Highschool Crush

Story by paula on SoFurry

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Candace was a young 16 year old white hare with short soft fur. She had two long black pony tails that stopped just below her shoulders. She walked to school holding her books in her arms enjoying the warm sun as it warmed her fur. Her purple sweater hugged her large breasts which gently swayed as she walked. Her ripped blue jeans hugged her ass which also swayed with her stride. She might have only been a large C cup but she had an ass unlike any other. Her large black boots came hallway up to her knee. They didn't match her outfit but she loved boots and wore them nearly every day. From somewhere behind her she could hear a skateboard. She watched a cheetah with a green helmet riding a blue skateboard start to grind the fence next to her. She quickly took a large piece of chewing gum out of her mouth and placed in the center ontop of the railing of the fence next to her and slowed her pace. The skateboarder quickly grinded up to the point where she had placed her gum. His skateboard lost speed as it slid over the gum throwing him off balance. He lurched forward as the fence caught him between the legs. Candace smile as she heard a loud "crunch" and continued walking.

Candace was not exactly the innocent ray of sunshine she could easy appear to be. She was a sadist and enjoyed seeing others in pain, she enjoyed seeing boys in pain. She was very creative and often spent large portions of her time finding elaborate ways to make boys cry. She was the mysterious prankster that had filled the boys varsity football team's jockstraps with icyhot. She still had the videotape of the football team laying on the field with their hands between their legs in tears. She was also incredibly good at improvising on the spot.

After her short 10 minute walk she arrived at her highschool. She looked up at the five story complex building. her graduating class alone had 1200 students in it. The entire school had at least 6000 students. She walked through the crowded halls. Most of the students hated having so many peers. The student body had grown dramatically over the decades and the school was always crowded. Candace actually enjoyed this. It was very easy for someone like her to slip through the cracks. No one could really keep tabs on a single student in such a school. Her activities seldom went noticed. As she walked down the packed hall to her locker she noticed a cute panda bending over in her locker exposing her plump ass in the air. Her short skirt did little to hide her red lacy panties. Without losing her stride Candace quickly passed by her, barely pausing as she grabbed the girl's panties and jerked up as hard as she could before melting into the crowd. The panda shrieked as her panties slid up her ass painfully. She immediately turned to the first male behind her and thrust her knee into his testicles.

Candace watched smiling, just a few feet away. She especially enjoyed making others take part in her games. She giggled as the panda adjusted her panties while the unfortunate lion was reduced to a ball on the ground, clutching his bruised berries. "That was a good knee", Candace said to herself quietly as she walked to her locker. She set her books inside and grabbed her gym bag. Her first hour was Gym Class, a perfect environment for "accidents." Candace had changed into her gym clothes. Like all the other girls she wore a white t-shirt and blue short shorts. The uniforms were noted for complimenting most girls curves. Candace's t-shirt was pressed tightly against her C cup breasts which were held up by her sports bra. Her shorts hugged her curves complimenting her very large firm ass. There were other girls in the gym that might have had better features, but Candace could be considered a fine catch. The dodge balls were lined up in the middle of the gym as both sides stood against the walls. The class had been split in half, half of the boys on each side and half of the girls on each side.

Candace stretched her arms as a cute fox with blonde hair walked up to her. "Umm, hi, how's it going?"

She looked at him curiously. His hair was long enough to cover his eyes in the front. She didn't have many friends by choice. She was a loner and was more than happy. Those that knew her didn't mind her company but excepted the fact that she would always be the one to initiate contact. "What the hell do you want," she said as she stared him down.

He looked down at her feet scared by her eyes. She could easily change her expressions, and now she looked scary as hell. "um, it's nothing, never mind."

"spit it out you little pussy", she said, mildly annoyed.

"I just wanted to say I'm glad I'm on you're team."

"And why is that?"

"No reason." The fox said as he quickly walked off to the other side of his teams portion of the gym.

"That was weird." She thought to herself. The gym teacher blew the whistle initiation the start of the game. Candace being in good health was always one of the first ones to grab a ball from the center of the gym. She aimed her first shot carefully. With modest strength she threw the ball at large Ram on the other side of the gym striking him in the groin. The boys uniform was similar to the girls, a slightly larger white shirt and larger yet still small blue shorts. The shorts kept his balls in place as the dodgeball pinned them against his pelvic bone. He quickly dropped to the floor crawling off the side lines. "Yes, perfect hit.", Candace said congratulating herself. She quickly recovered another ball and finished off two large Elk in a similar fashion. In the chaos of 120 students playing a game of dodge ball it was impossible to keep track of the events. It wasn't uncommon for several of the guys to accidentally be hit in the groin. Who could honestly watch one rabbit target the boys while 119 other students surrounded her taking wild shots of their own.

Candace's next two shots missed. The cheetah she was aiming for was fast and easily avoided her shots as well as several others thrown her team mates. As he jumped to dodge a ball that came at from his left, Candace bounced her ball off the ground which caught him between his legs while he was in the air. He crashed to the ground holding his jewels in one hand while using the other to pull himself off of the court. "Hell yes." Candace said after dropping him. Enjoying her last "kill" she paused for a moment to watch him crawl away. Having stopped made her a stationary target. A large gorilla on the opposing side threw a ball straight at her head. Candace turned just in time to see it coming straight at her. The ball came within a foot of her head before a small fox jumped up and caught it. "Damn it!", the gorilla exclaimed as he walked off to the side with his other team mates that were out. The fox quickly melted into the other players as Candace watched the gorilla walk off. "was that that little pussy from earlier?", she thought to herself as she picked up another ball hurling into a squirrel's nuts a several feet in front of her.

An hour later the game ended. Candace's team won, again. It had been a good game, she prided herself on being able to eliminate 19 of the other team's players in the first round alone. 15 of which decided to spend the rest of the game on the bench nursing their wounds. She had set a new record by being able to make 6 of them vomit. She walked off to the showers listening to two of her victims talk to the gym teacher about a request for cups. "I'm sorry." The teacher said. "The school doesn't have the funding for more gym equipment."

Candace giggled to herself and began whistling. She loved budget cuts. As she walked the girl's shower room she noticed the a small fox walk under the bleachers. She followed him under the bleachers. He took a marker out from under one of the seats above him and began writing on the wall. She quietly crept up behind him. He was adding tallies onto the wall. She looked at the writing above the tally marks. "Candace's Groin Shots" it said, and had dozens and dozens and dozens of tallies beneath it. She counted the marks as the fox wrote them, 19 in all. "That's how many guys I took out today, she thought to herself. "What the hell is his all about."

She quickly grabbed the fox by the shoulders and spun him around. "what the hell are you doing?" she shouted at him.

He froze, dropping the marker as he stared into her eyes. She shoved him against the wall and shoved her knee with mild force into her groin holding it there as his eyes bulged. "I asked you a question." she said.

He coughed in pain as the it felt like the wind got knocked out of him. She gently forced her knee against his crotch as he squirmed in her arms. She had never actually gotten this close to someone while busting them. And she had never let anyone know it was her that was causing them the pain. Her nipples hardened and were easily visible through her bra. The fox whimpered as he tried to speak. "I...was keeping track...ow...of your shots."

"From dodgeball?"

"Yes." He said whimpering. She now lifted his body off the ground by his crotch with her knee. It was easy for her since even though she was only 5 foot 7 inches, the fox was still at least 3 or 4 inches shorter. "Why the hell would you do that?", she asked.

"I...admire...you", the fox said as tears began to drip down his face. His testicles were firmly stuck in place between the hard part of Candace's knee and his down pubic bone. His voice trembled as most of his weight was placed on his balls.

"You admire me? Do you mean you're enjoying this?", she inquired as she lowered him to the ground then quickly thrusted her knee into his groin lifting him off the ground once again.

He cried out in pain as more tears dripped down his face. Candace's nipples were starting to get very warm as well as her crotch. She could feel herself beginning to tingle. "no....ahhh....ow.. please stop." he pleaded.

She lowered her knee still keeping it against his balls but letting him stand on the tips of his toes. "What the hell do you admire?"

He had stopped crying. His balls still ached with a constant painful throb. He looked down at her large breasts, noticing her large nipples that poked through like coca cola caps. She could feel his dick starting to harden against her thigh. She smiled as she pressed her knee into it gently. He looked up into her eyes blushing. "You scare me," he said quickly looking at the wall next to him.

"You don't even know who I am." she said surprised by his comment.

"Yes I do." He replied quietly. I watched you all of last year, my freshman year of high school here. I'm a sophmore now. You're a Candace, you're one grade ahead of me. And you like to hurt boys balls."

She looked down at him and quickly rammed her knee into his groin with great force dropping him to his knees. "so what, you want me to be your girlfriend," she said in a mocking tone.

He quickly hunched over clutching his balls in both hands. She waited several minutes for him to respond. He finally gained the strength to look up at her. Tears ran down his cheeks as spoke. "I don't...have to be your...boyfriend." He whimpered. "I just...want..to make...you happy...to serve you."

"Ha, so you want to be my slave. That's cute." She leaned forward and gently held his face while she kissed him on lips. She slowly pulled back and looked into his eyes. "what's your name?"

"I'm...Oliver." he said almost in a whisper.

"Well Oliver" she said taking his hands in hers. "I'll think about your proposal." Having said that and having removed his hands from his groin she quickly stood up and kicked him in the groin as hard as she possibly could. Her foot smashed devastatingly into his unprotected groin slamming his body into the wall behind him. She then stood up and walked off to the showers leaving him unconscious under the bleachers.

Candace walked into the shower room afer her little experience under the bleachers. The showers were now empty as she stepped down and turned the hot water on. Her nipples were still hard as diamonds and she soon found that her pussy was surprisingly sensitive. Her left hand slowly traced circles over her left breast while her right hand slid down between her thighs. She whimpered softly as she delicately slipped a finger inside of herself. The thought of busting Oliver's delicate balls flooded her mind. She remembered the tears that had run down his face, his high voice as he cried out and begged her to stop.

She had quickly worked herself up pinching her left nipple while fingering her wet warm pussy. She began to moan as thought of holding him in her arms again, comforting him from the very pain she was causing. She began to quicken her pace as she thought of her final crushing blow, the well aimed kick straight into his unprotected testicles. Part of her hoped she had broken him, that he could no longer reproduce. This cruel thought caused her body to tense and her soft white fur stood on end as she sent herself over the edge moaning loudly in the empty locker room, panting. After catching her breath, Candace proceeded to finish her shower and change back into her clothes.

Candace left the locker room and walked back under the bleachers where she had left Oliver after he passed out. He was there, very much unconscious. She knelt down in front of him and pulled his blue gym shorts down. She gasped, mildly surprised at what she saw. He had a rather large sized cock for a small fox such as himself. She held his limp dick in her hand. It was soft, but it had to be at least 4 inches already and it had an impressively large girth, she wondered how big it got when he was excited. She then turned her attention to his testicles. They were enormous. She acknowledge that a portion of the size was probably thanks to her abuse earlier. But even if they weren't swollen they would still be very large. She giggled to herself and she held them, one in each hand. She could barely grasp them, they were so large. She gave them a gentle squeeze. As she did this Oliver's eyes fluttered slightly. Even though he had passed out from pain, it seemed that he could still feel pain.

She placed his package back into his tight blue gym shorts and stood up, gently placed her a large boot onto his groin, catching both of his large testicles underneath its treads. She slowly applied pressure watching Oliver's expression. His eyes began to flutter, his face twitched as his expression turned to a look of pain. She was surprised that even through the thick leather of the boot she could feel both of his testicles under her foot, almost as if she was barefoot. She smiled as she pressed down harder. Finally with loud gasp, Oliver's eyes opened as tears began to roll down them.

Oliver looked up to see Candace standing before him. She was an intimidating sight, several inches taller than him, with a large C cup body and an amazingly large ass, he would have been scared at the sight of her even if she wasn't standing on his family jewels. Maybe this was what attracted him to her, perhaps the reason he had secretly followed her actions over the past years. His eyes looked down at his own crotch focusing on the large boot planted firmly ontop of his balls, slowly crushing them against the gym floor. His gaze followed up her sexy legs in her tight blue jeans, up past her large tits and stopped at her eyes, gazing back down at him. Candace giggled out loud at the sight of the fear in his eyes. Unbeknown to Oliver he was shaking quite noticeably. Candace began to laugh as she saw his cock begin to stir in his pants. "He might, not now it, be he has a thing for fear and pain, or maybe just intimidating older women."

Candace smiled at Oliver while she stared deeply into his eyes. Oliver stared back in fear. "Please don't break them", he whimpered unable to break eye contact.

Candace pressed down a bit harder. "I'll do with them as I please, they belong to me now."

Oliver yelped. "aiiee..."

Candace removed her foot from his swollen testicles and knelt down in front of him, her large breasts a few inches from his face. "All of you belongs to me now", she said as she wrapped her hands around his head pulled his face into her warm bosom. She ran her hands through his hair as she held him. She could feel his warm breath against her breasts. He was already completely terrified of her, she had established that. However, he could be more fun than just that. Perhaps if she showed some signs of affection periodically it would encourage him to exactly as she instructed him to. It's easier to control someone when they never know if their efforts will be rewarded or punished.

She reached on hand down the front of his shorts while the other continued to play with his hair and occasionally playfully pinch his cute fox ears. She paused for a moment as she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock. "It's huge", she whispered to her self. "...at least 8 inches."

She gripped Oliver's meat and lifted her hand, then lowered. She continued to this every so slowly, working him up. She could feel him whimper as played with his cock. "You gave me an orgasm earlier, so I'll return the favor." Her warm fingers slowly ran up and down the length of his cock, working progressively faster. She could feel a small droplet of precum form on the tip of his dick. He wouldn't have much longer to go. Her pace had quickened, she was now jerking him off at a fast speed. His little body trembled as his warm breath warmed Candace's chest. As her paced sped up, so did his breathing. A small stream of precum was dripping down his cock as he moaned, muffled by Candace's tits.

Candace was now using her other hand to massage his bruised balls. She would playfully squeeze them periodically causing his cum stream to thicken. His balls began to tighten up against his body as she rub his cock as fast as she could. she opened her pulled his head from her chest and placed her mouth on the tip of his cock letting her lips envelop his head. She began to squeeze harder as her tongue traced circles around his tip, his small stream of cum flowing down her throat. Finally Oliver had had all he could take moaned loudly as his entire body shook. A powerful orgasm took over his body, Candace had been waiting for this. She took one testicle in each hand and squeezed with all her might. Oliver's scream of pleasure became mixed. Pleasure and pain became one single overwhelming feeling as his body convulsed. His large cock had opened up and was shooting loads of cum with great force. The fist volley caught Candace in the back of the throat nearly causing her to gag, the second brought tears to her eyes and she struggled to swallow both loads down, while maintaining her death grip on Oliver's baby makers. By the time the third jet of cum rushed out of his cock Candace had worked her self into a rhythm, breathing through her nose while swallowing his massive loads. She continued to choke down his seed, determined to squeeze out every drop. Her knuckles turned white and squeezed with every ounce of strength. The gym echoed with the loud violent spurts of Oliver's cock intune with the hungry gulps of Candace both which were nearly blocked out by Oliver's wails of pain and pleasure.

Candace managed to force Oliver to cum for 5 solid minutes. Her large breast jiggled every time she gulped down another wave of warm sticky, she had lost count of how many shots he'd managed to produce. Her stomach had actually expanded visible from the unbelievably enormous amount of cream she had consumed. Finally his rock hard cock began to go soft as the warm cum stopped flowing from his dick. She smiled and quickly swallowed what was left in her mouth as she licked her lips. She layed next to him pulling him close. He looked up at her over her large purple chest lumps. His eyes were glazed over in a sort of pained bliss. He had just been sucked completely dry and had no sense of where he was or what had just happened. She smiled as she let him rest his head against her breasts and ran her fingers through his fairly long blonde hair. "Your pain is my pleasure Oliver, and you're pain will also be your pleasure," she said smiling.

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