starving. As a sneaky kitten I was then I snuck down the stairs to find the

ice book, mother usually kept the left overs in there to save them. As I got to

the bottom of the stairs I slowly tip-toed down the small hall and stuck my

snout around the corner. The room was dimly lit by the small amount of light

from the setting sun. With the window open I could smell the moist sweet farm

air from the rain fall we had early on in the day. A smell I miss to this day.

It was late so father was out in the orchard with

mother they would be until the first sun rays came over the mountain. I had

time. I slowly walked in to the kitchen and over to the island marking the

middle of the room and then the smell hit me. Moms fried beef she always knew

how to cook it just right, juicy sweet and tender with a hint of apple just the

way father and I loved it. I got on my tippy toes to look on the island and

there it was my mom's beef. I licked my lips in anticipation of the juicy meat.

I reached for it but my arms where too small to

reach it I frowned softly and put my ears back disappointed siting back on the

ground with a pout. My stomach growled and I put a paw and arm around my waist

and sighed softly. Still starving I stood up to head back to my room failing my

quest to satiate my hunger. Looking up I saw my mothers green stool against the

old oak wall. Walking slowly over to the stool eyeing it up I determining it

was of proper height to get me to the islands top. I wrapped my paw around it

as I pulled it over with a loud screech from the wooden stool against the

wooden floor boards. I winced at the high pitched sound and closed my eyes

waiting to be discovered out of bed. A minute or two had passed before I opened

my eyes and looked around, nothing.

It was odd for Shure to not get yelled at by now

I had thought, mother and father always to seem to hear everything that went on;

I swear they could hear a mouse in the orchard from the other side of the

property. I shrugged it off and thought nothing of it only really focused on

getting some food for myself. I climbed up on the stool and looked over the

counter to see the beef in a blue clay bowl and purred lightly as I used my

claws to pull myself up and I slowly crawled across the island top, siting

myself beside the bowl. I eyed it up for a moment before I stuck a paw in and

pulled out a hand full of the ground meat and shoved it quickly in to my open

maw eager to fill myself with the meat purring with depth from the still warm

meat and took to more handfuls before I felt full and slid down back on to the

chair landing softly on the floor and rubbed my belly. Purring happily I crept

back to the stairs, as I started up the stairs I heard a scream of much pain

and suffering it was coming from the orchard. My ears had shoot up from the

sound and I said to myself "Mom?"

"I remember I started to cry at this point. I

realize now that she could not hear me but I was young then so my mind was not

the best" I look to my best friend siting with me at the fire place. The orange

glowing embers giving her spotted feline face a light glow to it as a tear ran

down her face

"Dam it Razam is that why you're so upset today?"

she frowned as she looked up from the fire to my tear stained face

 I nodded

softly saying back "Ya... that was 11 years ago today" I look over my shoulder to

where my house once was now only ashes and memories. Looking back to her then

down at the fire and I said "They weren't the best parents but they never

deserved what happened to them..."

She looked to me and said "Razam don't tell if

you don't want to alright"

I nodded and teared up lightly as I remember the

blood spilt and the sight of the house engulfed in flames. I shook my head

eagerly trying to forget but unsuccessful I rest both my paws on my head saying

"I-I can't not right now... I-I can still smell the blood on the sweet Promanin

trees..." I started to cry softly this made me feel weak I was 19 and still cried

over something that happened when I was 7

Nar-I looked to me with a soft frown and scooted

over around the fire pit and wrapped an arm around me and said softly "It's

okay man your safe now whatever happened is over and in the past alright?"

I nodded in response not able to sum up the words

to thank her for her kindness she and her mom took me in after that happened I

lived with them both for a while then her mom had to go for a while after some

men in white armor came to the door on a crisp autumn night, but that was a

story for another time. After that Nar-I disappeared and I was left alone

again... she never liked to talk about it... I tried to ask her why she vanished

for 7 years then found in a forest just outside town. She would always say it

never happened when we both knew it did... but then again we all have our

secrets. After she came back she was soon followed by two others the one I have

still not seen and the other hands around the village... she never talks much

about them for reasons she again will not say... but that does not matter to me...

she is here and with me that's all I care about right now...I looked up to her

and she stood holding my paw saying "Alright lets go inside or we are going to

catch a cold" she joked trying to lighten the mood, it worked "hey I'm not

going to catch a cold with this pelt" I open my arms to look down at myself. I

was wearing a green t-shirt and thin fabric leggings my fur was almost all

black expect for a part of my snout, half my left ear and at the end of my tail

and paws.

She laughed saying "If you say so tippy too" with

a roll of her eyes she pulled me up the hill by my paw towards an oak cabin and

I laughed as I walked with her.

"hey I'm no tippy too any more Nar-I, have not

been that since we were 9" I laughed to her as she used my knick name and

smiled to me.

"Ya yay a whatever now hurry up slow poke I made

dinner before we came out side" she laughed as she ran inside letting go of my


I smiled and stopped as I looked over my shoulder

grabbing the cold mettle that was the door handle and I turn for just a moment

to look back down the hill. I saw the fire pit and then a little way down the

hill and then some was the village a quiet little town after that was the river

me and Nar-I used to race leaves before she left and then after that was a

large hill with an old oak tree on it I used to play my lute under that tree

before it broke. Then was the ancient forest Dun-wervnil the only forest home

to the Kamoray, it stretched for hundreds of miles in every direction. After

that was the mountain the blocked the light of the village, Mt. sofan and this

was my home where I lived my whole life.

I was snapped out of the moment when I heard

Nar-I call "Come on man I'm hungry"

I laughed at this comment as I walked inside the

warm building and joked "Well nice to meet you hungry have you seen Nar-I? If

you do tell her I'm waiting for her to eat"

She rolled her eyes saying as she walked back to

the table with a plate for us both "Ha ha ha so funny Razam you killing me over

here really I'm dying of laughter" she said practically drooling sarcasm.

I smirked saying "well sorry not all of us have

had years of being a comedian"

she rolled her eyes as she placed down two plates

of food with a small steak and rice saying having a seat a cross from me "Just

eat it or I will" she began to eat her dinner as I soon did the same happy to

have some food in me and as always she finished first at sat upright saying

under her breath "heh slow poke" I finished after and said "Ya so I like to

enjoy the meals you make that a bad thing?" she gave me a smirk in reply

standing to take our plates, "So how is work going?" I asked to start a

conversation "Its shit as always nothing new but any money is good money" she

sighed softly as she put the plates in wash tub "Razam..."

I looked down as I know what it meant when she

said my name like that she was about to say something that was going to make me

upset "Yes Nar-I?"


I sighed again as I turned to face my friend and

looked down "I'm leaving" I could feel the mood drop in the room as I said this

and I knew he would have questions that I could not answer and I was about to

hurt him again ... just like when I left last time

I heard him say to me with built up emotions

"h-how long..." I frowned and shook my head

"Forever... I have to go and I will not be coming

back... I leave in the morning"

 I could

tell he was about to cry as he stood up and said to me "Why... why are you

telling me this right now? I thought we were friends Nar-I" there he goes he

did it playing the friends card I sighed once more

"I was not allowed to tell you I'm risking a lot to

just say this..." I shook my head hating myself for saying this to him but better

now than never and I could hear him growl lightly and then bark out "How could

you just leave me again after all this just why Nar-I?!" he ran out the door

and slammed it behind him and I teared up lightly as I whisper "Because ill

hurt you if I don't..." he was gone and I'll never get to really say good bye to


I felt a shiver run down my spine and I said out

loud "It's alright Hun he is gone... why did I have to do that?"

A clocked figure stepped from the shadow in the

door from a dark fog coming off of him "Because he is blind to the world he

lives in you know as well as I its better this way"

I nodded back to him and said under my breath

"Better never meant easier"

He sighed as he took my warm paw in his cold

leather glove as his other wrapped around my wait holding me in to a loving

embrace "It never gets easy to deceit those you love Hun and you have a big

heart as it is"

I looked up to him under the cowl and in to his

deep violet feline eyes and gave his arm a light squeeze saying to comfort

myself in his arms "Thank you Hun but still... not fair to him" I look down as I

felt his hand rub my back.

"I know love" I felt him lift my chin and look

down in to my emerald eyes and felt his warm lips on mine as he kissed me

lovingly and I returned it with eager desire before he pulled back and said

softly "Well, let us go before he returns" I gave a light nod as I rest my head

on his chest and we both faded back in to the shadows like wind blowing thru

sand gone in to the night.

 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Fav watch and vote if you like it comments are always welcome ^^~N~May Renmora watch over you~K~Stay cool cats be a proud pups and always be brave bears ^^ have a nice night/day/evening/morning/... what ever ^^ bye-byeFrom the paws and pens of kNunar and Noah the writer and the puppet master